Number Theory
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Paper 1, Section I, 1I
commentState Euler's criterion.
Let be an odd prime. Show that every primitive root modulo is a quadratic non-residue modulo .
Let be a Fermat prime, that is, a prime of the form for some . By evaluating , or otherwise, show that every quadratic non-residue modulo is a primitive root modulo . Deduce that 3 is a primitive root modulo for every Fermat prime .
Paper 2, Section , I
commentDefine the Möbius function , and explain what it means for it to be multiplicative.
Show that for every positive integer
where is the Euler totient function.
Fix an integer . Use the Chinese remainder theorem to show that there are infinitely many positive integers for which
Paper 3, Section I, I
commentDefine the continued fraction expansion of , and show that this expansion terminates if and only if .
Define the convergents of the continued fraction expansion of , and show that for all ,
Deduce that if , then for all , at least one of
must hold.
[You may assume that lies strictly between and for all ]
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentState what it means for two binary quadratic forms to be equivalent, and define the class number .
Let be a positive integer, and let be a binary quadratic form. Show that properly represents if and only if is equivalent to a binary quadratic form
for some integers and .
Let be an integer such that or . Show that is properly represented by some binary quadratic form of discriminant if and only if is a square modulo .
Fix a positive integer . Show that is composite for some integer such that if and only if is a square modulo for some prime .
Deduce that if and only if is prime for all .
Paper 4, Section I, I
commentLet be a prime, and let for some positive integer .
Show that if a prime power divides for some , then .
Given a positive real , define , where is the von Mangoldt function, taking the value if for some prime and integer , and 0 otherwise. Show that
Deduce that for all integers .
Paper 4, Section II, I
comment(a) Let be an odd integer and an integer with . What does it mean to say that is a (Fermat) pseudoprime to base b?
Let be integers. Show that if is an odd composite integer dividing and satisfying , then is a pseudoprime to base .
(b) Fix . Let be an odd prime not dividing , and let
Use the conclusion of part (a) to show that is a pseudoprime to base . Deduce that there are infinitely many pseudoprimes to base .
(c) Let be integers, and let , where are distinct primes not dividing . For each , let . Show that is a pseudoprime to base if and only if for all , the order of modulo divides .
(d) By considering products of prime factors of and for primes , deduce that there are infinitely many pseudoprimes to base 2 with two prime factors.
[Hint: You may assume that for implies , and that for is not a power of 3.]
Paper 1, Section I, H
commentWhat does it mean to say that a positive definite binary quadratic form is reduced?
Find all reduced binary quadratic forms of discriminant .
Prove that if a prime is represented by , then or .
Paper 2, Section I,
commentLet .
For each integer , define the convergents of the continued fraction expansion of . Show that for all . Deduce that if and satisfy
then .
Compute the continued fraction expansion of . Hence or otherwise find a solution in positive integers and to the equation .
Paper 3, Section I,
commentLet be an odd integer and an integer with . What does it mean to say that is an Euler pseudoprime to base ?
Show that if is not an Euler pseudoprime to some base , then it is not an Euler pseudoprime to at least half the bases .
Show that if is odd and composite, then there exists an integer such that is not an Euler pseudoprime to base .
Paper 3, Section II, 11H
commentLet be an odd prime.
(i) Define the Legendre symbol , and show that when , then .
(ii) State and prove Gauss's lemma, and use it to evaluate . [You may assume Euler's criterion.]
(iii) Prove that
and deduce that
Hence or otherwise determine the number of pairs of consecutive integers such that and both and are quadratic residues .
Paper 4 , Section II, 11H
comment(a) What does it mean to say that a function is multiplicative? Show that if are both multiplicative, then so is , defined for all by
Show that if , where is the Möbius function, then , where 1 denotes the constant function 1 .
(b) Let denote the number of positive divisors of . Find such that , and deduce that is multiplicative. Hence or otherwise show that for all with ,
where is the Riemann zeta function.
(c) Fix . By considering suitable powers of the product of the first primes, show that
for infinitely many .
(d) Fix . Show that
where denotes the fact that is such that but . Deduce that there exists a positive constant depending only on such that for all
Paper 4, Section I, H
commentLet be a prime.
State and prove Lagrange's theorem on the number of solutions of a polynomial congruence modulo . Deduce that .
Let be a positive integer such that . Show that the congruence
has precisely solutions modulo .
Paper 1, Section I, I
comment(a) State and prove the Chinese remainder theorem.
(b) Let be an odd positive composite integer, and a positive integer with . What does it mean to say that is a Fermat pseudoprime to base b? Show that 35 is a Fermat pseudoprime to base if and only if is congruent to one of or .
Paper 2, Section I, I
commentDefine the Jacobi symbol , where and is odd and positive.
State and prove the Law of Quadratic Reciprocity for the Jacobi symbol. [You may use Quadratic Reciprocity for the Legendre symbol without proof but should state it clearly.]
Compute the Jacobi symbol .
Paper 3, Section I, I
commentLet be a positive definite binary quadratic form with integer coefficients. What does it mean to say that is reduced? Show that if is reduced and has discriminant , then and . Deduce that for fixed , there are only finitely many reduced of discriminant .
Find all reduced positive definite binary quadratic forms of discriminant .
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentLet be a prime.
(a) What does it mean to say that an integer is a primitive root ?
(b) Let be an integer with . Let
Show that . [Recall that by convention .]
(c) Let for some , and let . Show that for any or , and that
Hence show that there exist integers , not all divisible by , such that .
Paper 4, Section I, I
commentShow that the product
and the series
are both divergent.
Paper 4, Section II, I
comment(a) Let be positive integers, and a positive real number. Show that for every , if , then , where , are sequences of integers satisfying
Show that , and that lies between and .
(b) Show that if is the continued fraction expansion of a positive irrational , then as .
(c) Let the convergents of the continued fraction be . Using part (a) or otherwise, show that the -th and -th convergents of are and respectively.
(d) Show that if is a purely periodic continued fraction with convergents , then , where . Deduce that if is the other root of , then .
Paper 1, Section I, G
comment(a) State and prove the Chinese remainder theorem.
(b) An integer is squarefull if whenever is prime and , then . Show that there exist 1000 consecutive positive integers, none of which are squarefull.
Paper 2, Section I, G
commentDefine the Legendre symbol, and state Gauss's lemma. Show that if is an odd prime, then
Use the law of quadratic reciprocity to compute .
Paper 3, Section I, G
commentWhat is a multiplicative function? Show that if is a multiplicative function, then so is .
Define the Möbius function , and show that it is multiplicative. Deduce that
and that
What is if What is if
Paper 3, Section II, G
commentWhat does it mean to say that a positive definite binary quadratic form is reduced? What does it mean to say that two binary quadratic forms are equivalent? Show that every positive definite binary quadratic form is equivalent to some reduced form.
Show that the reduced positive definite binary quadratic forms of discriminant are and . Show also that a prime is represented by if and only if
Paper 4, Section I, G
commentShow that if a continued fraction is periodic, then it represents a quadratic irrational. What number is represented by the continued fraction ?
Compute the continued fraction expansion of . Hence or otherwise find a solution in positive integers to the equation .
Paper 4, Section II, G
comment(a) State and prove the Fermat-Euler theorem. Let be a prime and a positive integer. Show that holds for every integer if and only if .
(b) Let be an odd integer and be an integer with . What does it mean to say that is a Fermat pseudoprime to base ? What does it mean to say that is a Carmichael number?
Show that every Carmichael number is squarefree, and that if is squarefree, then is a Carmichael number if and only if for every prime divisor of . Deduce that a Carmichael number is a product of at least three primes.
(c) Let be a fixed odd prime. Show that there are only finitely many pairs of primes for which is a Carmichael number.
[You may assume throughout that is cyclic for every odd prime and every integer
Paper 1, Section , G
commentDefine the Legendre symbol .
State Gauss' lemma and use it to compute where is an odd prime.
Show that if is a power of 2 , and is a prime dividing , then .
Paper 2, Section I, G
commentState and prove Legendre's formula for . Use it to compute .
Paper 3, Section I, G
commentExplain what is meant by an Euler pseudoprime and a strong pseudoprime. Show that 65 is an Euler pseudoprime to the base if and only if . How many such bases are there? Show that the bases for which 65 is a strong pseudoprime do not form a subgroup of .
Paper 3, Section II, G
commentLet be a positive integer which is not a square. Assume that the continued fraction expansion of takes the form .
(a) Define the convergents , and show that and are coprime.
(b) The complete quotients may be written in the form , where and are rational numbers. Use the relation
to find formulae for and in terms of the 's and 's. Deduce that and are integers.
(c) Prove that Pell's equation has infinitely many solutions in integers and .
(d) Find integers and satisfying .
Paper 4, Section I, G
commentShow that, for a real number,
Hence prove that
where is a constant you should make explicit.
Paper 4, Section II, 10G
comment(a) State Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progression.
(b) Let be the discriminant of a binary quadratic form, and let be an odd prime. Show that is represented by some binary quadratic form of discriminant if and only if is soluble.
(c) Let and . Show that and each represent infinitely many primes. Are there any primes represented by both and ?
Paper 1, Section I, I
commentDefine the Riemann zeta function for . State and prove the alternative formula for as an Euler product. Hence or otherwise show that for .
Paper 2, Section I, I
commentDefine the Legendre symbol and the Jacobi symbol. Compute the Jacobi symbols and , stating clearly any properties of these symbols that you use.
Paper 3, Section I, I
commentShow that the exact power of a prime dividing is . By considering the prime factorisation of , show that
Setting , deduce that for sufficiently large
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentWhat does it mean for a positive definite binary quadratic form to be reduced?
Prove that every positive definite binary quadratic form is equivalent to a reduced form, and that there are only finitely many reduced forms with given discriminant.
State a criterion for a positive integer to be represented by a positive definite binary quadratic form with discriminant , and hence determine which primes are represented by .
Paper 4 , Section I, I
commentCompute the continued fraction expansion of , and use it to find two solutions to where and are positive integers.
Paper 4, Section II, 10I
comment(a) Define Euler's totient function and show that .
(b) State Lagrange's theorem concerning roots of polynomials mod .
(c) Let be a prime. Proving any results you need about primitive roots, show that has exactly roots.
(d) Show that if and are both primes then is a Fermat pseudoprime for precisely a third of all bases.
Paper 1, Section I, H
commentDefine the Legendre symbol . State and prove Euler's criterion, assuming if you wish the existence of primitive roots .
By considering the prime factors of for an odd integer, prove that there are infinitely many primes with .
Paper 2, Section I, H
commentDefine the Euler totient function and the Möbius function . Suppose and are functions defined on the natural numbers satisfying . State and prove a formula for in terms of . Find a relationship between and .
Define the Riemann zeta function . Find a Dirichlet series for valid for .
Paper 3, Section I, H
commentWhat does it mean to say that a positive definite binary quadratic form is reduced? Find the three smallest positive integers properly represented by each of the forms and . Show that every odd integer represented by some positive definite binary quadratic form with discriminant is represented by at least one of the forms and .
Paper 3, Section II, H
commentLet be a real number with continued fraction expansion . Define the convergents (by means of recurrence relations) and show that for we have
Show that
and deduce that as .
By computing a suitable continued fraction expansion, find solutions in positive integers and to each of the equations and .
Paper 4, Section I, H
commentShow that if is prime then must be a power of 2 . Now assuming is a power of 2 , show that if is a prime factor of then .
Explain the method of Fermat factorization, and use it to factor .
Paper 4, Section II, H
commentState the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
Let be an odd positive integer. Define the Jacobi symbol . Which of the following statements are true, and which are false? Give a proof or counterexample as appropriate.
(i) If then the congruence is soluble.
(ii) If is not a square then .
(iii) If is composite then there exists an integer a coprime to with
(iv) If is composite then there exists an integer coprime to with
Paper 1, Section I,
commentDefine what it means for a number to be a pseudoprime to the base .
Show that if there is a base to which is not a pseudoprime, then is a pseudoprime to at most half of all possible bases.
Let be an integer greater than 1 such that is composite. Show that is a pseudoprime to the base 2 .
Paper 2, Section I, F
commentShow that
Deduce that there are infinitely many primes.
Paper 3, Section I,
commentShow that the continued fraction for is .
Hence, or otherwise, find positive integers and that satisfy the equation
Are there integers and such that ?
Paper 3, Section II, F
commentState and prove Lagrange's theorem about polynomial congruences modulo a prime.
Define the Euler totient function .
Let be a prime and let be a positive divisor of . Show that there are exactly elements of with order
Deduce that is cyclic.
Let be a primitive root modulo . Show that must be a primitive root modulo .
Let be a primitive root modulo . Must it be a primitive root modulo ? Give a proof or a counterexample.
Paper 4, Section I, F
commentState the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
Find all solutions to the simultaneous congruences
A positive integer is said to be square-free if it is the product of distinct primes. Show that there are 100 consecutive numbers that are not square-free.
Paper 4, Section II, F
commentDefine the Legendre and Jacobi symbols.
State the law of quadratic reciprocity for the Legendre symbol.
State the law of quadratic reciprocity for the Jacobi symbol, and deduce it from the corresponding result for the Legendre symbol.
Let be a prime with . Prove that the sum of the quadratic residues in the set is equal to the sum of the quadratic non-residues in this set.
For which primes is 7 a quadratic residue?
Paper 1, Section I, I
commentState and prove Gauss's Lemma for the Legendre symbol . For which odd primes is 2 a quadratic residue modulo Justify your answer.
Paper 2, Section I, I
commentDefine Euler's totient function , and show that . Hence or otherwise prove that for any prime the multiplicative group is cyclic.
Paper 3, Section I, I
commentState the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
A composite number is defined to be a Carmichael number if whenever . Show that a composite is Carmichael if and only if is square-free and divides for all prime factors of . [You may assume that, for an odd prime and an integer, is a cyclic group.]
Show that if with all three factors prime, then is Carmichael.
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentDefine equivalence of binary quadratic forms and show that equivalent forms have the same discriminant.
Show that an integer is properly represented by a binary quadratic form of discriminant if and only if is soluble in integers. Which primes are represented by a form of discriminant ?
What does it mean for a positive definite form to be reduced? Find all reduced forms of discriminant . For each member of your list find the primes less than 100 represented by the form.
Paper 4, Section I, I
commentLet with . Define the Riemann zeta function for . Show that for ,
where the product is taken over all primes. Deduce that there are infinitely many primes.
Paper 4, Section II, I
comment(i) What is meant by the continued fraction expansion of a real number ? Suppose that has continued fraction . Define the convergents to and give the recurrence relations satisfied by the and . Show that the convergents do indeed converge to .
[You need not justify the basic order properties of finite continued fractions.]
(ii) Find two solutions in strictly positive integers to each of the equations
Paper 1, Section I, I
commentShow that the continued fraction for is .
Hence, or otherwise, find a solution to the equation in positive integers and . Write down an expression for another solution.
Paper 2, Section I, I
commentDefine the Legendre symbol and the Jacobi symbol.
State the law of quadratic reciprocity for the Jacobi symbol.
Compute the value of the Jacobi symbol , stating clearly any results you use.
Paper 3 , Section II, I
commentLet be an odd prime. Prove that the multiplicative groups are cyclic for . [You may assume that the multiplicative group is cyclic.]
Find an integer which generates for all , justifying your answer.
Paper 3, Section I, I
commentDefine the discriminant of the binary quadratic form .
Assuming that this form is positive definite, define what it means for to be reduced.
Show that there are precisely two reduced positive definite binary quadratic forms of discriminant .
Paper 4, Section I, I
commentDefine what it means for the composite natural number to be a pseudoprime to the base .
Find the number of bases (less than 21) to which 21 is a pseudoprime. [You may, if you wish, assume the Chinese Remainder Theorem.]
Paper 4, Section II, I
commentLet be a function, where denotes the (positive) natural numbers.
Define what it means for to be a multiplicative function.
Prove that if is a multiplicative function, then the function defined by
is also multiplicative.
Define the Möbius function . Is multiplicative? Briefly justify your answer.
for all positive integers .
Define the Riemann zeta function for complex numbers with .
Prove that if is a complex number with , then
Paper 1, Section I, I
commentProve that, under the action of , every positive definite binary quadratic form of discriminant , with integer coefficients, is equivalent to
Paper 2, Section I, I
comment(i) Find a primitive root modulo
(ii) Let be a prime of the form for some integer . Prove that every quadratic non-residue modulo is a primitive root modulo .
Paper 3, Section I, I
comment(i) State Lagrange's Theorem, and prove that, if is an odd prime,
(ii) Still assuming is an odd prime, prove that
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentLet be the Riemann zeta function, and put with .
(i) If , prove that
where the product is taken over all primes .
(ii) Assuming that, for , we have
prove that has an analytic continuation to the half plane .
Paper 4, Section , I
comment(i) Prove that there are infinitely many primes.
(ii) Prove that arbitrarily large gaps can occur between consecutive primes.
Paper 4, Section II, I
comment(i) Prove the law of reciprocity for the Jacobi symbol. You may assume the law of reciprocity for the Legendre symbol.
(ii) Let be an odd positive integer which is not a square. Prove that there exists an odd prime with .
Paper 1, Section I, G
comment(i) Let be an integer . Define the addition and multiplication on the set of congruence classes modulo .
(ii) Let an integer have expansion to the base 10 given by . Prove that 11 divides if and only if is divisible by 11 .
Paper 2, Section I, G
commentLet be an odd prime number. If is an integer prime to , define .
(i) Prove that defines a homomorphism from to the group . What is the value of
(ii) If , prove that .
Paper 3, Section I, G
comment(i) Let and be positive integers, such that is not a perfect square. If , show that every solution of the equation
in positive integers comes from some convergent of the continued fraction of .
(ii) Find a solution in positive integers of
Paper 3, Section II, G
commentState precisely the Miller-Rabin primality test.
(i) Let be a prime , and define
Prove that is a composite odd integer, and that is a pseudo-prime to the base 2 .
(ii) Let be an odd integer greater than 1 such that is a pseudo-prime to the base 2 . Prove that is always a strong pseudo-prime to the base 2 .
Paper 4, Section I, G
commentLet be a prime number, and put
Prove that has exact order modulo for all , and deduce that must be divisible by a prime with . By making a suitable choice of , prove that there are infinitely many primes with .
Paper 4, Section II, G
commentLet be the set of all positive definite binary quadratic forms with integer coefficients. Define the action of the group on , and prove that equivalent forms under this action have the same discriminant.
Find necessary and sufficient conditions for an odd positive integer , prime to 35 , to be properly represented by at least one of the two forms
Paper 1, Section I, G
commentState the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
Determine all integers satisfying the congruences ,
Paper 2, Section ,
commentState the law of quadratic reciprocity for the Jacobi symbol , where are odd positive integers, and prove this law using the reciprocity law for the Legendre symbol.
Compute the Jacobi symbol .
Paper 3, Section I, G
commentFor any integer , define , where the sum is taken over all primes . Put . By studying the integer
where is an integer, prove that
Deduce that
for all .
Paper 3, Section II, G
commentLet be an odd prime. Prove that there is an equal number of quadratic residues and non-residues in the set .
If is an integer prime to , let be an integer such that . Prove that
and deduce that
Paper 4, Section I, G
commentLet denote the set of all positive definite binary quadratic forms, with integer coefficients, and having discriminant . Let be the group of all matrices with integer entries and determinant 1. Prove that is infinite, but that all elements of are equivalent under the action of the group
Paper 4, Section II, G
commentLet , where and are real, and for let
Prove that has no zeros in the half plane . Show also that for ,
where denotes the Möbius function. Assuming that has an analytic continuation to the half plane , show that if , with , and then is at most a simple zero of .
commentDefine the continued fraction of a real number .
Compute the continued fraction of .
commentWhat does it mean for a positive definite quadratic form with integer coefficients to be reduced?
Show that there are precisely three reduced forms of this type with discriminant equal to .
Which odd primes are properly represented by some positive definite binary quadratic form (with integer coefficients) of discriminant ?
commentProve that, for all , we have
[You may assume that, for ,
commentState the reciprocity law for the Jacobi symbol.
Let be an odd integer , which is not a square. Prove that there exists a positive integer such that and
Prove further that there exist infinitely many prime numbers such that
commentLet be an odd prime number. Assuming that the multiplicative group of is cyclic, prove that the multiplicative group of units of is cyclic for all .
Find an integer such that its residue class in generates the multiplicative group of units for all .
commentLet be an integer, which is not a square, and let be the convergents to . Prove that
Explain briefly how this result can be used to generate a factor base , and a set of -numbers which may lead to a factorization of .
commentDetermine the continued fraction of . Deduce two pairs of solutions in positive integers of the equation
commentState the prime number theorem, and Bertrand's postulate.
Let be a finite set of prime numbers, and write for the number of positive integers no larger than , all of whose prime factors belong to . Prove that
where denotes the number of elements in . Deduce that, if is a strictly positive integer, we have
commentLet be an odd prime number. Prove that 2 is a quadratic residue modulo when . Deduce that, if is a prime number strictly greater than 3 with such that is also a prime number, then is necessarily composite. Why does the argument break down for ?
commentState the Chinese remainder theorem. Let be an odd positive integer. If is divisible by the square of a prime number , prove that there exists an integer such that but .
Define the Jacobi symbol
for any non-zero integer . Give a numerical example to show that
does not imply in general that is a square modulo . State and prove the law of quadratic reciprocity for the Jacobi symbol.
[You may assume the law of quadratic reciprocity for the Legendre symbol.]
Assume now that is divisible by the square of a prime number. Prove that there exists an integer with such that the congruence
does not hold. Show further that this congruence fails to hold for at least half of all relatively prime residue classes modulo .
commentProve Legendre's formula relating and for any positive real number . Use this formula to compute .
Let be a prime number, and let be a polynomial with integer coefficients, whose leading coefficient is not divisible by . Prove that the congruence
has at most solutions, where is the degree of .
Deduce that all coefficients of the polynomial