Part II, 2019
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Paper 1, Section II, F
comment(a) Let be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0 . Consider the algebraic variety defined over by the polynomials
(i) the irreducible components of ,
(ii) the tangent space at each point of ,
(iii) for each irreducible component, the smooth points of that component, and
(iv) the dimensions of the irreducible components.
(b) Let be a finite extension of fields, and . Identify with over and show that
is the complement in of the vanishing set of some polynomial. [You need not show that is non-empty. You may assume that if and only if form a basis of over .]
Paper 2, Section II, F
comment(a) Let be a commutative algebra over a field , and a -linear homomorphism. Define , the derivations of centered in , and define the tangent space in terms of this.
Show directly from your definition that if is not a zero divisor and , then the natural map is an isomorphism.
(b) Suppose is an algebraically closed field and for . Let
Find a surjective map . Justify your answer.
Paper 3, Section II, F
commentLet be the curve defined by the equation over the complex numbers , and let be its closure.
(a) Show is smooth.
(b) Determine the ramification points of the defined by
Using this, determine the Euler characteristic and genus of , stating clearly any theorems that you are using.
(c) Let . Compute for all , and determine a basis for
Paper 4, Section II, F
comment(a) Let be a smooth projective plane curve, defined by a homogeneous polynomial of degree over the complex numbers .
(i) Define the divisor , where is a hyperplane in not contained in , and prove that it has degree .
(ii) Give (without proof) an expression for the degree of in terms of .
(iii) Show that does not have genus 2 .
(b) Let be a smooth projective curve of genus over the complex numbers . For let
there is no with , and for all
(i) Define , for a divisor .
(ii) Show that for all ,
(iii) Show that has exactly elements. [Hint: What happens for large ?]
(iv) Now suppose that has genus 2 . Show that or .
[In this question denotes the set of positive integers.]
Paper 1, Section II, F
commentIn this question, and are path-connected, locally simply connected spaces.
(a) Let be a continuous map, and a path-connected covering space of . State and prove a uniqueness statement for lifts of to .
(b) Let be a covering map. A covering transformation of is a homeomorphism such that . For each integer , give an example of a space and an -sheeted covering map such that the only covering transformation of is the identity map. Justify your answer. [Hint: Take to be a wedge of two circles.]
(c) Is there a space and a 2-sheeted covering map for which the only covering transformation of is the identity? Justify your answer briefly.
Paper 2, Section II, F
commentLet and . Let be the natural inclusion maps. Consider the space ; that is,
where is the smallest equivalence relation such that for all .
(a) Prove that is homeomorphic to the 3 -sphere .
[Hint: It may help to think of as contained in .]
(b) Identify as a quotient of the square in the usual way. Let be the circle in given by the equation is illustrated in the figure below.
Compute a presentation for , where is the complement of in , and deduce that is non-abelian.
Paper 3, Section II, F
commentLet be a simplicial complex, and a subcomplex. As usual, denotes the group of -chains of , and denotes the group of -chains of .
(a) Let
for each integer . Prove that the boundary map of descends to give the structure of a chain complex.
(b) The homology groups of relative to , denoted by , are defined to be the homology groups of the chain complex . Prove that there is a long exact sequence that relates the homology groups of relative to to the homology groups of and the homology groups of .
(c) Let be the closed -dimensional disc, and be the -dimensional sphere. Exhibit simplicial complexes and subcomplexes such that in such a way that is identified with .
(d) Compute the relative homology groups , for all integers and where and are as in (c).
Paper 4, Section II, F
commentState the Lefschetz fixed point theorem.
Let be an integer, and a choice of base point. Define a space
where is discrete and is the smallest equivalence relation such that for all . Let be a homeomorphism without fixed points. Use the Lefschetz fixed point theorem to prove the following facts.
(i) If then is divisible by 3 .
(ii) If then is even.
Paper 1, Section II, H
comment(a) Consider the topology on the natural numbers induced by the standard topology on . Prove it is the discrete topology; i.e. is the power set of .
(b) Describe the corresponding Borel sets on and prove that any function or is measurable.
(c) Using Lebesgue integration theory, define for a function and then for . State any condition needed for the sum of the latter series to be defined. What is a simple function in this setting, and which simple functions have finite sum?
(d) State and prove the Beppo Levi theorem (also known as the monotone convergence theorem).
(e) Consider such that for any , the function is non-decreasing. Prove that
Show that this need not be the case if we drop the hypothesis that is nondecreasing, even if all the relevant limits exist.
Paper 3, Section II, H
comment(a) Prove that in a finite-dimensional normed vector space the weak and strong topologies coincide.
(b) Prove that in a normed vector space , a weakly convergent sequence is bounded. [Any form of the Banach-Steinhaus theorem may be used, as long as you state it clearly.]
(c) Let be the space of real-valued absolutely summable sequences. Suppose is a weakly convergent sequence in which does not converge strongly. Show there is a constant and a sequence in which satisfies and for all .
With as above, show there is some and a subsequence of with for all . Deduce that every weakly convergent sequence in is strongly convergent.
[Hint: Define so that for , where the sequence of integers should be defined inductively along with
(d) Is the conclusion of part (c) still true if we replace by
Paper 4, Section II, H
comment(a) Let be a real Hilbert space and let be a bilinear map. If is continuous prove that there is an such that for all . [You may use any form of the Banach-Steinhaus theorem as long as you state it clearly.]
(b) Now suppose that defined as above is bilinear and continuous, and assume also that it is coercive: i.e. there is a such that for all . Prove that for any , there exists a unique such that for all .
[Hint: show that there is a bounded invertible linear operator with bounded inverse so that for all . You may use any form of the Riesz representation theorem as long as you state it clearly.]
(c) Define the Sobolev space , where is open and bounded.
(d) Suppose and with , where is the Euclidean norm on . Consider the Dirichlet problem
Using the result of part (b), prove there is a unique weak solution .
(e) Now assume that is the open unit disk in and is a smooth function on . Sketch how you would solve the following variant:
[Hint: Reduce to the result of part (d).]
Paper 1, Section II, B
commentA particle of mass and charge moving in a uniform magnetic field and electric field is described by the Hamiltonian
where is the canonical momentum.
[ In the following you may use without proof any results concerning the spectrum of the harmonic oscillator as long as they are stated clearly.]
(a) Let . Choose a gauge which preserves translational symmetry in the direction. Determine the spectrum of the system, restricted to states with . The system is further restricted to lie in a rectangle of area , with sides of length and parallel to the - and -axes respectively. Assuming periodic boundary conditions in the -direction, estimate the degeneracy of each Landau level.
(b) Consider the introduction of an additional electric field . Choosing a suitable gauge (with the same choice of vector potential as in part (a)), write down the resulting Hamiltonian. Find the energy spectrum for a particle on again restricted to states with .
Define the group velocity of the electron and show that its -component is given by .
When the system is further restricted to a rectangle of area as above, show that the previous degeneracy of the Landau levels is lifted and determine the resulting energy gap between the ground-state and the first excited state.
Paper 2, Section II, B
commentGive an account of the variational principle for establishing an upper bound on the ground state energy of a Hamiltonian .
A particle of mass moves in one dimension and experiences the potential with an integer. Use a variational argument to prove the virial theorem,
where denotes the expectation value in the true ground state. Deduce that there is no normalisable ground state for .
For the case , use the ansatz to find an estimate for the energy of the ground state.
Paper 3, Section II, B
commentA Hamiltonian is invariant under the discrete translational symmetry of a Bravais lattice . This means that there exists a unitary translation operator such that for all . State and prove Bloch's theorem for .
Consider the two-dimensional Bravais lattice defined by the basis vectors
Find basis vectors and for the reciprocal lattice. Sketch the Brillouin zone. Explain why the Brillouin zone has only two physically distinct corners. Show that the positions of these corners may be taken to be and .
The dynamics of a single electron moving on the lattice is described by a tightbinding model with Hamiltonian
where and are real parameters. What is the energy spectrum as a function of the wave vector in the Brillouin zone? How does the energy vary along the boundary of the Brillouin zone between and ? What is the width of the band?
In a real material, each site of the lattice contains an atom with a certain valency. Explain how the conducting properties of the material depend on the valency.
Suppose now that there is a second band, with minimum . For what values of and the valency is the material an insulator?
Paper 4, Section II, B
comment(a) A classical beam of particles scatters off a spherically symmetric potential . Draw a diagram to illustrate the differential cross-section , and use this to derive an expression for in terms of the impact parameter and the scattering angle .
A quantum beam of particles of mass and momentum is incident along the -axis and scatters off a spherically symmetric potential . Write down the asymptotic form of the wavefunction in terms of the scattering amplitude . By considering the probability current , derive an expression for the differential cross-section in terms of .
(b) The solution of the radial Schrödinger equation for a particle of mass and wave number moving in a spherically symmetric potential has the asymptotic form
valid for , where and are constants and denotes the th Legendre polynomial. Define the S-matrix element and the corresponding phase shift for the partial wave of angular momentum , in terms of and . Define also the scattering length for the potential .
Outside some core region, , the Schrödinger equation for some such potential is solved by the s-wave (i.e. ) wavefunction with,
where is a constant. Extract the S-matrix element , the phase shift and the scattering length . Deduce that the potential has a bound state of zero angular momentum and compute its energy. Give the form of the (un-normalised) bound state wavefunction in the region .
Paper 1, Section II, K
commentLet be a countable set, and let be a Markov transition matrix with for all . Let be a discrete-time Markov chain on the state space with transition matrix .
The continuous-time process is constructed as follows. Let be independent, identically distributed random variables having the exponential distribution with mean 1. Let be a function on such that for all and some constant . Let for . Let and for . Finally, let for .
(a) Explain briefly why is a continuous-time Markov chain on , and write down its generator in terms of and the vector .
(b) What does it mean to say that the chain is irreducible? What does it mean to say a state is (i) recurrent and (ii) positive recurrent?
(c) Show that
(i) is irreducible if and only if is irreducible;
(ii) is recurrent if and only if is recurrent.
(d) Suppose is irreducible and positive recurrent with invariant distribution . Express the invariant distribution of in terms of and .
Paper 2, Section II, K
commentLet be a Markov chain on the non-negative integers with generator given by
for a given collection of positive numbers .
(a) State the transition matrix of the jump chain of .
(b) Why is not reversible?
(c) Prove that is transient if and only if .
(d) Assume that . Derive a necessary and sufficient condition on the parameters for to be explosive.
(e) Derive a necessary and sufficient condition on the parameters for the existence of an invariant measure for .
[You may use any general results from the course concerning Markov chains and pure birth processes so long as they are clearly stated.]
Paper 3, Section II, K
comment(a) What does it mean to say that a continuous-time Markov chain ) with state space is reversible in equilibrium? State the detailed balance equations, and show that any probability distribution on satisfying them is invariant for the chain.
(b) Customers arrive in a shop in the manner of a Poisson process with rate . There are servers, and capacity for up to people waiting for service. Any customer arriving when the shop is full (in that the total number of customers present is ) is not admitted and never returns. Service times are exponentially distributed with parameter , and they are independent of one another and of the arrivals process. Describe the number of customers in the shop at time as a Markov chain.
Calculate the invariant distribution of , and explain why is the unique invariant distribution. Show that is reversible in equilibrium.
[Any general result from the course may be used without proof, but must be stated clearly.]
Paper 4, Section II, K
comment(a) Let be such that is finite for any bounded measurable set . State the properties which define a (non-homogeneous) Poisson process on with intensity function .
(b) Let be a Poisson process on with intensity function , and let be a given function. Give a clear statement of the necessary conditions on the pair subject to which is a Poisson process on . When these conditions hold, express the mean measure of in terms of and .
(c) Let be a homogeneous Poisson process on with constant intensity 1 , and let be given by . Show that is a homogeneous Poisson process on with constant intensity .
Let be an increasing sequence of positive random variables such that the points of are Show that has density function
Paper 2, Section II, A
comment(a) Define formally what it means for a real valued function to have an asymptotic expansion about , given by
Use this definition to prove the following properties.
(i) If both and have asymptotic expansions about , then also has an asymptotic expansion about
(ii) If has an asymptotic expansion about and is integrable, then
(b) Obtain, with justification, the first three terms in the asymptotic expansion as of the complementary error function, , defined as
Paper 3, Section II, A
comment(a) State Watson's lemma for the case when all the functions and variables involved are real, and use it to calculate the asymptotic approximation as for the integral , where
(b) The Bessel function of the first kind of order has integral representation
where is the Gamma function, and is in general a complex variable. The complex version of Watson's lemma is obtained by replacing with the complex variable , and is valid for and , for some such that . Use this version to derive an asymptotic expansion for as . For what values of is this approximation valid?
[Hint: You may find the substitution useful.]
Paper 4, Section II, A
commentConsider, for small , the equation
Assume that has bounded solutions with two turning points where and .
(a) Use the WKB approximation to derive the relationship
[You may quote without proof any standard results or formulae from WKB theory.]
(b) In suitable units, the radial Schrödinger equation for a spherically symmetric potential given by , for constant , can be recast in the standard form as:
where and is a small parameter.
Use result to show that the energies of the bound states (i.e are approximated by the expression:
[You may use the result
Paper 1, Section I, H
comment(a) State the pumping lemma for context-free languages (CFLs).
(b) Which of the following are CFLs? Justify your answers.
(i) , where is the reverse of the word .
(ii) is a prime .
(iii) and .
(c) Let and be CFLs. Show that the concatenation is also a CFL.
Paper 1, Section II, H
commentLet be a deterministic finite-state automaton (DFA). Define what it means for two states of to be equivalent. Define the minimal DFA for .
Let be a DFA with no inaccessible states, and suppose that is another DFA on the same alphabet as and for which . Show that has at least as many states as . [You may use results from the course as long as you state them clearly.]
Construct a minimal DFA (that is, one with the smallest possible number of states) over the alphabet which accepts precisely the set of binary numbers which are multiples of 7. You may have leading zeros in your inputs (e.g.: 00101). Prove that your DFA is minimal by finding a distinguishing word for each pair of states.
Paper 2, Section I, H
comment(a) Define a recursive set and a recursively enumerable (r.e.) set. Prove that is recursive if and only if both and are r.e. sets.
(b) Let for some fixed and some fixed register machine code . Show that for some fixed register machine code . Hence show that is an r.e. set.
(c) Show that the function defined below is primitive recursive.
[Any use of Church's thesis in your answers should be explicitly stated. In this question denotes the set of non-negative integers.]
Paper 3, Section I,
comment(a) Define what it means for a context-free grammar (CFG) to be in Chomsky normal form (CNF). Can a CFG in CNF ever define a language containing ? If denotes the result of converting an arbitrary CFG into one in CNF, state the relationship between and .
(b) Let be a CFG in CNF. Give an algorithm that, on input of any word on the terminals of , decides if or not. Explain why your algorithm works.
(c) Convert the following CFG into a grammar in CNF:
Does in this case? Justify your answer.
Paper 3, Section II, 12H
comment(a) State the theorem and the recursion theorem.
(b) State and prove Rice's theorem.
(c) Show that if is partial recursive, then there is some such that
(d) Show there exists some such that has exactly elements.
(e) Given , is it possible to compute whether or not the number of elements of is a (finite) perfect square? Justify your answer.
[In this question denotes the set of non-negative integers. Any use of Church's thesis in your answers should be explicitly stated.]
Paper 4, Section I,
comment(a) Which of the following are regular languages? Justify your answers.
(i) .
(ii) contains an odd number of 's and an even number of 's .
(iii) contains no more than 7 consecutive 0 's .
(b) Consider the language over alphabet defined via
Show that satisfies the pumping lemma for regular languages but is not a regular language itself.
Paper 1, Section I, E
comment(a) A mechanical system with degrees of freedom has the Lagrangian , where are the generalized coordinates and .
Suppose that is invariant under the continuous symmetry transformation , where is a real parameter and . State and prove Noether's theorem for this system.
(b) A particle of mass moves in a conservative force field with potential energy , where is the position vector in three-dimensional space.
Let be cylindrical polar coordinates. is said to have helical symmetry if it is of the form
for some constant . Show that a particle moving in a potential with helical symmetry has a conserved quantity that is a linear combination of angular and linear momenta.
Paper 2, Section I, E
comment(a) State Hamilton's equations for a system with degrees of freedom and Hamilto, where are canonical phase-space variables.
(b) Define the Poisson bracket of two functions and .
(c) State the canonical commutation relations of the variables and .
(d) Show that the time-evolution of any function is given by
(e) Show further that the Poisson bracket of any two conserved quantities is also a conserved quantity.
[You may assume the Jacobi identity,
Paper 2, Section II, E
commentThe Lagrangian of a particle of mass and charge moving in an electromagnetic field described by scalar and vector potentials and is
where is the position vector of the particle and .
(a) Show that Lagrange's equations are equivalent to the equation of motion
are the electric and magnetic fields.
(b) Show that the related Hamiltonian is
where . Obtain Hamilton's equations for this system.
(c) Verify that the electric and magnetic fields remain unchanged if the scalar and vector potentials are transformed according to
where is a scalar field. Show that the transformed Lagrangian differs from by the total time-derivative of a certain quantity. Why does this leave the form of Lagrange's equations invariant? Show that the transformed Hamiltonian and phase-space variables are related to and by a canonical transformation.
[Hint: In standard notation, the canonical transformation associated with the type-2 generating function is given by
Paper 3, Section I, E
commentA simple harmonic oscillator of mass and spring constant has the equation of motion
(a) Describe the orbits of the system in phase space. State how the action of the oscillator is related to a geometrical property of the orbits in phase space. Derive the action-angle variables and give the form of the Hamiltonian of the oscillator in action-angle variables.
(b) Suppose now that the spring constant varies in time. Under what conditions does the theory of adiabatic invariance apply? Assuming that these conditions hold, identify an adiabatic invariant and determine how the energy and amplitude of the oscillator vary with in this approximation.
Paper 4, Section I, E
comment(a) The angular momentum of a rigid body about its centre of mass is conserved.
Derive Euler's equations,
explaining the meaning of the quantities appearing in the equations.
(b) Show that there are two independent conserved quantities that are quadratic functions of , and give a physical interpretation of them.
(c) Derive a linear approximation to Euler's equations that applies when and . Use this to determine the stability of rotation about each of the three principal axes of an asymmetric top.
Paper 4, Section II, E
comment(a) Explain what is meant by a Lagrange top. You may assume that such a top has the Lagrangian
in terms of the Euler angles . State the meaning of the quantities and appearing in this expression.
Explain why the quantity
is conserved, and give two other independent integrals of motion.
Show that steady precession, with a constant value of , is possible if
(b) A rigid body of mass is of uniform density and its surface is defined by
where is a positive constant and are Cartesian coordinates in the body frame.
Calculate the values of and for this symmetric top, when it rotates about the sharp point at the origin of this coordinate system.
Paper 1, Section I, G
commentLet and be discrete random variables taking finitely many values. Define the conditional entropy . Suppose is another discrete random variable taking values in a finite alphabet, and prove that
[You may use the equality and the inequality
State and prove Fano's inequality.
Paper 1, Section II, G
commentWhat does it mean to say that is a binary linear code of length , rank and minimum distance ? Let be such a code.
(a) Prove that .
Let be a codeword with exactly non-zero digits.
(b) Prove that puncturing on the non-zero digits of produces a code of length and minimum distance for some .
(c) Deduce that .
Paper 2, Section I, G
commentDefine the binary Hamming code of length for . Define a perfect code. Show that a binary Hamming code is perfect.
What is the weight of the dual code of a binary Hamming code when
Paper 2, Section II, G
commentDescribe the Huffman coding scheme and prove that Huffman codes are optimal.
Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers.
(i) Given messages with probabilities a Huffman coding will assign a unique set of word lengths.
(ii) An optimal code must be Huffman.
(iii) Suppose the words of a Huffman code have word lengths . Then
[Throughout this question you may assume that a decipherable code with prescribed word lengths exists if and only if there is a prefix-free code with the same word lengths.]
Paper 3, Section I, G
commentWhat does it mean to transmit reliably at rate through a binary symmetric channel with error probability ?
Assuming Shannon's second coding theorem (also known as Shannon's noisy coding theorem), compute the supremum of all possible reliable transmission rates of a BSC. Describe qualitatively the behaviour of the capacity as varies. Your answer should address the following cases,
(i) is small,
(ii) ,
(iii) .
Paper 4, Section I,
comment(a) Describe Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Why is it believed to be a secure system?
(b) Consider the following authentication procedure. Alice chooses public key for the Rabin-Williams cryptosystem. To be sure we are in communication with Alice we send her a 'random item' . On receiving , Alice proceeds to decode using her knowledge of the factorisation of and finds a square root of . She returns to us and we check . Is this authentication procedure secure? Justify your answer.
Paper 1, Section I, B
comment[You may work in units of the speed of light, so that .]
By considering a spherical distribution of matter with total mass and radius and an infinitesimal mass located somewhere on its surface, derive the Friedmann equation describing the evolution of the scale factor appearing in the relation for a spatially-flat FLRW spacetime.
Consider now a spatially-flat, contracting universe filled by a single component with energy density , which evolves with time as . Solve the Friedmann equation for with .
Paper 1, Section II, 15B
comment[You may work in units of the speed of light, so that .]
Consider a spatially-flat FLRW universe with a single, canonical, homogeneous scalar field with a potential . Recall the Friedmann equation and the Raychaudhuri equation (also known as the acceleration equation)
(a) Assuming , derive the equations of motion for , i.e.
(b) Assuming the special case , find , for some initial value in the slow-roll approximation, i.e. assuming that and .
(c) The number of efoldings is defined by . Using the chain rule, express first in terms of and then in terms of . Write the resulting relation between and in terms of and only, using the slow-roll approximation.
(d) Compute the number of efoldings of expansion between some initial value and a final value (so that throughout).
(e) Discuss qualitatively the horizon and flatness problems in the old hot big bang model (i.e. without inflation) and how inflation addresses them.
Paper 2, Section I, B
comment[You may work in units of the speed of light, so that .]
(a) Combining the Friedmann and continuity equations
derive the Raychaudhuri equation (also known as the acceleration equation) which expresses in terms of the energy density and the pressure .
(b) Assuming an equation of state with constant , for what is the expansion of the universe accelerated or decelerated?
(c) Consider an expanding, spatially-flat FLRW universe with both a cosmological constant and non-relativistic matter (also known as dust) with energy densities and respectively. At some time corresponding to , the energy densities of these two components are equal . Is the expansion of the universe accelerated or decelerated at this time?
(d) For what numerical value of does the universe transition from deceleration to acceleration?
Paper 3, Section I, B
commentConsider a spherically symmetric distribution of mass with density at distance from the centre. Derive the pressure support equation that the pressure has to satisfy for the system to be in static equilibrium.
Assume now that the mass density obeys , for some positive constant A. Determine whether or not the system has a stable solution corresponding to a star of finite radius.
Paper 3, Section II, B
[You may work in units of the speed of light, so that ]
Consider the process where protons and electrons combine to form neutral hydrogen atoms;
Let and denote the number densities for protons, electrons and hydrogen atoms respectively. The ionization energy of hydrogen is denoted . State and derive 's equation for the ratio , clearly describing the steps required.
[You may use without proof the following formula for the equilibrium number density of a non-relativistic species with degenerate states of mass at temperature such that ,