Part II, 2008
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comment(i) State the van Kampen theorem.
(ii) Calculate the fundamental group of the wedge .
(iii) Let where is a circle. Calculate the fundamental group of .
commentProve the Borsuk-Ulam theorem in dimension 2: there is no map such that for every . Deduce that is not homeomorphic to any subset of .
commentLet be the quotient space obtained by identifying one pair of antipodal points on . Using the Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence, calculate the homology groups and the Betti numbers of .
commentLet and be topological spaces.
(i) Show that a map is a homotopy equivalence if there exist maps such that and . More generally, show that a map is a homotopy equivalence if there exist maps such that and are homotopy equivalences.
(ii) Suppose that and are universal covering spaces of the path-connected, locally path-connected spaces and . Using path-lifting properties, show that if then .
commentA beam of particles each of mass and energy scatters off an axisymmetric potential . In the first Born approximation the scattering amplitude is
where is the wave vector of the incident particles and is the wave vector of the outgoing particles at scattering angle (and ). Let and . Show that when the scattering potential is spherically symmetric the expression simplifies to
and find the relation between and .
Calculate this scattering amplitude for the potential where is a constant, and show that at high energies the particles emerge predominantly in a narrow cone around the forward beam direction. Estimate the angular width of the cone.
commentConsider a large, essentially two-dimensional, rectangular sample of conductor of area , and containing electrons of charge . Suppose a magnetic field of strength is applied perpendicularly to the sample. Write down the Landau Hamiltonian for one of the electrons assuming that the electron interacts just with the magnetic field.
[You may ignore the interaction of the electron spin with the magnetic field.]
Find the allowed energy levels of the electron.
Find the total energy of the electrons at absolute zero temperature as a function of , assuming that is in the range
Comment on the values of the total energy when takes the values at the two ends of this range.
commentConsider the body-centred cuboidal lattice with lattice points and , where and are positive and and take all possible integer values. Find the reciprocal lattice and describe its geometrical form. Calculate the volumes of the unit cells of the lattices and .
Find the reciprocal lattice vector associated with the lattice planes parallel to the plane containing the points and . Deduce the allowed Bragg scattering angles of X-rays off these planes, assuming that and that the X-rays have wavelength .
commentExplain why the allowed energies of electrons in a three-dimensional crystal lie in energy bands. What quantum numbers can be used to classify the electron energy eigenstates?
Describe the effect on the energy level structure of adding a small density of impurity atoms randomly to the crystal.
commentLet be an irreducible continuous-time Markov chain with initial probability distribution and Q-matrix (for short: a CTMC), on a finite state space .
(i) Define the terms reversible CTMC and detailed balance equations (DBEs) and explain, without proof, the relation between them.
(ii) Prove that any solution of the DBEs is an equilibrium distribution (ED) for .
Let be an irreducible discrete-time Markov chain with initial probability distribution and transition probability matrix (for short: a DTMC), on the state space .
(iii) Repeat the two definitions from (i) in the context of the DTMC . State also in this context the relation between them, and prove a statement analogous to (ii).
(iv) What does it mean to say that is the jump chain for ? State and prove a relation between the ED for the and the ED for its jump chain .
(v) Prove that is reversible (in equilibrium) if and only if its jump chain is reversible (in equilibrium).
(vi) Consider now a continuous time random walk on a graph. More precisely, consider a CTMC on an undirected graph, where some pairs of states are joined by one or more non-oriented 'links' . Here is the number of links between and . Assume that the jump rate is proportional to . Can the chain be reversible? Identify the corresponding jump chain (which determines a discrete-time random walk on the graph) and comment on its reversibility.
commentConsider a continuous-time Markov chain given by the diagram below.
We will assume that the rates and are all positive.
(a) Is the chain irreducible?
(b) Write down the standard equations for the hitting probabilities
Explain how to identify the probabilities and among the solutions to these equations.
[You should state the theorem you use but its proof is not required.]
(c) Set and find a matrix such that
The recursion matrix has a 'standard' eigenvalue and a 'standard' eigenvector that do not depend on the transition rates: what are they and why are they always present?
(d) Calculate the second eigenvalue of the matrix , and the corresponding eigenvector, in the form , where .
(e) Suppose the second eigenvalue is . What can you say about and ? Is the chain transient or recurrent? Justify your answer.
(f) Now assume the opposite: the second eigenvalue is . Check that in this case . Is the chain transient or recurrent under this condition?
(g) Finally, specify, by means of inequalities between the parameters and , when the chain is recurrent and when it is transient.
commentLet be an irreducible continuous-time Markov chain with countably many states. What does it mean to say the chain is (i) positive recurrent, (ii) null recurrent? Consider the chain with the arrow diagram below.
In this question we analyse the existence of equilibrium probabilities and of the chain being in state or , and the impact of this fact on positive and null recurrence of the chain.
(a) Write down the invariance equations and check that they have the form
where is a recursion matrix:
(b) Verify that the row vector is an eigenvector of with the eigenvalue where
Hence, specify the form of equilibrium probabilities and and conclude that the chain is positive recurrent if and only if .
commentOn a hot summer night, opening my window brings some relief. This attracts hordes of mosquitoes who manage to negotiate a dense window net. But, luckily, I have a mosquito trapping device in my room.
Assume the mosquitoes arrive in a Poisson process at rate ; afterwards they wander around for independent and identically distributed random times with a finite mean , where denotes the random wandering time of a mosquito, and finally are trapped by the device.
(a) Identify a mathematical model, which was introduced in the course, for the number of mosquitoes present in the room at times .
(b) Calculate the distribution of in terms of and the tail probabilities of the wandering time , where is the number of mosquitoes in the room at time (assuming that at the initial time, ).
(c) Write down the distribution for , the number of mosquitoes in the room in equilibrium, in terms of and .
(d) Instead of waiting for the number of mosquitoes to reach equilibrium, I close the window at time . For let be the number of mosquitoes left at time , i.e. time units after closing the window. Calculate the distribution of .
(e) Let be the time needed to trap all mosquitoes in the room after closing the window at time . By considering the event , or otherwise, compute .
(f) Now suppose that the time at which I shut the window is very large, so that I can assume that the number of mosquitoes in the room has the distribution of . Let be the further time needed to trap all mosquitoes in the room. Show that
where .
commentObtain an expression for the th term of an asymptotic expansion, valid as , for the integral
Estimate the value of for the term of least magnitude.
Obtain the first two terms of an asymptotic expansion, valid as , for the integral
[Stirling's formula may be quoted.]
commentDescribe how the leading-order approximation may be found by the method of stationary phase of
for , where and are real. You should consider the cases for which: (a) has one simple zero at , where ; (b) has more than one simple zero in the region ; and (c) has only a simple zero at .
What is the order of magnitude of if is non zero for ?
Use the method of stationary phase to find the leading-order approximation for to
commentThe Bessel equation of order is
Here, is taken to be an integer, with . The transformation converts (1) to the form
Find two linearly independent solutions of the form
where are constants, with , and and are to be determined. Find recurrence relationships for the .
Find the first two terms of two linearly independent Liouville-Green solutions of (2) for valid in a neighbourhood of . Relate these solutions to those of the form (3).
commentThe action for a system with generalized coordinates for a time interval is given by
where is the Lagrangian. The end point values and are fixed.
Derive Lagrange's equations from the principle of least action by considering the variation of for all possible paths.
Define the momentum conjugate to . Derive a condition for to be a constant of the motion.
A symmetric top moves under the action of a potential . The Lagrangian is given by
where the generalized coordinates are the Euler angles and the principal moments of inertia are and .
Show that is a constant of the motion and give expressions for two others. Show further that it is possible for the top to move with both and constant provided these satisfy the condition
commentA system of particles , with mass , moves around a circle of radius . The angle between the radius to particle and a fixed reference radius is . The interaction potential for the system is
where is a constant and .
The Lagrangian for the system is
Write down the equation of motion for particle and show that the system is in equilibrium when the particles are equally spaced around the circle.
Show further that the system always has a normal mode of oscillation with zero frequency. What is the form of the motion associated with this?
Find all the frequencies and modes of oscillation when and , where is a constant.
commentA particle of mass , charge and position vector moves in a magnetic field whose vector potential is A. Its Hamiltonian is given by
Write down Hamilton's equations and use them to derive the equations of motion for the charged particle.
Define the Poisson bracket for general and . Show that for motion governed by the above Hamiltonian
Consider the vector potential to be given by , where . Use Hamilton's equations to show that is constant and that circular motion at radius with angular frequency is possible provided that
commentWriting , Hamilton's equations may be written in the form
where the matrix
and and 0 denote the unit and zero matrices respectively.
Explain what is meant by the statement that the transformation ,
is canonical, and show that the condition for this is that
where is the Jacobian matrix with elements
Use this condition to show that for a system with the transformation given by
is canonical.
comment(a) Show that the principal moments of inertia for an infinitesimally thin uniform rectangular sheet of mass with sides of length and (with ) about its centre of mass are and .
(b) Euler's equations governing the angular velocity of the sheet as viewed in the body frame are
A possible solution of these equations is such that the sheet rotates with , and constant.
By linearizing, find the equations governing small motions in the neighbourhood of this solution that have . Use these to show that there are solutions corresponding to instability such that and are both proportional to exp , with
comment(a) A Hamiltonian system with degrees of freedom has Hamiltonian , where the coordinates and the momenta respectively.
Show from Hamilton's equations that when does not depend on time explicitly, for any function ,
where denotes the Poisson bracket.
For a system of interacting vortices
where is a constant. Show that the quantity defined by
is a constant of the motion.
(b) The action for a Hamiltonian system with one degree of freedom with for which the motion is periodic is
Show without assuming any specific form for that the period of the motion is given by
Suppose now that the system has a parameter that is allowed to vary slowly with time. Explain briefly what is meant by the statement that the action is an adiabatic invariant. Suppose that when this parameter is fixed, when . Deduce that, if decreases on an orbit with any when the parameter is slowly varied, then increases.
commentDefine the entropy of a random variable that takes no more than different values. What are the maximum and the minimum values for the entropy for a fixed value of ? Explain when the maximum and minimum are attained. You should prove any inequalities that you use.
commentState Shannon's Noisy Coding Theorem for a binary symmetric channel.
Define the mutual information of two discrete random variables and . Prove that the mutual information is symmetric and non-negative. Define also the information capacity of a channel.
A channel transmits numbers chosen from the alphabet and has transition matrix
for a number with . Calculate the information capacity of the channel.
commentDescribe briefly the Shannon-Fano and Huffman binary codes for a finite alphabet. Find examples of such codes for the alphabet when the four letters are taken with probabilities and respectively.
commentDescribe the Rabin cipher with modulus , explaining how it can be deciphered by the intended recipient and why it is difficult for an interceptor to decipher it.
The Bursars' Committee decides to communicate using Rabin ciphers to maintain confidentiality. The secretary of the committee encrypts a message, thought of as a positive integer , using the Rabin cipher with modulus (with ) and publishes both the encrypted message and the modulus. A foolish bursar deciphers this message to read it but then encrypts it again using a Rabin cipher with a different modulus (with and publishes the newly encrypted message and . The president of CUSU, who happens to be a talented mathematician, knows that this has happened. Explain how the president can work out what the original message was using the two different encrypted versions.
Can the president of CUSU also decipher other messages sent out by the Bursars' Committee?
commentDefine the Hamming code and prove that the minimum distance between two distinct code words is 3. Explain how the Hamming code allows one error to be corrected.
A new code is obtained by using the Hamming code for the first 7 bits and taking the last bit as a check digit on the previous 7 . Find the minimum distance between two distinct code words for this code. How many errors can this code detect? How many errors can it correct?
commentWhat is a binary cyclic code of length ? What is the generator polynomial for such a cyclic code? Prove that the generator polynomial is a factor of over the field .
Find all the binary cyclic codes of length 5 .
commentSmall density perturbations in pressureless matter inside the cosmological horizon obey the following Fourier evolution equation
where is the average background density of the pressureless gravitating matter and is the comoving wavevector.
(i) Seek power law solutions constant) during the matter-dominated epoch to find the approximate solution
where are functions of only and is the time of equal matter-radiation.
By considering the behaviour of the scalefactor and the relative density , show that early in the radiation era there is effectively no significant perturbation growth in on sub-horizon scales.
(ii) For a given wavenumber , show that the time at which this mode crosses inside the horizon, i.e., , is given by
where , and the equal matter-radiation redshift is given by .
Assume that primordial perturbations from inflation are scale-invariant with a constant amplitude as they cross the Hubble radius given by , where is a constant and is a large volume. Use the results of (i) to project these perturbations forward to , and show that the power spectrum for perturbations today will be given approximately by
commentThe energy density and pressure of photons in the early universe is given by
where is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. By using the first law of thermodynamics , deduce that the entropy differential can be expressed in the form
With the third law, show that the entropy density is given by .
While particle interaction rates remain much greater than the Hubble parameter , justify why entropy will be conserved during the expansion of the universe. Hence, in the early universe (radiation domination) show that the temperature where is the scale factor of the universe, and show that the Hubble parameter .
commentThe number density of particles of mass at equilibrium in the early universe is given by the integral
where is the chemical potential, and is the spin degeneracy. Assuming that the particles remain in equilibrium when they become non-relativistic , show that the number density can be expressed as
[Hint: Recall that
At around seconds, deuterium forms through the nuclear fusion of nonrelativistic protons and neutrons via the interaction . In equilibrium, what is the relationship between the chemical potentials of the three species? Show that the ratio of their number densities can be expressed as
where the deuterium binding energy is and you may take . Now consider the fractional densities , where is the baryon density of the universe, to re-express the ratio above in the form , which incorporates the baryon-to-photon ratio of the universe.
[You may assume that the photon density is .]
Why does deuterium form only at temperatures much lower than that given by ?
comment(i) A homogeneous and isotropic universe has mass density and scale factor . Show how the conservation of total energy (kinetic plus gravitational potential) when applied to a test particle on the edge of a spherical region in this universe can be used to obtain the Friedmann equation
where is a constant. State clearly any assumptions you have made.
(ii) Assume that the universe is flat and filled with two major components: pressure-free matter and dark energy with equation of state where their mass densities today are given respectively by and . Assuming that each component independently satisfies the fluid conservation equation, , show that the total mass density can be expressed as
where we have set .
Hence, solve the Friedmann equation and show that the scale factor can be expressed in the form
where and are constants which you should specify in terms of and .
[Hint: try the substitution .]
Show that the scale factor has the expected behaviour for a matter-dominated universe at early times and that the universe accelerates at late times .
commentA spherically-symmetric star obeys the pressure-support equation
where is the pressure at a distance from the centre, is the density, and is the mass within a sphere of radius . Show that this implies
Propose and justify appropriate boundary conditions for the pressure at the centre of the star and at its outer edge .
Show that the function
is a decreasing function of . Deduce that the central pressure satisfies
where is the mass of the star.
commentThe Friedmann and Raychaudhuri equations are respectively
where is the mass density, is the pressure, is the curvature and with the cosmic time. Using conformal time (defined by ) and the equation of state , show that these can be rewritten as
where and the relative density is .
Use these relations to derive the following evolution equation for
For both and , plot the qualitative evolution of as a function of in an expanding universe (i.e. include curves initially with and ).
Hence, or otherwise, briefly describe the flatness problem of the standard cosmology and how it can be solved by inflation.
commentLet be an integer, and let denote the set of real-valued matrices. We make into an -dimensional smooth manifold via the obvious identification .
(a) Let denote the subset
Show that is a submanifold of . What is ?
(b) Now let denote the subset
Show that for ,
Show that is a submanifold of . What is the dimension of
(c) Now consider the set . For what values of is a submanifold of ?
comment(a) For a regular curve in , define curvature and torsion and state the Frenet formulas.
(b) State and prove the isoperimetric inequality for domains with compact closure and boundary .
[You may assume Wirtinger's inequality.]
(c) Let be a closed plane regular curve such that is contained in a disc of radius . Show that there exists such that , where denotes the signed curvature. Show by explicit example that the assumption of closedness is necessary.
commentLet be a surface.
(a) Define the Gauss Map, principal curvatures , Gaussian curvature and mean curvature . State the Theorema Egregium.
(b) Define what is meant for to be minimal. Prove that if is minimal, then . Give an example of a minimal surface whose Gaussian curvature is not identically 0 , justifying your answer.
(c) Does there exist a compact minimal surface ? Justify your answer.
commentLet be a surface.
(a) In the case where is compact, define the Euler characteristic and genus of .
(b) Define the notion of geodesic curvature for regular curves . When is ? State the Global Gauss-Bonnet Theorem (including boundary term).
(c) Let (the standard 2-sphere), and suppose is a simple closed regular curve such that is the union of two distinct connected components with equal areas. Can have everywhere strictly positive or everywhere strictly negative geodesic curvature?
(d) Prove or disprove the following statement: if is connected with Gaussian curvature identically, then is a subset of a sphere of radius 1 .
commentSketch the phase plane of the system
(i) for and (ii) for . Include in your sketches any trajectories that are the separatrices of a saddle point. In case (ii) shade the domain of stability of the origin.
commentExplain the difference between a stationary bifurcation and an oscillatory bifurcation for a fixed point of a dynamical system in with a real parameter .
The normal form of a Hopf bifurcation in polar coordinates is
where and are constants, , and . Sketch the phase plane near the bifurcation for each of the cases (i) , (ii) , (iii) and (iv) .
Let be the radius and the period of the limit cycle when one exists. Sketch how varies with for the case when the limit cycle is subcritical. Find the leading-order approximation to for .
commentState the normal-form equations for (i) a saddle-node bifurcation, (ii) a transcritical bifurcation and (iii) a pitchfork bifurcation, for a one-dimensional map .
Consider a period-doubling bifurcation of the form
where , and as . Show that
where , and the parameters and are to be identified in terms of , and . Deduce the condition for the bifurcation to be supercritical.
commentDefine the Poincaré index of a simple closed curve, not necessarily a trajectory, and the Poincaré index of an isolated fixed point for a dynamical system in . State the Poincaré index of a periodic orbit.
Consider the system
where and are constants and .
(a) Find and classify the fixed points, and state their Poincaré indices.
(b) By considering a suitable function , show that any periodic orbit satisfies
where is evaluated along the orbit.
(c) Deduce that if then the second-order differential equation
has no periodic solutions.
commentLet be a continuous one-dimensional map of an interval . State when is chaotic according to Glendinning's definition.
Prove that if has a 3 -cycle then has a horseshoe.
[You may assume the Intermediate Value Theorem.]
commentExplain the difference between a hyperbolic and a nonhyperbolic fixed point for a dynamical system in .
Consider the system in , where is a real parameter,
Show that the fixed point has a bifurcation when , while the fixed points have a bifurcation when .
[The fixed point at should not be considered further.]
Analyse each of the bifurcations at and in turn as follows. Make a change of variable of the form . Identify the (non-extended) stable and centre linear subspaces at the bifurcation in terms of and . By finding the leading-order approximation to the extended centre manifold, construct the evolution equation on the extended centre manifold, and determine the type of bifurcation. Sketch the local bifurcation diagram, showing which fixed points are stable.
[Hint: the leading-order approximation to the extended centre manifold of the bifurcation at is for some coefficient a.]
Show that there is another fixed point in for , and that this fixed point connects the two bifurcations.
The retarded scalar potential produced by a charge distribution is given by
where denotes all 3 -space. Describe briefly and qualitatively the physics underlying this formula.
Write the integrand in the formula above as a 1-dimensional integral over a new time coordinate . Next consider a special source, a point charge moving along a trajectory