Part II, 2001
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commentLet be the rational map given by : . Determine whether is defined at the following points: .
Let be the curve defined by . Define a bijective morphism . Prove that is not an isomorphism.
commentLet be the projective curve (over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero) defined by the affine equation
Determine the points at infinity of and show that is smooth.
Determine the divisors of the rational functions .
Show that is a regular differential on .
Compute the divisor of . What is the genus of ?
commentWrite an essay on curves of genus one (over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero). Legendre's normal form should not be discussed.
commentShow that the fundamental group of the 2-torus is isomorphic to .
Show that an injective continuous map from the circle to itself induces multiplication by on the fundamental group.
Show that there is no retraction from the solid torus to its boundary.
commentWrite down the Mayer-Vietoris sequence and describe all the maps involved.
Use the Mayer-Vietoris sequence to compute the homology of the -sphere for all .
commentWrite an essay on the definition of simplicial homology groups. The essay should include a discussion of orientations, of the action of a simplicial map and a proof of .
comment(i) Let be a directed network with nodes and . Let be a subset of the nodes, be a flow on , and be the divergence of . Describe carefully what is meant by a cut . Define the arc-cut incidence , and the flux of across . Define also the divergence of . Show that .
Now suppose that capacity constraints are specified on each of the arcs. Define the upper cut capacity of . State the feasible distribution problem for a specified divergence , and show that the problem only has a solution if and for all cuts .
(ii) Describe an algorithm to find a feasible distribution given a specified divergence and capacity constraints on each arc. Explain what happens when no feasible distribution exists.
Illustrate the algorithm by either finding a feasible circulation, or demonstrating that one does not exist, in the network given below. Arcs are labelled with capacity constraint intervals.
Part II
comment(i) Let be the problem
Explain carefully what it means for the problem to be Strong Lagrangian.
Outline the main steps in a proof that a quadratic programming problem
where is a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix, is Strong Lagrangian.
[You should carefully state the results you need, but should not prove them.]
(ii) Consider the quadratic programming problem:
State necessary and sufficient conditions for to be optimal, and use the activeset algorithm (explaining your steps briefly) to solve the problem starting with initial condition . Demonstrate that the solution you have found is optimal by showing that it satisfies the necessary and sufficient conditions stated previously.
commentState the optimal distribution problem. Carefully describe the simplex-on-a-graph algorithm for solving optimal distribution problems when the flow in each arc in the network is constrained to lie in the interval . Explain how the algorithm can be initialised if there is no obvious feasible solution with which to begin. Describe the adjustments that are needed for the algorithm to cope with more general capacity constraints for each arc (where may be finite or infinite).
Part II
commentA steady beam of particles, having wavenumber and moving in the direction, scatters on a spherically-symmetric potential. Write down the asymptotic form of the wave function at large .
The incoming wave is written as a partial-wave series
Show that for large
and calculate and for all .
Write down the second-order differential equation satisfied by the . Construct a second linearly-independent solution for each that is singular at and, when it is suitably normalised, has large- behaviour
commentA particle of charge moves freely within a cubical box of side . Its initial wavefunction is
A uniform electric field in the direction is switched on for a time . Derive from first principles the probability, correct to order , that after the field has been switched off the wave function will be found to be
commentWrite down the commutation relations satisfied by the cartesian components of the total angular momentum operator .
In quantum mechanics an operator is said to be a vector operator if, under rotations, its components transform in the same way as those of the coordinate operator r. Show from first principles that this implies that its cartesian components satisfy the commutation relations
Hence calculate the total angular momentum of the nonvanishing states , where is the vacuum state.
commentDerive the Bloch form of the wave function of an electron moving in a onedimensional crystal lattice.
The potential in such an -atom lattice is modelled by
Assuming that is continuous across each lattice site, and applying periodic boundary conditions, derive an equation for the allowed electron energy levels. Show that for suitable values of they have a band structure, and calculate the number of levels in each band when . Verify that when the levels are very close to those corresponding to a solitary atom.
Describe briefly how the band structure in a real 3-dimensional crystal differs from that of this simple model.
commentLet be a Poisson random measure on with constant intensity . For , denote by the line in obtained by rotating the line through an angle about the origin.
Consider the line process .
(i) What is the distribution of the number of lines intersecting the disc ?
(ii) What is the distribution of the distance from the origin to the nearest line?
(iii) What is the distribution of the distance from the origin to the th nearest line?
commentConsider an queue with arrival rate and traffic intensity less
than 1. Prove that the moment-generating function of a typical busy period, , satisfies
where is the moment-generating function of a typical service time.
If service times are exponentially distributed with parameter , show that
for all sufficiently small but positive values of .
commentDefine a renewal process and a renewal reward process.
State and prove the strong law of large numbers for these processes.
[You may assume the strong law of large numbers for independent, identically-distributed random variables.
State and prove Little's formula.
Customers arrive according to a Poisson process with rate at a single server, but a restricted waiting room causes those who arrive when customers are already present to be lost. Accepted customers have service times which are independent and identicallydistributed with mean and independent of the arrival process. Let be the equilibrium probability that an arriving customer finds customers already present.
Using Little's formula, or otherwise, determine a relationship between and
Part II
comment(i) Explain briefly how and why a signature scheme is used. Describe the el Gamal scheme,
(ii) Define a cyclic code. Define the generator of a cyclic code and show that it exists. Prove a necessary and sufficient condition for a polynomial to be the generator of a cyclic code of length .
What is the code? Show that the code associated with , where is a root of in an appropriate field, is Hamming's original code.
comment(i) Give brief answers to the following questions.
(a) What is a stream cypher?
(b) Explain briefly why a one-time pad is safe if used only once but becomes unsafe if used many times.
(c) What is a feedback register of length ? What is a linear feedback register of length
(d) A cypher stream is given by a linear feedback register of known length . Show that, given plain text and cyphered text of length , we can find the complete cypher stream.
(e) State and prove a similar result for a general feedback register.
(ii) Describe the construction of a Reed-Muller code. Establish its information rate and its weight
commentLet where . Prove that, if is 1-intersecting, then . State an upper bound on that is valid if is -intersecting and is large compared to and .
Let be maximal 1-intersecting; that is, is 1-intersecting but if and then is not 1-intersecting. Show that .
Let be 2 -intersecting. Show that is possible. Can the inequality be strict?
commentAs usual, denotes the smallest integer such that every -colouring of yields a monochromatic -subset . Prove that for .
Let have the colex order, and for let ; thus means . Show that if then , and that
Given a red-blue colouring of , the 4 -colouring
is defined as follows:
where . Show that if is monochromatic then is monochromatic, where and .
Deduce that for .
commentWrite an essay on extremal graph theory. You should give proofs of at least two major theorems and you should also include a description of alternative proofs or further results.
comment(i) Assume that the -dimensional observation vector may be written as
where is a given matrix of is an unknown vector, and
Let . Find , the least-squares estimator of , and show that
where is a matrix that you should define.
(ii) Show that . Show further for the special case of
where , that
here, is a vector of which every element is one, and , are constants that you should derive.
Hence show that, if is the vector of fitted values, then
comment(i) Suppose that are independent random variables, and that has probability density function
Assume that , and that , where is a known 'link' function, are known covariates, and is an unknown vector. Show that
and hence
(ii) The table below shows the number of train miles (in millions) and the number of collisions involving British Rail passenger trains between 1970 and 1984 . Give a detailed interpretation of the output that is shown under this table:
glm(formula collisions year miles , family poisson)
(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: on 13 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: on 11 degrees of freedom
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
Part II
comment(i) Assume that independent observations are such that
where are given covariates. Discuss carefully how to estimate , and how to test that the model fits.
(ii) Carmichael et al. (1989) collected data on the numbers of 5 -year old children with "dmft", i.e. with 5 or more decayed, missing or filled teeth, classified by social class, and by whether or not their tap water was fluoridated or non-fluoridated. The numbers of such children with dmft, and the total numbers, are given in the table below:
\begin{tabular}{l|ll} Social Class & Fluoridated & Non-fluoridated \ \hline I & & \ II & & \ III & & \ Unclassified & & \end{tabular}
A (slightly edited) version of the output is given below. Explain carefully what model is being fitted, whether it does actually fit, and what the parameter estimates and Std. Errors are telling you. (You may assume that the factors SClass (social class) and Fl (with/without) have been correctly set up.)
Here 'Yes' is the vector of numbers with dmft, taking values , 'Total' is the vector of Total in each category, taking values , and SClass, Fl are the factors corresponding to Social class and Fluoride status, defined in the obvious way.
commentDefine an immersion and an embedding of one manifold in another. State a necessary and sufficient condition for an immersion to be an embedding and prove its necessity.
Assuming the existence of "bump functions" on Euclidean spaces, state and prove a version of Whitney's embedding theorem.
Deduce that embeds in .
commentState Stokes' Theorem.
Prove that, if is a compact connected manifold and is a surjective chart on , then for any there is such that , where is the unit ball in .
[You may assume that, if with and , then with such that
By considering the -form
on , or otherwise, deduce that .
commentDescribe the Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence for forms on a manifold and show how to derive from it the Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence for the de Rham cohomology.
Calculate .
commentDefine topological conjugacy and -conjugacy.
Let be real numbers with and let be the maps of to itself given by . For which pairs are and topologically conjugate? Would the answer be the same for -conjugacy? Justify your statements.
commentIf show that for all . Show that has trace 11 and deduce that the subshift map defined by has just two cycles of exact period 5. What are they?
commentDefine the rotation number of an orientation-preserving circle map and the rotation number of a lift of . Prove that and are well-defined. Prove also that is a continuous function of .
State without proof the main consequence of being rational.
comment(i) Given a differential equation for , explain what it means to say that the solution is given by a flow . Define the orbit, , through a point and the -limit set, , of . Define also a homoclinic orbit to a fixed point . Sketch a flow in with a homoclinic orbit, and identify (without detailed justification) the -limit sets for each point in your diagram.
(ii) Consider the differential equations
Transform the equations to polar coordinates in the plane. Solve the equation for to find , and hence find . Hence, or otherwise, determine (with justification) the -limit set for all points .
A2.6 B2.4
comment(i) Define a Liapounov function for a flow on . Explain what it means for a fixed point of the flow to be Liapounov stable. State and prove Liapounov's first stability theorem.
(ii) Consider the damped pendulum
where . Show that there are just two fixed points (considering the phase space as an infinite cylinder), and that one of these is the origin and is Liapounov stable. Show further that the origin is asymptotically stable, and that the the -limit set of each point in the phase space is one or other of the two fixed points, justifying your answer carefully.
[You should state carefully any theorems you use in your answer, but you need not prove them.]
A3.6 B3.4
comment(i) Define a hyperbolic fixed point of a flow determined by a differential equation where and is (i.e. differentiable). State the Hartman-Grobman Theorem for flow near a hyperbolic fixed point. For nonlinear flows in with a hyperbolic fixed point , does the theorem necessarily allow us to distinguish, on the basis of the linearized flow near between (a) a stable focus and a stable node; and (b) a saddle and a stable node? Justify your answers briefly.
(ii) Show that the system:
has a fixed point on the -axis. Show that there is a bifurcation at and determine the stability of the fixed point for and for .
Make a linear change of variables of the form , where and are constants to be determined, to bring the system into the form:
and hence determine whether the periodic orbit produced in the bifurcation is stable or unstable, and whether it exists in or .
commentWrite a short essay about periodic orbits in flows in two dimensions. Your essay should include criteria for the existence and non-existence of periodic orbits, and should mention (with sketches) at least two bifurcations that create or destroy periodic orbits in flows as a parameter is altered (though a detailed analysis of any bifurcation is not required).
commentExplain the multipole expansion in electrostatics, and devise formulae for the total charge, dipole moments and quadrupole moments given by a static charge distribution .
A nucleus is modelled as a uniform distribution of charge inside the ellipsoid
The total charge of the nucleus is . What are the dipole moments and quadrupole moments of this distribution?
Describe qualitatively what happens if the nucleus starts to oscillate.
commentIn a superconductor, there are superconducting charge carriers with number density , mass and charge . Starting from the quantum mechanical wavefunction (with real and ), construct a formula for the electric current and explain carefully why your result is gauge invariant.
Now show that inside a superconductor a static magnetic field obeys the equation
A superconductor occupies the region , while for there is a vacuum with a constant magnetic field in the direction. Show that the magnetic field cannot penetrate deep into the superconductor.
commentThe Liénard-Wiechert potential for a particle of charge , assumed to be moving non-relativistically along the trajectory being the proper time along the trajectory,
Explain how to calculate given and .
Derive Larmor's formula for the rate at which electromagnetic energy is radiated from a particle of charge undergoing an acceleration .
Suppose that one considers the classical non-relativistic hydrogen atom with an electron of mass and charge orbiting a fixed proton of charge , in a circular orbit of radius . What is the total energy of the electron? As the electron is accelerated towards the proton it will radiate, thereby losing energy and causing the orbit to decay. Derive a formula for the lifetime of the orbit.
Part II
comment(i) Write down the two Maxwell equations that govern steady magnetic fields. Show that the boundary conditions satisfied by the magnetic field on either side of a current sheet, , with unit normal to the sheet , are
State without proof the force per unit area on .
(ii) Conducting gas occupies the infinite slab . It carries a steady current and a magnetic field where , depend only on . The pressure is . The equation of hydrostatic equilibrium is . Write down the equations to be solved in this case. Show that is independent of . Using the suffixes 1,2 to denote values at , respectively, verify that your results are in agreement with those of Part (i) in the case of .
Suppose that
Find everywhere in the slab.
comment(i) Write down the expression for the electrostatic potential due to a distribution of charge contained in a volume . Perform the multipole expansion of taken only as far as the dipole term.
(ii) If the volume is the sphere and the charge distribution is given by
where are spherical polar coordinates, calculate the charge and dipole moment. Hence deduce as far as the dipole term.
Obtain an exact solution for by solving the boundary value problem using trial solutions of the forms
Show that the solution obtained from the multipole expansion is in fact exact for .
[You may use without proof the result
A3.5 B3.3
comment(i) Develop the theory of electromagnetic waves starting from Maxwell equations in vacuum. You should relate the wave-speed to and and establish the existence of plane, plane-polarized waves in which takes the form
You should give the form of the magnetic field in this case.
(ii) Starting from Maxwell's equation, establish Poynting's theorem.
where and . Give physical interpretations of and the theorem.
Compute the averages over space and time of and for the plane wave described in (i) and relate them. Comment on the result.
commentWrite down the form of Ohm's Law that applies to a conductor if at a point it is moving with velocity .
Use two of Maxwell's equations to prove that
where is a moving closed loop, is the velocity at the point on , and is a surface spanning . The time derivative on the right hand side accounts for changes in both and B. Explain briefly the physical importance of this result.
Find and sketch the magnetic field described in the vector potential
in cylindrical polar coordinates , where is constant.
A conducting circular loop of radius and resistance lies in the plane with its centre on the -axis.
Find the magnitude and direction of the current induced in the loop as changes with time, neglecting self-inductance.
At time the loop is at rest at . For time the loop moves with constant velocity . Ignoring the inertia of the loop, use energy considerations to find the force necessary to maintain this motion.
[ In cylindrical polar coordinates
Part II
commentThe energy equation for the motion of a viscous, incompressible fluid states that
Interpret each term in this equation and explain the meaning of the symbols used.
For steady rectilinear flow in a (not necessarily circular) pipe having rigid stationary walls, deduce a relation between the viscous dissipation per unit length of the pipe, the pressure gradient , and the volume flux .
Starting from the Navier-Stokes equations, calculate the velocity field for steady rectilinear flow in a circular pipe of radius . Using the relationship derived above, or otherwise, find in terms of the viscous dissipation per unit length for this flow.
[In cylindrical polar coordinates,
commentExplain what is meant by a Stokes flow and show that, in such a flow, in the absence of body forces, , where is the stress tensor.
State and prove the reciprocal theorem for Stokes flow.
When a rigid sphere of radius translates with velocity through unbounded fluid at rest at infinity, it may be shown that the traction per unit area, , exerted by the sphere on the fluid, has the uniform value over the sphere surface. Find the drag on the sphere.
Suppose that the same sphere is free of external forces and is placed with its centre at the origin in an unbounded Stokes flow given in the absence of the sphere as . By applying the reciprocal theorem to the perturbation to the flow generated by the presence of the sphere, and assuming this to tend to zero sufficiently rapidly at infinity, show that the instantaneous velocity of the centre of the sphere is
Part II
commentA planar flow of an inviscid, incompressible fluid is everywhere in the -direction and has velocity profile
By examining linear perturbations to the vortex sheet at that have the form , show that
and deduce the temporal stability of the sheet to disturbances of wave number .
Use this result to determine also the spatial growth rate and propagation speed of disturbances of frequency introduced at a fixed spatial position.
commentStarting from the steady planar vorticity equation
outline briefly the derivation of the boundary layer equation
explaining the significance of the symbols used.
Viscous fluid occupies the region with rigid stationary walls along for and . There is a line sink at the origin of strength , with . Assuming that vorticity is confined to boundary layers along the rigid walls:
(a) Find the flow outside the boundary layers.
(b) Explain why the boundary layer thickness along the wall is proportional to , and deduce that
(c) Show that the boundary layer equation admits a solution having stream function
Find the equation and boundary conditions satisfied by .
(d) Verify that a solution is
provided that has one of two values to be determined. Should the positive or negative value be chosen?
A2.13 B2.21
comment(i) Hermitian operators , satisfy . The eigenvectors , satisfy and . By differentiating with respect to verify that
and hence show that
Show that
(ii) A quantum system has Hamiltonian , where is a small perturbation. The eigenvalues of are . Give (without derivation) the formulae for the first order and second order perturbations in the energy level of a non-degenerate state. Suppose that the th energy level of has degenerate states. Explain how to determine the eigenvalues of corresponding to these states to first order in .
In a particular quantum system an orthonormal basis of states is given by , where are integers. The Hamiltonian is given by
where and unless and are both even.
Obtain an expression for the ground state energy to second order in the perturbation, . Find the energy eigenvalues of the first excited state to first order in the perturbation. Determine a matrix (which depends on two independent parameters) whose eigenvalues give the first order energy shift of the second excited state.
A3.13 B3.21
comment(i) Write the Hamiltonian for the harmonic oscillator,
in terms of creation and annihilation operators, defined by
Obtain an expression for by using the usual commutation relation between and . Deduce the quantized energy levels for this system.
(ii) Define the number operator, , in terms of creation and annihilation operators, and . The normalized eigenvector of with eigenvalue is . Show that .
Determine and in the basis defined by .
Show that
Verify the relation
by considering the action of both sides of the equation on an arbitrary basis vector.
A4.15 B4.22
comment(i) The two states of a spin- particle corresponding to spin pointing along the axis are denoted by and . Explain why the states
correspond to the spins being aligned along a direction at an angle to the direction.
The spin- 0 state of two spin- particles is
Show that this is independent of the direction chosen to define . If the spin of particle 1 along some direction is measured to be show that the spin of particle 2 along the same direction is determined, giving its value.
[The Pauli matrices are given by
(ii) Starting from the commutation relation for angular momentum in the form
obtain the possible values of , where are the eigenvalues of and are the eigenvalues of . Show that the corresponding normalized eigenvectors, , satisfy
and that
The state is defined by
for any complex . By expanding the exponential show that . Verify that
and hence show that
If verify that is a solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation.
comment(i) Define the adjoint of a bounded, linear map on the Hilbert space . Find the adjoint of the map
where and is the linear map .
Now let be an incomplete inner product space and a bounded, linear map. Is it always true that there is an adjoint ?
(ii) Let be the space of analytic functions on the unit disc for which
You may assume that this is a Hilbert space for the inner product:
Show that the functions form an orthonormal sequence in when the constants are chosen appropriately.
Prove carefully that every function can be written as the sum of a convergent series in with .
For each smooth curve in the disc starting from 0 , prove that
is a continuous, linear map. Show that the norm of satisfies
where is the endpoint of .
A2.3 B2.2
comment(i) State the Stone-Weierstrass theorem for complex-valued functions. Use it to show that the trigonometric polynomials are dense in the space of continuous, complexvalued functions on the unit circle with the uniform norm.
Show further that, for , the th Fourier coefficient
tends to 0 as tends to infinity.
(ii) (a) Let be a normed space with the property that the series converges whenever is a sequence in with convergent. Show that is a Banach space.
(b) Let be a compact metric space and a closed subset of . Let be the map sending to its restriction to . Show that is a bounded, linear map and that its image is a subalgebra of separating the points of
Show further that, for each function in the image of , there is a function with and . Deduce that every continuous, complexvalued function on can be extended to a continuous function on all of .
A3.3 B3.2
(i) Define the notion of a measurable function between measurable spaces. Show that a continuous function is measurable with respect to the Borel -fields on and .
By using this, or otherwise, show that, when are measurable with respect to some -field on and the Borel -field on , then