Part II, 2011
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Paper 1, Section II, H
comment(i) Let be an affine variety over an algebraically closed field. Define what it means for to be irreducible, and show that if is a non-empty open subset of an irreducible , then is dense in .
(ii) Show that matrices with distinct eigenvalues form an affine variety, and are a Zariski open subvariety of affine space over an algebraically closed field.
(iii) Let be the characteristic polynomial of . Show that the matrices such that form a Zariski closed subvariety of . Hence conclude that this subvariety is all of .
Paper 2, Section II, H
comment(i) Let be an algebraically closed field, and let be an ideal in . Define what it means for to be homogeneous.
Now let be a Zariski closed subvariety invariant under ; that is, if and , then . Show that is a homogeneous ideal.
(ii) Let , and let be the graph of .
Let be the closure of in .
Write, in terms of , the homogeneous equations defining .
Assume that is an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Now suppose and . Find the singular points of the projective surface .
Paper 3, Section II, H
commentLet be a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0 .
(i) Let be a divisor on .
Define , and show .
(ii) Define the space of rational differentials .
If is a point on , and a local parameter at , show that .
Use that equality to give a definition of , for . [You need not show that your definition is independent of the choice of local parameter.]
Paper 4, Section II, H
commentLet be a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field .
State the Riemann-Roch theorem, briefly defining all the terms that appear.
Now suppose has genus 1 , and let .
Compute for . Show that defines an isomorphism of with a smooth plane curve in which is defined by a polynomial of degree 3 .
Paper 1, Section II, H
commentAre the following statements true or false? Justify your answers.
(i) If and lie in the same path-component of , then .
(ii) If and are two points of the Klein bottle , and and are two paths from to , then and induce the same isomorphism from to .
(iii) is isomorphic to for any two spaces and .
(iv) If and are connected polyhedra and , then .
Paper 2, Section II, H
commentExplain what is meant by a covering projection. State and prove the pathlifting property for covering projections, and indicate briefly how it generalizes to a lifting property for homotopies between paths. [You may assume the Lebesgue Covering Theorem.]
Let be a simply connected space, and let be a subgroup of the group of all homeomorphisms . Suppose that, for each , there exists an open neighbourhood of such that for each other than the identity. Show that the projection is a covering projection, and deduce that .
By regarding as the set of all quaternions of modulus 1 , or otherwise, show that there is a quotient space of whose fundamental group is a non-abelian group of order
Paper 3, Section II, H
commentLet and be (finite) simplicial complexes. Explain carefully what is meant by a simplicial approximation to a continuous map . Indicate briefly how the cartesian product may be triangulated.
Two simplicial maps are said to be contiguous if, for each simplex of , there exists a simplex of such that both and are faces of . Show that:
(i) any two simplicial approximations to a given map are contiguous;
(ii) if and are contiguous, then they induce homotopic maps ;
(iii) if and are homotopic maps , then for some subdivision of there exists a sequence of simplicial maps such that is a simplicial approximation to is a simplicial approximation to and each pair is contiguous.
Paper 4, Section II, H
commentState the Mayer-Vietoris theorem, and use it to calculate, for each integer , the homology group of the space obtained from the unit disc by identifying pairs of points on its boundary whenever . [You should construct an explicit triangulation of .]
Show also how the theorem may be used to calculate the homology groups of the suspension of a connected simplicial complex in terms of the homology groups of , and of the wedge union of two connected polyhedra. Hence show that, for any finite sequence of finitely-generated abelian groups, there exists a polyhedron such that for and for . [You may assume the structure theorem which asserts that any finitely-generated abelian group is isomorphic to a finite direct sum of (finite or infinite) cyclic groups.]
Paper 1, Section II, E
commentIn one dimension a particle of mass and momentum , is scattered by a potential where as . Incoming and outgoing plane waves of positive and negative parity are given, respectively, by
The scattering solutions to the time-independent Schrödinger equation with positive and negative parity incoming waves are and , respectively. State how the asymptotic behaviour of and can be expressed in terms of and the S-matrix denoted by
In the case where explain briefly why you expect .
The potential is given by
where is a constant. In this case, show that
where . Verify that and explain briefly the physical meaning of this result.
For , by considering the poles or zeros of show that there exists one bound state of negative parity in this potential if .
For and , show that has a pole at
where, to leading order in ,
Explain briefy the physical meaning of this result, and why you expect that .
Paper 2, Section II, E
commentA beam of particles of mass and momentum , incident along the -axis, is scattered by a spherically symmetric potential , where for large . State the boundary conditions on the wavefunction as and hence define the scattering amplitude , where is the scattering angle.
Given that, for large ,
explain how the partial-wave expansion can be used to define the phase shifts . Furthermore, given that , derive expressions for and the total cross-section in terms of the .
In a particular case is given by
where . Show that the -wave phase shift satisfies
where .
Derive an expression for the scattering length in terms of . Find the values of for which diverges and briefly explain their physical significance.
Paper 3, Section II, E
commentAn electron of mass moves in a -dimensional periodic potential that satisfies the periodicity condition
where is a D-dimensional Bravais lattice. State Bloch's theorem for the energy eigenfunctions of the electron.
For a one-dimensional potential such that , give a full account of how the "nearly free electron model" leads to a band structure for the energy levels.
Explain briefly the idea of a Fermi surface and its rôle in explaining the existence of conductors and insulators.
Paper 4, Section II, E
commentA particle of charge and mass moves in a magnetic field and in an electric potential . The time-dependent Schrödinger equation for the particle's wavefunction is
where is the vector potential with . Show that this equation is invariant under the gauge transformations
where is an arbitrary function, together with a suitable transformation for which should be stated.
Assume now that , so that the particle motion is only in the and directions. Let be the constant field and let . In the gauge where show that the stationary states are given by
Show that is the wavefunction for a simple one-dimensional harmonic oscillator centred at position . Deduce that the stationary states lie in infinitely degenerate levels (Landau levels) labelled by the integer , with energy
A uniform electric field is applied in the -direction so that . Show that the stationary states are given by , where is a harmonic oscillator wavefunction centred now at
Show also that the eigen-energies are given by
Why does this mean that the Landau energy levels are no longer degenerate in two dimensions?
Paper 1, Section II, J
comment(i) Let be a Markov chain with finitely many states. Define a stopping time and state the strong Markov property.
(ii) Let be a Markov chain with state-space and Q-matrix
Consider the integral , the signed difference between the times spent by the chain at states and by time , and let
Derive the equation
(iii) Obtain another equation relating to .
(iv) Assuming that , where is a non-negative constant, calculate .
(v) Give an intuitive explanation why the function must have the exponential form for some .
Paper 2, Section II, J
comment(i) Explain briefly what is meant by saying that a continuous-time Markov chain is a birth-and-death process with birth rates , and death rates , .
(ii) In the case where is recurrent, find a sufficient condition on the birth and death parameters to ensure that
and express in terms of these parameters. State the reversibility property of .
Jobs arrive according to a Poisson process of rate . They are processed individually, by a single server, the processing times being independent random variables, each with the exponential distribution of rate . After processing, the job either leaves the system, with probability , or, with probability , it splits into two separate jobs which are both sent to join the queue for processing again. Let denote the number of jobs in the system at time .
(iii) In the case , evaluate , and find the expected time that the processor is busy between two successive idle periods.
(iv) What happens if ?
Paper 3, Section II, J
comment(i) Define an inhomogeneous Poisson process with rate function .
(ii) Show that the number of arrivals in an inhomogeneous Poisson process during the interval has the Poisson distribution with mean
(iii) Suppose that is a non-negative real-valued random process. Conditional on , let be an inhomogeneous Poisson process with rate function . Such a process is called a doubly-stochastic Poisson process. Show that the variance of cannot be less than its mean.
(iv) Now consider the process obtained by deleting every odd-numbered point in an ordinary Poisson process of rate . Check that
Deduce that is not a doubly-stochastic Poisson process.
Paper 4, Section II, J
commentAt an queue, the arrival times form a Poisson process of rate while service times are independent of each other and of the arrival times and have a common distribution with mean .
(i) Show that the random variables giving the number of customers left in the queue at departure times form a Markov chain.
(ii) Specify the transition probabilities of this chain as integrals in involving parameter . [No proofs are needed.]
(iii) Assuming that and the chain is positive recurrent, show that its stationary distribution has the generating function given by
for an appropriate function , to be specified.
(iv) Deduce that, in equilibrium, has the mean value
Paper 1, Section II, A
commentA function , defined for positive integer , has an asymptotic expansion for large of the following form:
What precisely does this mean?
Show that the integral
has an asymptotic expansion of the form . [The Riemann-Lebesgue lemma may be used without proof.] Evaluate the coefficients and .
Paper 3, Section II, A
where is a complex analytic function and is a steepest descent contour from a simple saddle point of at . Establish the following leading asymptotic approximation, for large real :
Let be a positive integer, and let
where is a contour in the upper half -plane connecting to , and is real on the positive -axis with a branch cut along the negative -axis. Using the method of steepest descent, find the leading asymptotic approximation to for large .
Paper 4, Section II, A
commentDetermine the range of the integer for which the equation
has an essential singularity at .
Use the Liouville-Green method to find the leading asymptotic approximation to two independent solutions of
for large . Find the Stokes lines for these approximate solutions. For what range of is the approximate solution which decays exponentially along the positive -axis an asymptotic approximation to an exact solution with this exponential decay?
Paper 1, Section I, C
comment(i) A particle of mass and charge , at position , moves in an electromagnetic field with scalar potential and vector potential . Verify that the Lagrangian
gives the correct equations of motion.
[Note that and .]
(ii) Consider the case of a constant uniform magnetic field, with , given by , , where are Cartesian coordinates and is a constant. Find the motion of the particle, and describe it carefully.
Paper 2, Section I, C
commentThree particles, each of mass , move along a straight line. Their positions on the line containing the origin, , are and . They are subject to forces derived from the potential energy function
Obtain Lagrange's equations for the system, and show that the frequency, , of a normal mode satisfies
where . Find a complete set of normal modes for the system, and draw a diagram indicating the nature of the corresponding motions.
Paper 2, Section II, C
commentDerive Euler's equations governing the torque-free and force-free motion of a rigid body with principal moments of inertia and , where . Identify two constants of the motion. Hence, or otherwise, find the equilibrium configurations such that the angular-momentum vector, as measured with respect to axes fixed in the body, remains constant. Discuss the stability of these configurations.
A spacecraft may be regarded as moving in a torque-free and force-free environment. Nevertheless, flexing of various parts of the frame can cause significant dissipation of energy. How does the angular-momentum vector ultimately align itself within the body?
Paper 3, Section I,
commentThe Lagrangian for a heavy symmetric top is
State Noether's Theorem. Hence, or otherwise, find two conserved quantities linear in momenta, and a third conserved quantity quadratic in momenta.
Writing , deduce that obeys an equation of the form
where is cubic in . [You need not determine the explicit form of ]
Paper 4, Section I, C
comment(i) A dynamical system is described by the Hamiltonian . Define the Poisson bracket of two functions . Assuming the Hamiltonian equations of motion, find an expression for in terms of the Poisson bracket.
(ii) A one-dimensional system has the Hamiltonian
Show that is a constant of the motion. Deduce the form of along a classical path, in terms of the constants and .
Paper 4, Section II, C
commentGiven a Hamiltonian system with variables , state the definition of a canonical transformation
where and . Write down a matrix equation that is equivalent to the condition that the transformation is canonical.
Consider a harmonic oscillator of unit mass, with Hamiltonian
Write down the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for Hamilton's principal function , and deduce the Hamilton-Jacobi equation
for Hamilton's characteristic function .
Solve (1) to obtain an integral expression for , and deduce that, at energy ,
Let , and define the angular coordinate
You may assume that (2) implies
Deduce that
from which
Hence, or otherwise, show that the transformation from variables to is canonical.
Paper 1, Section I, G
commentI think of an integer with . Explain how to find using twenty questions (or less) of the form 'Is it true that ?' to which I answer yes or no.
I have watched a horse race with 15 horses. Is it possible to discover the order in which the horses finished by asking me twenty questions to which I answer yes or no?
Roughly how many questions of the yes/no type are required to discover the order in which horses finished if is large?
[You may assume that I answer honestly.]
Paper 1, Section II,
commentDescribe the Rabin-Williams coding scheme. Show that any method for breaking it will enable us to factorise the product of two primes.
Explain how the Rabin-Williams scheme can be used for bit sharing (that is to say 'tossing coins by phone').
Paper 2, Section I, G
commentI happen to know that an apparently fair coin actually has probability of heads with . I play a very long sequence of games of heads and tails in which my opponent pays me back twice my stake if the coin comes down heads and takes my stake if the coin comes down tails. I decide to bet a proportion of my fortune at the end of the th game in the st game. Determine, giving justification, the value maximizing the expected logarithm of my fortune in the long term, assuming I use the same at each game. Can it be actually disadvantageous for me to choose an (in the sense that I would be better off not playing)? Can it be actually disadvantageous for me to choose an ?
[Moral issues should be ignored.]
Paper 2, Section II, G
commentDefine a cyclic code. Show that there is a bijection between the cyclic codes of length and the factors of over the field of order 2 .
What is meant by saying that is a primitive th root of unity in a finite field extension of ? What is meant by saying that is a BCH code of length with defining set ? Show that such a code has minimum distance at least .
Suppose that is a finite field extension of in which factorises into linear factors. Show that if is a root of then is a primitive 7 th root of unity and is also a root of . Quoting any further results that you need show that the code of length 7 with defining set is the Hamming code.
[Results on the Vandermonde determinant may be used without proof provided they are quoted correctly.]
Paper 3, Section I, G
commentWhat is the rank of a binary linear code What is the weight enumeration polynomial of
Show that where is the rank of . Show that for all and if and only if .
Find, with reasons, the weight enumeration polynomial of the repetition code of length , and of the simple parity check code of length .
Paper 4, Section I, G
commentDescribe a scheme for sending messages based on quantum theory which is not vulnerable to eavesdropping. You may ignore engineering problems.
Paper 1, Section I, E
commentLight of wavelength emitted by a distant object is observed by us to have wavelength . The redshift of the object is defined by
Assuming that the object is at a fixed comoving distance from us in a homogeneous and isotropic universe with scale factor , show that
where is the time of emission and the time of observation (i.e. today).
[You may assume the non-relativistic Doppler shift formula for the shift in the wavelength of light emitted by a nearby object travelling with velocity at angle to the line of sight.]
Given that the object radiates energy per unit time, explain why the rate at which energy passes through a sphere centred on the object and intersecting the Earth is .
Paper 1, Section II, E
commentA homogeneous and isotropic universe, with scale factor , curvature parameter , energy density and pressure , satisfies the Friedmann and energy conservation equations
where , and the dot indicates a derivative with respect to cosmological time .
(i) Derive the acceleration equation
Given that the strong energy condition is satisfied, show that is a decreasing function of in an expanding universe. Show also that the density parameter satisfies
Hence explain, briefly, the flatness problem of standard big bang cosmology.
(ii) A flat homogeneous and isotropic universe is filled with a radiation fluid and a dark energy fluid , each with an equation of state of the form and density parameters today equal to and respectively. Given that each fluid independently obeys the energy conservation equation, show that the total energy density equals , where
with being the value of the Hubble parameter today. Hence solve the Friedmann equation to get
where and should be expressed in terms and . Show that this result agrees with the expected asymptotic solutions at both early and late times.
[Hint: .]
Paper 2, Section I, E
commentA spherically symmetric star in hydrostatic equilibrium has density and pressure , which satisfy the pressure support equation,
where is the mass within a radius . Show that this implies
Provide a justification for choosing the boundary conditions at the centre of the and at its outer radius .
Use the pressure support equation to derive the virial theorem for a star,
where is the average pressure, is the total volume of the star and is its total gravitational potential energy.
Paper 3, Section I, E
commentFor an ideal gas of fermions of mass in volume , and at temperature and chemical potential , the number density and kinetic energy are given by
where is the spin-degeneracy factor, is Planck's constant, is the single-particle energy as a function of the momentum , and
where is Boltzmann's constant.
(i) Sketch the function at zero temperature, explaining why for (the Fermi momentum). Find an expression for at zero temperature as a function of .
Assuming that a typical fermion is ultra-relativistic even at zero temperature, obtain an estimate of the energy density as a function of , and hence show that
in the ultra-relativistic limit at zero temperature.
(ii) A white dwarf star of radius has total mass , where is the proton mass and the average proton number density. On the assumption that the star's degenerate electrons are ultra-relativistic, so that applies with replaced by the average electron number density , deduce the following estimate for the star's internal kinetic energy:
By comparing this with the total gravitational potential energy, briefly discuss the consequences for white dwarf stability.
Paper 3, Section II, E
commentAn expanding universe with scale factor is filled with (pressure-free) cold dark matter (CDM) of average mass density . In the Zel'dovich approximation to gravitational clumping, the perturbed position of a CDM particle with unperturbed comoving position is given by
where is the comoving displacement.
(i) Explain why the conservation of CDM particles implies that
where is the CDM mass density. Use (1) to verify that , and hence deduce that the fractional density perturbation is, to first order,
Use this result to integrate the Poisson equation for the gravitational potential . Then use the particle equation of motion to deduce a second-order differential equation for , and hence that
[You may assume that implies and that the pressure-free acceleration equation is
(ii) A flat matter-dominated universe with background density has scale factor . The universe is filled with a pressure-free homogeneous (non-clumping) fluid of mass density , as well as cold dark matter of mass density .
Assuming that the Zel'dovich perturbation equation in this case is as in (2) but with replaced by , i.e. that
seek power-law solutions to find growing and decaying modes with
where .
Given that matter domination starts at a redshift , and given an initial perturbation , show that yields a model that is not compatible with the large-scale structure observed today.
Paper 4, Section I, 10E
commentThe equilibrium number density of fermions at temperature is
where is the spin degeneracy and . For a non-relativistic gas with and , show that the number density becomes
[You may assume that for .]
Before recombination, equilibrium is maintained between neutral hydrogen, free electrons, protons and photons through the interaction
Using the non-relativistic number density , deduce Saha's equation relating the electron and hydrogen number densities,
where is the ionization energy of hydrogen. State clearly any assumptions you have made.
Paper 1, Section II, I
commentLet and be manifolds and a smooth map. Define the notions critical point, critical value, regular value of . Prove that if is a regular value of , then (if non-empty) is a smooth manifold of .
[The Inverse Function Theorem may be assumed without proof if accurately stated.]
Let be the set of all real matrices and the group of all orthogonal matrices with determinant 1 . Show that is a smooth manifold and find its dimension.
Show further that is compact and that its tangent space at is given by all matrices such that .
Paper 2, Section II, I
commentLet be a smooth curve parametrized by arc-length, with for all . Define what is meant by the Frenet frame , the curvature and torsion of . State and prove the Frenet formulae.
By considering , or otherwise, show that, if for each the vectors , and are linearly dependent, then is a plane curve.
State and prove the isoperimetric inequality for regular plane curves.
[You may assume Wirtinger's inequality, provided you state it accurately.]
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentFor an oriented surface in , define the Gauss map, the second fundamental form and the normal curvature in the direction at a point .
Let be normal curvatures at in the directions , such that the angle between and is for each . Show that
where is the mean curvature of at .
What is a minimal surface? Show that if is a minimal surface, then its Gauss at each point satisfies
where depends only on . Conversely, if the identity holds at each point in , must be minimal? Justify your answer.
Paper 4, Section II, I
commentDefine what is meant by a geodesic. Let be an oriented surface. Define the geodesic curvature of a smooth curve parametrized by arc-length.
Explain without detailed proofs what are the exponential map and the geodesic polar coordinates at . Determine the derivative . Prove that the coefficients of the first fundamental form of in the geodesic polar coordinates satisfy
State the global Gauss-Bonnet formula for compact surfaces with boundary. [You should identify all terms in the formula.]
Suppose that is homeomorphic to a cylinder and has negative Gaussian curvature at each point. Prove that has at most one simple (i.e. without selfintersections) closed geodesic.
[Basic properties of geodesics may be assumed, if accurately stated.]
Paper 1, Section I, C
commentFind the fixed points of the dynamical system (with )
and determine their type as a function of .
Find the stable and unstable manifolds of the origin correct to order
Paper 2, Section I, C
commentState the Poincaré-Bendixson theorem for two-dimensional dynamical systems.
A dynamical system can be written in polar coordinates as
where and are constants with .
Show that trajectories enter the annulus .
Show that if there is a fixed point inside the annulus then and .
Use the Poincaré-Bendixson theorem to derive conditions on that guarantee the existence of a periodic orbit.
Paper 3, Section I, C
commentFor the map , with , show the following:
(i) If , then the origin is the only fixed point and is stable.
(ii) If , then the origin is unstable. There are two further fixed points which are stable for and unstable for .
(iii) If , then has the same sign as the starting value if .
(iv) If , then when . Deduce that iterates starting sufficiently close to the origin remain bounded, though they may change sign.
[Hint: For (iii) and (iv) a graphical representation may be helpful.]
Paper 3, Section II, C
Explain what is meant by a steady-state bifurcation of a fixed point of a dynamical system