Part II, 2016
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Paper 1, Section II, H
commentLet be an algebraically closed field.
(a) Let and be affine varieties defined over . Given a map , define what it means for to be a morphism of affine varieties.
(b) Let be the map given by
Show that is a morphism. Show that the image of is a closed subvariety of and determine its ideal.
(c) Let be the map given by
Show that the image of is a closed subvariety of .
Paper 2, Section II, H
commentIn this question we work over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Let and let be the closure of in
(a) Show that is a non-singular curve.
(b) Show that is a regular differential on .
(c) Compute the divisor of . What is the genus of ?
Paper 3, Section II, H
comment(a) Let be an affine variety. Define the tangent space of at a point . Say what it means for the variety to be singular at .
Define the dimension of in terms of (i) the tangent spaces of , and (ii) Krull dimension.
(b) Consider the ideal generated by the set . What is
Using the generators of the ideal, calculate the tangent space of a point in . What has gone wrong? [A complete argument is not necessary.]
(c) Calculate the dimension of the tangent space at each point for , and determine the location of the singularities of
Paper 4, Section II, H
comment(a) Let be a smooth projective curve, and let be an effective divisor on . Explain how defines a morphism from to some projective space.
State a necessary and sufficient condition on so that the pull-back of a hyperplane via is an element of the linear system .
State necessary and sufficient conditions for to be an isomorphism onto its image.
(b) Let now have genus 2 , and let be an effective canonical divisor. Show that the morphism is a morphism of degree 2 from to .
Consider the divisor for points with . Show that the linear system associated to this divisor induces a morphism from to a quartic curve in . Show furthermore that , with , if and only if .
[You may assume the Riemann-Roch theorem.]
Paper 1, Section II, G
commentLet be the 2-dimensional torus. Let be the inclusion of the coordinate circle , and let be the result of attaching a 2-cell along .
(a) Write down a presentation for the fundamental group of (with respect to some basepoint), and identify it with a well-known group.
(b) Compute the simplicial homology of any triangulation of .
(c) Show that is not homotopy equivalent to any compact surface.
Paper 2, Section II, G
comment(a) Let be simplicial complexes, and a continuous map. What does it mean to say that is a simplicial approximation to
(b) Define the barycentric subdivision of a simplicial complex , and state the Simplicial Approximation Theorem.
(c) Show that if is a simplicial approximation to then .
(d) Show that the natural inclusion induces a surjective map on fundamental groups.
Paper 3, Section II, G
commentConstruct a space as follows. Let each be homeomorphic to the standard 2-sphere . For each , let be the North pole and let be the South pole . Then
where for each (and indices are taken modulo 3 ).
(a) Describe the universal cover of .
(b) Compute the fundamental group of (giving your answer as a well-known group).
(c) Show that is not homotopy equivalent to the circle .
Paper 4, Section II, G
commentLet be the 2-dimensional torus, and let be constructed from by removing a small open disc.
(a) Show that is homotopy equivalent to .
(b) Show that the universal cover of is homotopy equivalent to a tree.
(c) Exhibit (finite) cell complexes , such that and are not homotopy equivalent but their universal covers are.
[State carefully any results from the course that you use.]
Paper 1, Section II, A
commentA particle in one dimension of mass and energy is incident from on a potential with as and for . The relevant solution of the time-independent Schrödinger equation has the asymptotic form
Explain briefly why a pole in the reflection amplitude at with corresponds to the existence of a stable bound state in this potential. Indicate why a pole in just below the real -axis, at with , corresponds to a quasi-stable bound state. Find an approximate expression for the lifetime of such a quasi-stable state.
Now suppose that
where and are constants. Compute the reflection amplitude in this case and deduce that there are quasi-stable bound states if is large. Give expressions for the wavefunctions and energies of these states and compute their lifetimes, working to leading non-vanishing order in for each expression.
[ You may assume for and .]
Paper 2, Section II, A
commentA particle of mass moves in three dimensions subject to a potential localised near the origin. The wavefunction for a scattering process with incident particle of wavevector is denoted . With reference to the asymptotic form of , define the scattering amplitude , where is the wavevector of the outgoing particle with .
By recasting the Schrödinger equation for as an integral equation, show that
[You may assume that
is the Green's function for which obeys the appropriate boundary conditions for a scattering solution.]
Now suppose , where is a dimensionless constant. Determine the first two non-zero terms in the expansion of in powers of , giving each term explicitly as an integral over one or more position variables
Evaluate the contribution to of order in the case , expressing the answer as a function of and the scattering angle (defined so that .
Paper 3, Section II, A
comment(a) A spinless charged particle moves in an electromagnetic field defined by vector and scalar potentials and . The wavefunction for the particle satisfies the time-dependent Schrödinger equation with Hamiltonian
Consider a gauge transformation
for some function . Define covariant derivatives with respect to space and time, and show that satisfies the Schrödinger equation with potentials and .
(b) Suppose that in part (a) the magnetic field has the form , where is a constant, and that . Find a suitable with and determine the energy levels of the Hamiltonian when the -component of the momentum of the particle is zero. Suppose in addition that the particle is constrained to lie in a rectangular region of area in the -plane. By imposing periodic boundary conditions in the -direction, estimate the degeneracy of each energy level. [You may use without proof results for a quantum harmonic oscillator, provided they are clearly stated.]
(c) An electron is a charged particle of spin with a two-component wavefunction governed by the Hamiltonian
where is the unit matrix and denotes the Pauli matrices. Find the energy levels for an electron in the constant magnetic field defined in part (b), assuming as before that the -component of the momentum of the particle is zero.
Consider such electrons confined to the rectangular region defined in part (b). Ignoring interactions between the electrons, show that the ground state energy of this system vanishes for less than some integer which you should determine. Find the ground state energy for , where is a positive integer.
Paper 4, Section II, A
commentLet be a Bravais lattice. Define the dual lattice and show that
obeys for all , where are constants. Suppose is the potential for a particle of mass moving in a two-dimensional crystal that contains a very large number of lattice sites of and occupies an area . Adopting periodic boundary conditions, plane-wave states can be chosen such that
The allowed wavevectors are closely spaced and include all vectors in . Find an expression for the matrix element in terms of the coefficients . [You need not discuss additional details of the boundary conditions.]
Now suppose that , where is a dimensionless constant. Find the energy for a particle with wavevector to order in non-degenerate perturbation theory. Show that this expansion in breaks down on the Bragg lines in k-space defined by the condition
and explain briefly, without additional calculations, the significance of this for energy levels in the crystal.
Consider the particular case in which has primitive vectors
where and are orthogonal unit vectors. Determine the polygonal region in -space corresponding to the lowest allowed energy band.
Paper 1, Section II, J
comment(a) Define a continuous-time Markov chain with infinitesimal generator and jump chain .
(b) Prove that if a state is transient for , then it is transient for .
(c) Prove or provide a counterexample to the following: if is positive recurrent for , then it is positive recurrent for .
(d) Consider the continuous-time Markov chain on with non-zero transition rates given by
Determine whether is transient or recurrent. Let , where is the first jump time. Does have an invariant distribution? Justify your answer. Calculate .
(e) Let be a continuous-time random walk on with and for all with . Determine for which values of the walk is transient and for which it is recurrent. In the recurrent case, determine the range of for which it is also positive recurrent. [Here denotes the Euclidean norm of .]
Paper 2, Section II, J
comment(a) Define an queue and write without proof its stationary distribution. State Burke's theorem for an queue.
(b) Let be an queue with arrival rate and service rate started from the stationary distribution. For each , denote by the last time before that a customer departed the queue and the first time after that a customer departed the queue. If there is no arrival before time , then we set . What is the limit as of ? Explain.
(c) Consider a system of queues serving a finite number of customers in the following way: at station , customers are served immediately and the service times are independent exponentially distributed with parameter ; after service, each customer goes to station with probability . We assume here that the system is closed, i.e., for all .
Let be the state space of the Markov chain. Write down its -matrix. Also write down the -matrix corresponding to the position in the network of one customer (that is, when ). Show that there is a unique distribution such that . Show that
defines an invariant measure for the chain. Are the queue lengths independent at equilibrium?
Paper 3, Section II, J
comment(a) State the thinning and superposition properties of a Poisson process on . Prove the superposition property.
(b) A bi-infinite Poisson process with is a process with independent and stationary increments over . Moreover, for all , the increment has the Poisson distribution with parameter . Prove that such a process exists.
(c) Let be a bi-infinite Poisson process on of intensity . We identify it with the set of points of discontinuity of , i.e., . Show that if we shift all the points of by the same constant , then the resulting process is also a Poisson process of intensity .
Now suppose we shift every point of by or with equal probability. Show that the final collection of points is still a Poisson process of intensity . [You may assume the thinning and superposition properties for the bi-infinite Poisson process.]
Paper 4, Section II, J
comment(a) Give the definition of a renewal process. Let be a renewal process associated with with . Show that almost surely
(b) Give the definition of Kingman's -coalescent. Let be the first time that all blocks have coalesced. Find an expression for . Let be the total length of the branches of the tree, i.e., if is the first time there are lineages, then . Show that as . Show also that for all , where is a positive constant, and that in probability
Paper 2, Section II, C
commentWhat is meant by the asymptotic relation
Show that
and find the corresponding result in the sector .
What is meant by the asymptotic expansion
Show that the coefficients are determined uniquely by . Show that if is analytic at , then its Taylor series is an asymptotic expansion for as for any .
Show that
defines a solution of the equation for any smooth and rapidly decreasing function . Use the method of stationary phase to calculate the leading-order behaviour of as , for fixed .
Paper 3, Section II, C
commentConsider the integral
for real , where . Find and sketch, in the complex -plane, the paths of steepest descent through the endpoints and and through any saddle point(s). Obtain the leading order term in the asymptotic expansion of for large positive . What is the order of the next term in the expansion? Justify your answer.
Paper 4, Section II, C
commentConsider the equation
where is a small parameter and is smooth. Search for solutions of the form
and, by equating powers of , obtain a collection of equations for the which is formally equivalent to (1). By solving explicitly for and derive the Liouville- Green approximate solutions to (1).
For the case , where and is a positive constant, consider the eigenvalue problem
Show that any eigenvalue is necessarily positive. Solve the eigenvalue problem exactly when .
Obtain Liouville-Green approximate eigenfunctions for (2) with , and give the corresponding Liouville Green approximation to the eigenvalues . Compare your results to the exact eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in the case , and comment on this.
Paper 1, Section I,
commentState the pumping lemma for context-free languages (CFLs). Which of the following are CFLs? Justify your answers.
(i) .
(ii) .
(iii) is a prime .
Let be CFLs. Show that is also a CFL.
Paper 1, Section II, F
comment(a) Define a recursive set and a recursively enumerable (r.e.) set. Prove that is recursive if and only if both and are r.e.
(b) Define the halting set . Prove that is r.e. but not recursive.
(c) Let be r.e. sets. Prove that and are r.e. Show by an example that the union of infinitely many r.e. sets need not be r.e.
(d) Let be a recursive set and a (total) recursive function. Prove that the set is r.e. Is it necessarily recursive? Justify your answer.
[Any use of Church's thesis in your answer should be explicitly stated.]
Paper 2, Section ,
comment(a) Which of the following are regular languages? Justify your answers.
(i) is a nonempty string of alternating 's and 's .
(ii) .
(b) Write down a nondeterministic finite-state automaton with -transitions which accepts the language given by the regular expression . Describe in words what this language is.
(c) Is the following language regular? Justify your answer.
Paper 3, Section I,
comment(a) Define what it means for a context-free grammar (CFG) to be in Chomsky normal form (CNF). Can a CFG in CNF ever define a language containing ? If denotes the result of converting an arbitrary CFG into one in CNF, state the relationship between and .
(b) Let be a CFG in CNF, and let be a word of length . Show that every derivation of in requires precisely steps. Using this, give an algorithm that, on input of any word on the terminals of , decides if or not.
(c) Convert the following CFG into a grammar in CNF:
Does in this case? Justify your answer.
Paper 3, Section II, F
comment(a) Let be a deterministic finite-state automaton. Define the extended transition function , and the language accepted by , denoted . Let , and . Prove that .
(b) Let where , and let .
(i) Show that there exist such that , where we interpret as if .
(ii) Show that .
(iii) Show that for all .
(c) Prove the following version of the pumping lemma. Suppose , with . Then can be broken up into three words such that , and for all , the word is also in .
(d) Hence show that
(i) if contains a word of length at least , then it contains infinitely many words;
(ii) if , then it contains a word of length less than ;
(iii) if contains all words in of length less than , then .
Paper 4, Section I,
comment(a) Construct a register machine to compute the function . State the relationship between partial recursive functions and partial computable functions. Show that the function is partial recursive.
(b) State Rice's theorem. Show that the set is recursively enumerable but not recursive.
Paper 1, Section I, E
commentConsider a one-parameter family of transformations such that for all time , and
where is a Lagrangian and a dot denotes differentiation with respect to . State and prove Noether's theorem.
Consider the Lagrangian
where the potential is a function of two variables. Find a continuous symmetry of this Lagrangian and construct the corresponding conserved quantity. Use the Euler-Lagrange equations to explicitly verify that the function you have constructed is independent of .
Paper 2, Section I, E
commentConsider the Lagrangian
where are positive constants and is a positive integer. Find three conserved quantities and show that satisfies
where is a polynomial of degree which should be determined.
Paper 2, Section II, E
commentDefine what it means for the transformation given by
to be canonical. Show that a transformation is canonical if and only if
Show that the transformation given by
is canonical for any real constant . Find the corresponding generating function.
Paper 3, Section I, E
commentConsider a six-dimensional phase space with coordinates for . Compute the Poisson brackets , where .
Consider the Hamiltonian
and show that the resulting Hamiltonian system admits three Poisson-commuting independent first integrals.
Paper 4, Section I, E
commentUsing conservation of angular momentum in the body frame, derive the Euler equations for a rigid body:
[You may use the formula without proof.]
Assume that the principal moments of inertia satisfy . Determine whether a rotation about the principal 3-axis leads to stable or unstable perturbations.
Paper 4, Section II,
commentA particle of unit mass is attached to one end of a light, stiff rod of length . The other end of the rod is held at a fixed position, such that the rod is free to swing in any direction. Write down the Lagrangian for the system giving a clear definition of any angular variables you introduce. [You should assume the acceleration is constant.]
Find two independent constants of the motion.
The particle is projected horizontally with speed from a point where the rod lies at an angle to the downward vertical, with . In terms of and , find the critical speed such that the particle always remains at its initial height.
The particle is now projected horizontally with speed but from a point at angle to the vertical, where . Show that the height of the particle oscillates, and find the period of oscillation in terms of and .
Paper 1, Section I, G
commentFind the average length of an optimum decipherable binary code for a source that emits five words with probabilities
Show that, if a source emits words (with ), and if are the lengths of the codewords in an optimum encoding over the binary alphabet, then
[You may assume that an optimum encoding can be given by a Huffman encoding.]
Paper 1, Section II, G
commentWhat does it mean to say a binary code has length , size and minimum distance d?
Let be the largest value of for which there exists an -code. Prove that
Another bound for is the Singleton bound given by
Prove the Singleton bound and give an example of a linear code of length that satisfies .
Paper 2, Section I, G
commentShow that the binary channel with channel matrix
has capacity .
Paper 2, Section II, G
commentDefine a code of length , where is odd, over the field of 2 elements with design distance . Show that the minimum weight of such a code is at least . [Results about the Vandermonde determinant may be quoted without proof, provided they are stated clearly.]
Let be a root of . Let be the code of length 15 with defining set . Find the generator polynomial of and the rank of . Determine the error positions of the following received words:
(i) ,
(ii) .
Paper 3, Section I,
commentDescribe in words the unicity distance of a cryptosystem.
Denote the cryptosystem by , in the usual way, and let and be random variables and . The unicity distance is formally defined to be the least such that . Derive the formula
where , and is the alphabet of the ciphertext. Make clear any assumptions you make.
The redundancy of a language is given by . If a language has zero redundancy what is the unicity of any cryptosystem?
Paper 4, Section I, G
commentDescribe the Rabin-Williams scheme for coding a message as modulo a certain . Show that, if is chosen appropriately, breaking this code is equivalent to factorising the product of two primes.
Paper 1, Section I, C
commentThe expansion scale factor, , for an isotropic and spatially homogeneous universe containing material with pressure and mass density obeys the equations
where the speed of light is set equal to unity, is Newton's constant, is a constant equal to 0 or , and is the cosmological constant. Explain briefly the interpretation of these equations.
Show that these equations imply
Hence show that a static solution with constant exists when if
What must the value of be, if the density is non-zero?
Paper 1, Section II, C
commentThe distribution function gives the number of particles in the universe with position in and momentum in at time . It satisfies the boundary condition that as and as . Its evolution obeys the Boltzmann equation
where the collision term describes any particle production and annihilation that occurs.
The universe expands isotropically and homogeneously with expansion scale factor , so the momenta evolve isotropically with magnitude . Show that the Boltzmann equation simplifies to
The number densities of particles and of antiparticles are defined in terms of their distribution functions and , and momenta and , by
and the collision term may be assumed to be of the form
where determines the annihilation cross-section of particles by antiparticles and is the production rate of particles.
By integrating equation with respect to the momentum and assuming that is a constant, show that
where . Assuming the same production rate for antiparticles, write down the corresponding equation satisfied by and show that
Paper 2, Section I, C
commentA spherical cloud of mass has radius and initial radius . It contains material with uniform mass density , and zero pressure. Ignoring the cosmological constant, show that if it is initially at rest at and the subsequent gravitational collapse is governed by Newton's law , then
Suppose is given parametrically by
where at . Derive a relation between and and hence show that the cloud collapses to radius at
where is the initial mass density of the cloud.
Paper 3, Section I, C
commentA universe contains baryonic matter with background density and density inhomogeneity , together with non-baryonic dark matter with background density and density inhomogeneity . After the epoch of radiation-matter density equality, , the background dynamics are governed by
where is the Hubble parameter.
The dark-matter density is much greater than the baryonic density and so the time-evolution of the coupled density perturbations, at any point , is described by the equations
Show that
where and are independent of time. Neglecting modes in and that decay with increasing time, show that the baryonic density inhomogeneity approaches
where is independent of time.
Briefly comment on the significance of your calculation for the growth of baryonic density inhomogeneities in the early universe.
Paper 3, Section II, C
commentThe early universe is described by equations (with units such that )
where . The universe contains only a self-interacting scalar field with interaction potential so that the density and pressure are given by
Show that
Explain the slow-roll approximation and apply it to equations (1) and (2) to show that it leads to
If with a positive constant and , show that
and that, for small , the scale factor expands to leading order in as
Comment on the relevance of this result for inflationary cosmology.
Paper 4, Section I, C
commentThe external gravitational potential due to a thin spherical shell of radius and mass per unit area , centred at , will equal the gravitational potential due to a point mass at , at any distance , provided
where depends on the radius of the shell. For which values of does this equation have solutions of the form , where is constant? Evaluate in each case and find the relation between the mass of the shell and .
Hence show that the general gravitational force
has a potential satisfying . What is the cosmological significance of the constant ?
Paper 1, Section II, G
commentDefine what is meant by the regular values and critical values of a smooth map of manifolds. State the Preimage Theorem and Sard's Theorem.
Suppose now that . If is compact, prove that the set of regular values is open in , but show that this may not be the case if is non-compact.
Construct an example with and compact for which the set of critical values is not a submanifold of .
[Hint: You may find it helpful to consider the case and . Properties of bump functions and the function may be assumed in this question.]
Paper 2, Section II, G
commentIf an embedded surface contains a line , show that the Gaussian curvature is non-positive at each point of . Give an example where the Gaussian curvature is zero at each point of .
Consider the helicoid given as the image of in under the map
What is the image of the corresponding Gauss map? Show that the Gaussian curvature at a point is given by , and hence is strictly negative everywhere. Show moreover that there is a line in passing through any point of .
[General results concerning the first and second fundamental forms on an oriented embedded surface and the Gauss map may be used without proof in this question.]
Paper 3, Section II, G
Explain what it means for an embedded surface in to be minimal. What is meant by an isothermal parametrization of an embedded surface ? Prove that if is isothermal then is minimal if and only if the components of are harmonic functions on . [You may assume the formula for the mean curvature of a parametrized embedded surface,
where (respectively ) are the coefficients of the first (respectively second) fundamental forms.]