Part II, 2010
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Paper 1, Section II, G
comment(i) Let . Show that is birational to , but not isomorphic to it.
(ii) Let be an affine variety. Define the dimension of in terms of the tangent spaces of .
(iii) Let be an irreducible polynomial, where is an algebraically closed field of arbitrary characteristic. Show that .
[You may assume the Nullstellensatz.]
Paper 2, Section II, G
commentLet be the set of matrices of rank at most over a field . Show that is naturally an affine subvariety of and that is a Zariski closed subvariety of .
Show that if , then 0 is a singular point of .
Determine the dimension of .
Paper 3, Section II, G
comment(i) Let be a curve, and be a smooth point on . Define what a local parameter at is.
Now let be a rational map to a quasi-projective variety . Show that if is projective, extends to a morphism defined at .
Give an example where this fails if is not projective, and an example of a morphism which does not extend to
(ii) Let and be curves in over a field of characteristic not equal to 2 . Let be the map . Determine the degree of , and the ramification for all .
Paper 4, Section II, G
commentLet be the projective curve obtained from the affine curve , where the are distinct and .
(i) Show there is a unique point at infinity, .
(ii) Compute .
(iii) Show .
(iv) Compute for all .
[You may not use the Riemann-Roch theorem.]
Paper 1, Section II, H
commentState the path lifting and homotopy lifting lemmas for covering maps. Suppose that is path connected and locally path connected, that and are covering maps, and that and are simply connected. Using the lemmas you have stated, but without assuming the correspondence between covering spaces and subgroups of , prove that is homeomorphic to .
Paper 2, Section II,
commentLet be the finitely presented group . Construct a path connected space with . Show that has a unique connected double cover , and give a presentation for .
Paper 3, Section II, H
commentSuppose is a finite simplicial complex and that is a free abelian group for each value of . Using the Mayer-Vietoris sequence or otherwise, compute in terms of . Use your result to compute .
[Note that , where there are factors in the product.]
Paper 4, Section II,
commentState the Snake Lemma. Explain how to define the boundary map which appears in it, and check that it is well-defined. Derive the Mayer-Vietoris sequence from the Snake Lemma.
Given a chain complex , let be the span of all elements in with grading greater than or equal to , and let be the span of all elements in with grading less than . Give a short exact sequence of chain complexes relating , and . What is the boundary map in the corresponding long exact sequence?
Paper 1, Section II, B
commentGive an account of the variational principle for establishing an upper bound on the ground-state energy, , of a particle moving in a potential in one dimension.
Explain how an upper bound on the energy of the first excited state can be found in the case that is a symmetric function.
A particle of mass moves in the potential
Use the trial wavefunction
where is a positive real parameter, to establish the upper bound for the energy of the ground state, where
Show that, for has one zero and find its position.
Show that the turning points of are given by
and deduce that there is one turning point in for all .
Sketch for and hence deduce that has at least one bound state for all .
For show that
where .
[You may use the result that for ]
Paper 2, Section II, B
commentA beam of particles of mass and momentum is incident along the -axis. Write down the asymptotic form of the wave function which describes scattering under the influence of a spherically symmetric potential and which defines the scattering amplitude .
Given that, for large ,
show how to derive the partial-wave expansion of the scattering amplitude in the form
Obtain an expression for the total cross-section, .
Let have the form
Show that the phase-shift satisfies
where .
Assume to be large compared with so that may be approximated by . Show, using graphical methods or otherwise, that there are values for for which for some integer , which should not be calculated. Show that the smallest value, , of for which this condition holds certainly satisfies .
Paper 3, Section II, B
commentState Bloch's theorem for a one dimensional lattice which is invariant under translations by .
A simple model of a crystal consists of a one-dimensional linear array of identical sites with separation . At the th site the Hamiltonian, neglecting all other sites, is and an electron may occupy either of two states, and , where
and and are orthonormal. How are and related to and ?
The full Hamiltonian is and is invariant under translations by . Write trial wavefunctions for the eigenstates of this model appropriate to a tight binding approximation if the electron has probability amplitudes and to be in the states and respectively.
Assume that the only non-zero matrix elements in this model are, for all ,
where and . Show that the time-dependent Schrödinger equation governing the amplitudes becomes
By examining solutions of the form
show that the allowed energies of the electron are two bands given by
Define the Brillouin zone for this system and find the energies at the top and bottom of both bands. Hence, show that the energy gap between the bands is
Show that the wavefunctions satisfy Bloch's theorem.
Describe briefly what are the crucial differences between insulators, conductors and semiconductors.
Paper 4, Section II, B
commentThe scattering amplitude for electrons of momentum incident on an atom located at the origin is where . Explain why, if the atom is displaced by a position vector a, the asymptotic form of the scattering wave function becomes
where and . For electrons incident on atoms in a regular Bravais crystal lattice show that the differential cross-section for scattering in the direction is
Derive an explicit form for and show that it is strongly peaked when for a reciprocal lattice vector.
State the Born approximation for when the scattering is due to a potential . Calculate the Born approximation for the case
Electrons with de Broglie wavelength are incident on a target composed of many randomly oriented small crystals. They are found to be scattered strongly through an angle of . What is the likely distance between planes of atoms in the crystal responsible for the scattering?
Paper 1, Section II, I
comment(a) Define what it means to say that is an equilibrium distribution for a Markov chain on a countable state space with Q-matrix , and give an equation which is satisfied by any equilibrium distribution. Comment on the possible non-uniqueness of equilibrium distributions.
(b) State a theorem on convergence to an equilibrium distribution for a continuoustime Markov chain.
A continuous-time Markov chain has three states and the Qmatrix is of the form
where the rates are not all zero.
[Note that some of the may be zero, and those cases may need special treatment.]
(c) Find the equilibrium distributions of the Markov chain in question. Specify the cases of uniqueness and non-uniqueness.
(d) Find the limit of the transition matrix when .
(e) Describe the jump chain and its equilibrium distributions. If is the jump probability matrix, find the limit of as .
Paper 2, Section II, I
comment(a) Let be the sum of independent exponential random variables of rate . Compute the moment generating function of . Show that, as , functions converge to a limit. Describe the random variable for which the limiting function coincides with .
(b) Define the queue with infinite capacity (sometimes written ). Introduce the embedded discrete-time Markov chain and write down the recursive relation between and .
Consider, for each fixed and for , an queue with arrival rate and with service times distributed as . Assume that the queue is empty at time 0 . Let be the earliest time at which a customer departs leaving the queue empty. Let be the first arrival time and the length of the busy period.
(c) Prove that the moment generating functions and are related by the equation
(d) Prove that the moment generating functions and are related by the equation
(e) Assume that, for all ,
for some random variables and . Calculate and . What service time distribution do these values correspond to?
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentCars looking for a parking space are directed to one of three unlimited parking lots A, B and C. First, immediately after the entrance, the road forks: one direction is to lot A, the other to B and C. Shortly afterwards, the latter forks again, between B and C. See the diagram below.
The policeman at the first road fork directs an entering car with probability to A and with probability to the second fork. The policeman at the second fork sends the passing cars to or alternately: cars approaching the second fork go to and cars to .
Assuming that the total arrival process of cars is Poisson of rate , consider the processes and , where is the number of cars directed to lot by time , for . The times for a car to travel from the first to the second fork, or from a fork to the parking lot, are all negligible.
(a) Characterise each of the processes and , by specifying if it is (i) Poisson, (ii) renewal or (iii) delayed renewal. Correspondingly, specify the rate, the holding-time distribution and the distribution of the delay.
(b) In the case of a renewal process, determine the equilibrium delay distribution.
(c) Given , write down explicit expressions for the probability that the interval is free of points in the corresponding process, .
Paper 4, Section II, I
comment(a) Let be an irreducible continuous-time Markov chain on a finite or countable state space. What does it mean to say that the chain is (i) transient, (ii) recurrent, (iii) positive recurrent, (iv) null recurrent? What is the relation between equilibrium distributions and properties (iii) and (iv)?
A population of microorganisms develops in continuous time; the size of the population is a Markov chain with states Suppose . It is known that after a short time , the probability that increased by one is and (if ) the probability that the population was exterminated between times and and never revived by time is . Here and are given positive constants. All other changes in the value of have a combined probability .
(b) Write down the Q-matrix of Markov chain and determine if is irreducible. Show that is non-explosive. Determine the jump chain.
(c) Now assume that
Determine whether the chain is transient or recurrent, and in the latter case whether it is positive or null recurrent. Answer the same questions for the jump chain. Justify your answers.
Paper 1, Section II, C
commentFor let
Assume that the function is continuous on , and that
as , where and .
(a) Explain briefly why in this case straightforward partial integrations in general cannot be applied for determining the asymptotic behaviour of as .
(b) Derive with proof an asymptotic expansion for as .
(c) For the function
obtain, using the substitution , the first two terms in an asymptotic expansion as . What happens as ?
[Hint: The following formula may be useful
Paper 3, Section II, C
commentConsider the ordinary differential equation
subject to the boundary conditions . Write down the general form of the Liouville-Green solutions for this problem for and show that asymptotically the eigenvalues and , behave as for large .
Paper 4, Section II, C
comment(a) Consider for the Laplace type integral
for some finite and smooth, real-valued functions . Assume that the function has a single minimum at with . Give an account of Laplace's method for finding the leading order asymptotic behaviour of as and briefly discuss the difference if instead or , i.e. when the minimum is attained at the boundary.
(b) Determine the leading order asymptotic behaviour of
(c) Determine also the leading order asymptotic behaviour when cos is replaced by in .
Paper 1, Section I, D
commentA system with coordinates , has the Lagrangian . Define the energy .
Consider a charged particle, of mass and charge , moving with velocity in the presence of a magnetic field . The usual vector equation of motion can be derived from the Lagrangian
where is the vector potential.
The particle moves in the presence of a field such that
referred to cylindrical polar coordinates . Obtain two constants of the motion, and write down the Lagrangian equations of motion obtained by variation of and .
Show that, if the particle is projected from the point with velocity , it will describe a circular orbit provided that .
Paper 2, Section I, D
commentGiven the form
for the kinetic energy and potential energy of a mechanical system, deduce Lagrange's equations of motion.
A light elastic string of length , fixed at both ends, has three particles, each of mass , attached at distances from one end. Gravity can be neglected. The particles vibrate with small oscillations transversely to the string, the tension in the string providing the restoring force. Take the displacements of the particles, , to be the generalized coordinates. Take units such that and show that
Find the normal-mode frequencies for this system.
Paper 2, Section II, D
commentAn axially-symmetric top of mass is free to rotate about a fixed point on its axis. The principal moments of inertia about are , and the centre of gravity is at a distance from . Define Euler angles and which specify the orientation of the top, where is the inclination of to the upward vertical. Show that there are three conserved quantities for the motion, and give their physical meaning.
Initially, the top is spinning with angular velocity about , with vertically above , before being disturbed slightly. Show that, in the subsequent motion, will remain close to zero provided , but that if , then will attain a maximum value given by
Paper 3, Section I, D
commentEuler's equations for the angular velocity of a rigid body, viewed in the body frame, are
and cyclic permutations, where the principal moments of inertia are assumed to obey .
Write down two quadratic first integrals of the motion.
There is a family of solutions , unique up to time-translations , which obey the boundary conditions as and as , for a given positive constant . Show that, for such a solution, one has
where is the angular momentum and is the kinetic energy.
By eliminating and in favour of , or otherwise, show that, in this case, the second Euler equation reduces to
where and . Find the general solution .
[You are not expected to calculate or
Paper 4, Section I, D
commentA system with one degree of freedom has Lagrangian . Define the canonical momentum and the energy . Show that is constant along any classical path.
Consider a classical path with the boundary-value data
Define the action of the path. Show that the total derivative along the classical path obeys
Using Lagrange's equations, or otherwise, deduce that
where is the final momentum.
Paper 4, Section II, D
commentA system is described by the Hamiltonian . Define the Poisson bracket of two functions , and show from Hamilton's equations that
Consider the Hamiltonian
and define
where . Evaluate and , and show that and . Show further that, when is regarded as a function of the independent complex variables and of , one has
Deduce that both and are constant during the motion.
Paper 1, Section I, H
commentExplain what is meant by saying that a binary code is a decodable code with words of length for . Prove the MacMillan inequality which states that, for such a code,
Paper 1, Section II, H
commentState and prove Shannon's theorem for the capacity of a noisy memoryless binary symmetric channel, defining the terms you use.
[You may make use of any form of Stirling's formula and any standard theorems from probability, provided that you state them exactly.]
Paper 2, Section I,
commentDescribe the standard Hamming code of length 7 , proving that it corrects a single error. Find its weight enumeration polynomial.
Paper 2, Section II, H
commentThe Van der Monde matrix is the matrix with th entry . Find an expression for as a product. Explain why this expression holds if we work modulo a prime.
Show that modulo if , and that there exist such that . By using Wilson's theorem, or otherwise, find the possible values of modulo .
The Dark Lord Y'Trinti has acquired the services of the dwarf Trigon who can engrave pairs of very large integers on very small rings. The Dark Lord wishes Trigon to engrave rings in such a way that anyone who acquires of the rings and knows the Prime Perilous can deduce the Integer of Power, but owning rings will give no information whatsoever. The integers and are very large and . Advise the Dark Lord.
For reasons to be explained in the prequel, Trigon engraves an st ring with random integers. A band of heroes (who know the Prime Perilous and all the information contained in this question) set out to recover the rings. What, if anything, can they say, with very high probability, about the Integer of Power if they have rings (possibly including the fake)? What can they say if they have rings? What if they have rings?
Paper 3, Section I,
commentWhat is a linear code? What is a parity check matrix for a linear code? What is the minimum distance for a linear code
If and are linear codes having a certain relation (which you should specify), define the bar product . Show that
If has parity check matrix and has parity check matrix , find a parity check matrix for .
Paper 4, Section I, H
commentWhat is the discrete logarithm problem?
Describe the Diffie-Hellman key exchange system for two people. What is the connection with the discrete logarithm problem? Why might one use this scheme rather than just a public key system or a classical (pre-1960) coding system?
Extend the Diffie-Hellman system to people using transmitted numbers.
Paper 1, Section I, D
commentWhat is meant by the expression 'Hubble time'?
For the scale factor of the universe and assuming and , where is the time now, obtain a formula for the size of the particle horizon of the universe.
show that is finite for certain values of . What might be the physically relevant values of ? Show that the age of the universe is less than the Hubble time for these values of .
Paper 1, Section II, D
commentA star has pressure and mass density , where is the distance from the centre of the star. These quantities are related by the pressure support equation
where and is the mass within radius . Use this to derive the virial theorem
where is the total gravitational potential energy and the average pressure.
The total kinetic energy of a spherically symmetric star is related to by
where is a constant. Use the virial theorem to determine the condition on for gravitational binding. By considering the relation between pressure and 'internal energy' for an ideal gas, determine for the cases of a) an ideal gas of non-relativistic particles, b) an ideal gas of ultra-relativistic particles.
Why does your result imply a maximum mass for any star? Briefly explain what is meant by the Chandrasekhar limit.
A white dwarf is in orbit with a companion star. It slowly accretes matter from the other star until its mass exceeds the Chandrasekhar limit. Briefly explain its subsequent evolution.
Paper 2, Section I, D
commentThe number density for a photon gas in equilibrium is given by
where is the photon frequency. By letting , show that
where is a constant which need not be evaluated.
The photon entropy density is given by
where is a constant. By considering the entropy, explain why a photon gas cools as the universe expands.
Paper 3, Section I, D
commentConsider a homogenous and isotropic universe with mass density , pressure and scale factor . As the universe expands its energy changes according to the relation . Use this to derive the fluid equation
Use conservation of energy applied to a test particle at the boundary of a spherical fluid element to derive the Friedmann equation
where is a constant. State any assumption you have made. Briefly state the significance of .
Paper 3, Section II, D
commentThe number density for particles in thermal equilibrium, neglecting quantum effects, is
where is the number of degrees of freedom for the particle with energy and is its chemical potential. Evaluate for a non-relativistic particle.
Thermal equilibrium between two species of non-relativistic particles is maintained by the reaction
where and are massless particles. Evaluate the ratio of number densities given that their respective masses are and and chemical potentials are and .
Explain how a reaction like the one above is relevant to the determination of the neutron to proton ratio in the early universe. Why does this ratio not fall rapidly to zero as the universe cools?
Explain briefly the process of primordial nucleosynthesis by which neutrons are converted into stable helium nuclei. Letting
be the fraction of the universe's helium, compute as a function of the ratio at the time of nucleosynthesis.
Paper 4, Section I, D
commentThe linearised equation for the growth of density perturbations, , in an isotropic and homogenous universe is
where is the density of matter, the sound speed, , and is the comoving wavevector and is the scale factor of the universe.
What is the Jean's length? Discuss its significance for the growth of perturbations.
Consider a universe filled with pressure-free matter with . Compute the resulting equation for the growth of density perturbations. Show that your equation has growing and decaying modes and comment briefly on the significance of this fact.
Paper 1, Section II, H
comment(i) State the definition of smooth manifold with boundary and define the notion of boundary. Show that the boundary is a manifold (without boundary) with .
(ii) Let and let denote Euclidean coordinates on . Show that the set
is a manifold with boundary and compute its dimension. You may appeal to standard results concerning regular values of smooth functions.
(iii) Determine if the following statements are true or false, giving reasons:
a. If and are manifolds, smooth and a submanifold of codimension such that is not transversal to , then is not a submanifold of codimension in .
b. If and are manifolds and is smooth, then the set of regular values of is open in .
c. If and are manifolds and is smooth then the set of critical points is of measure 0 in .
Paper 2, Section II, H
comment(i) State and prove the isoperimetric inequality for plane curves. You may appeal to Wirtinger's inequality as long as you state it precisely.
(ii) State Fenchel's theorem for curves in space.
(iii) Let be a closed regular plane curve bounding a region . Suppose , for , i.e. contains a rectangle of dimensions . Let denote the signed curvature of with respect to the inward pointing normal, where is parametrised anticlockwise. Show that there exists an such that .
Paper 3, Section II, H
comment(i) State and prove the Theorema Egregium.
(ii) Define the notions principal curvatures, principal directions and umbilical point.
(iii) Let be a connected compact regular surface (without boundary), and let be a dense subset of with the following property. For all , there exists an open neighbourhood of in such that for all , where denotes rotation by around the line through perpendicular to . Show that is in fact a sphere.
Paper 4, Section II, H
comment(i) Let be a regular surface. Define the notions exponential map, geodesic polar coordinates, geodesic circles.
(ii) State and prove Gauss' lemma.
(iii) Let be a regular surface. For fixed , and points in , let , denote the geodesic circles around , respectively, of radius . Show the following statement: for each , there exists an and a neighborhood containing such that for all , the sets and are smooth 1-dimensional manifolds which intersect transversally. What is the cardinality of ?
Paper 1, Section I, D
commentConsider the 2-dimensional flow
where and are non-negative, the parameters and are strictly positive and . Sketch the nullclines in the plane. Deduce that for (where is to be determined) there are three fixed points. Find them and determine their type.
Sketch the phase portrait for and identify, qualitatively on your sketch, the stable and unstable manifolds of the saddle point. What is the final outcome of this system?
Paper 2, Section I, D
commentConsider the 2-dimensional flow
where the parameter . Using Lyapunov's approach, discuss the stability of the fixed point and its domain of attraction. Relevant definitions or theorems that you use should be stated carefully, but proofs are not required.
Paper 3, Section I, D
commentLet . The sawtooth (Bernoulli shift) map is defined by
Describe the effect of using binary notation. Show that is continuous on except at . Show also that has -periodic points for all . Are they stable?
Explain why is chaotic, using Glendinning's definition.
Paper 3, Section II, D
commentDescribe informally the concepts of extended stable manifold theory. Illustrate your discussion by considering the 2-dimensional flow
where is a parameter with , in a neighbourhood of the origin. Determine the nature of the bifurcation.
Paper 4, Section I, D
commentConsider the 2-dimensional flow
Use the Poincaré-Bendixson theorem, which should be stated carefully, to obtain a domain in the -plane, within which there is at least one periodic orbit.
Paper 4, Section II, D
commentLet and consider continuous maps . Give an informal outline description of the two different bifurcations of fixed points of that can occur.
Illustrate your discussion by considering in detail the logistic map
for .
Describe qualitatively what happens for .
[You may assume without proof that
Paper 1, Section II, B
commentThe vector potential is determined by a current density distribution in the gauge by
in units where .
Describe how to justify the result
A plane square loop of thin wire, edge lengths , has its centre at the origin and lies in the plane. For , no current is flowing in the loop, but at a constant current is turned on.
Find the vector potential at the point as a function of time due to a single edge of the loop.
What is the electric field due to the entire loop at as a function of time? Give a careful justification of your answer.
Paper 3, Section II, B
commentA particle of rest-mass , electric charge , is moving relativistically along the path where parametrises the path.
Write down an action for which the extremum determines the particle's equation of motion in an electromagnetic field given by the potential .
Use your action to derive the particle's equation of motion in a form where is the proper time.
Suppose that the electric and magnetic fields are given by
where and are constants and .
Find given that the particle starts at rest at the origin when .
Describe qualitatively the motion of the particle.
Paper 4, Section II, B
In a superconductor the number density of charge carriers of charge