Part II, 2007
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commentDefine what it means for a group to act on a topological space . Prove that, if acts freely, in a sense that you should specify, then the quotient map is a covering map and there is a surjective group homomorphism from the fundamental group of to .
comment(i) Compute the fundamental group of the Klein bottle. Show that this group is not abelian, for example by defining a suitable homomorphism to the symmetric group .
(ii) Let be the closed orientable surface of genus 2 . How many (connected) double coverings does have? Show that the fundamental group of admits a homomorphism onto the free group on 2 generators.
commentState the Mayer-Vietoris sequence for a simplicial complex which is a union of two subcomplexes and . Define the homomorphisms in the sequence (but do not check that they are well-defined). Prove exactness of the sequence at the term .
commentCompute the homology of the space obtained from the torus by identifying to a point and to a point, for two distinct points and in
commentIn a certain spherically symmetric potential, the radial wavefunction for particle scattering in the sector ( -wave), for wavenumber and , is
with and real, positive constants. Scattering in sectors with can be neglected. Deduce the formula for the -matrix in this case and show that it satisfies the expected symmetry and reality properties. Show that the phase shift is
What is the scattering length for this potential?
From the form of the radial wavefunction, deduce the energies of the bound states, if any, in this system. If you were given only the -matrix as a function of , and no other information, would you reach the same conclusion? Are there any resonances here?
[Hint: Recall that for real , where is the phase shift.]
commentDescribe the variational method for estimating the ground state energy of a quantum system. Prove that an error of order in the wavefunction leads to an error of order in the energy.
Explain how the variational method can be generalized to give an estimate of the energy of the first excited state of a quantum system.
Using the variational method, estimate the energy of the first excited state of the anharmonic oscillator with Hamiltonian
How might you improve your estimate?
[Hint: If then
commentConsider the Hamiltonian
for a particle of spin fixed in space, in a rotating magnetic field, where
with and constant, and .
There is an exact solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for this Hamiltonian,
where and
Show that, for , this exact solution simplifies to a form consistent with the adiabatic approximation. Find the dynamic phase and the geometric phase in the adiabatic regime. What is the Berry phase for one complete cycle of ?
The Berry phase can be calculated as an integral of the form
Evaluate for the adiabatic evolution described above.
commentConsider a 1-dimensional chain of atoms of mass (with large and with periodic boundary conditions). The interactions between neighbouring atoms are modelled by springs with alternating spring constants and , with .
In equilibrium, the separation of the atoms is , the natural length of the springs.
Find the frequencies of the longitudinal modes of vibration for this system, and show that they are labelled by a wavenumber that is restricted to a Brillouin zone. Identify the acoustic and optical bands of the vibration spectrum, and determine approximations for the frequencies near the centre of the Brillouin zone. What is the frequency gap between the acoustic and optical bands at the zone boundary?
Describe briefly the properties of the phonons in this system.
commentAn open air rock concert is taking place in beautiful Pine Valley, and enthusiastic fans from the entire state of Alifornia are heading there long before the much anticipated event. The arriving cars have to be directed to one of three large (practically unlimited) parking lots, and situated near the valley entrance. The traffic cop at the entrance to the valley decides to direct every third car (in the order of their arrival) to a particular lot. Thus, cars and so on are directed to lot , cars to lot and cars to lot .
Suppose that the total arrival process , at the valley entrance is Poisson, of rate (the initial time is taken to be considerably ahead of the actual event). Consider the processes and where is the number of cars arrived in lot by time . Assume for simplicity that the time to reach a parking lot from the entrance is negligible so that the car enters its specified lot at the time it crosses the valley entrance.
(a) Give the probability density function of the time of the first arrival in each of the processes .
(b) Describe the distribution of the time between two subsequent arrivals in each of these processes. Are these times independent? Justify your answer.
(c) Which of these processes are delayed renewal processes (where the distribution of the first arrival time differs from that of the inter-arrival time)?
(d) What are the corresponding equilibrium renewal processes?
(e) Describe how the direction rule should be changed for and to become Poisson processes, of rate . Will these Poisson processes be independent? Justify your answer.
commentIn this question we work with a continuous-time Markov chain where the rate of jump may depend on but not on . A virus can be in one of strains , and it mutates to strain with rate from each strain . (Mutations are caused by the chemical environment.) Set .
(a) Write down the Q-matrix (the generator) of the chain in terms of and .
(b) If , that is, , what are the communicating classes of the chain ?
(c) From now on assume that . State and prove a necessary and sufficient condition, in terms of the numbers , for the chain to have a single communicating class (which therefore should be closed).
(d) In general, what is the number of closed communicating classes in the chain ? Describe all open communicating classes of .
(e) Find the equilibrium distribution of . Is the chain reversible? Justify your answer.
(f) Write down the transition matrix of the discrete-time jump chain for and identify its equilibrium distribution. Is the jump chain reversible? Justify your answer.
commentFor a discrete-time Markov chain, if the probability of transition does not depend on then the chain is reduced to a sequence of independent random variables (states). In this case, the chain forgets about its initial state and enters equilibrium after a single transition. In the continuous-time case, a Markov chain whose rates of transition depend on but not on still 'remembers' its initial state and reaches equilibrium only in the limit as the time grows indefinitely. This question is an illustration of this property.
A protean sea sponge may change its colour among varieties , under the influence of the environment. The rate of transition from colour to equals and does not depend on . Consider a Q-matrix with entries
where . Assume that and let be the continuous-time Markov chain with generator . Given , let be the matrix of transition probabilities in time in chain .
(a) State the exponential relation between the matrices and .
(b) Set . Check that are equilibrium probabilities for the chain . Is this a unique equilibrium distribution? What property of the vector with entries relative to the matrix is involved here?
(c) Let be a vector with components such that . Show that . Compute
(d) Now let denote the (column) vector whose entries are 0 except for the th one which equals 1. Observe that the th row of is . Prove that
(e) Deduce the expression for transition probabilities in terms of rates and their sum .
commentA population of rare Monarch butterflies functions as follows. At the times of a Poisson process of rate a caterpillar is produced from an egg. After an exponential time, the caterpillar is transformed into a pupa which, after an exponential time, becomes a butterfly. The butterfly lives for another exponential time and then dies. (The Poissonian assumption reflects the fact that butterflies lay a huge number of eggs most of which do not develop.) Suppose that all lifetimes are independent (of the arrival process and of each other) and let their rate be . Assume that the population is in an equilibrium and let be the number of caterpillars, the number of pupae and the number of butterflies (so that the total number of insects, in any metamorphic form, equals . Let be the equilibrium probability where
(a) Specify the rates of transitions for the resulting continuous-time Markov chain with states . (The rates are non-zero only when or and similarly for other co-ordinates.) Check that the holding rate for state is where .
(b) Let be the Q-matrix from (a). Consider the invariance equation . Verify that the only solution is
(c) Derive the marginal equilibrium probabilities and the conditional equilibrium probabilities .
(d) Determine whether the chain is positive recurrent, null-recurrent or transient.
(e) Verify that the equilibrium probabilities are the same as in the corresponding system (with the correct specification of the arrival rate and the service-time distribution).
commentState Watson's lemma, describing the asymptotic behaviour of the integral
as , given that has the asymptotic expansion
as , where and .
Give an account of Laplace's method for finding asymptotic expansions of integrals of the form
for large real , where is real for real .
Deduce the following asymptotic expansion of the contour integral
as .
commentExplain the method of stationary phase for determining the behaviour of the integral
for large . Here, the function is real and differentiable, and and are all real.
Apply this method to show that the first term in the asymptotic behaviour of the function
where with and real, is
commentConsider the time-independent Schrödinger equation
where denotes and denotes . Suppose that
and consider a bound state . Write down the possible Liouville-Green approximate solutions for in each region, given that as .
Assume that may be approximated by near , where , and by near , where . The Airy function satisfies
and has the asymptotic expansions
Deduce that the energies of bound states are given approximately by the WKB condition:
commentThe action for a system with generalized coordinates, , for a time interval is given by
where is the Lagrangian, and where the end point values and are fixed at specified values. Derive Lagrange's equations from the principle of least action by considering the variation of for all possible paths.
What is meant by the statement that a particular coordinate is ignorable? Show that there is an associated constant of the motion, to be specified in terms of .
A particle of mass is constrained to move on the surface of a sphere of radius under a potential, , for which the Lagrangian is given by
Identify an ignorable coordinate and find the associated constant of the motion, expressing it as a function of the generalized coordinates. Evaluate the quantity
in terms of the same generalized coordinates, for this case. Is also a constant of the motion? If so, why?
commentThe Lagrangian for a particle of mass and charge moving in a magnetic field with position vector is given by
where the vector potential , which does not depend on time explicitly, is related to the magnetic field through
Write down Lagrange's equations and use them to show that the equation of motion of the particle can be written in the form
Deduce that the kinetic energy, , is constant.
When the magnetic field is of the form for some specified function , show further that
where and are constants.
comment(a) A Hamiltonian system with degrees of freedom is described by the phase space coordinates and momenta . Show that the phase-space volume element
is conserved under time evolution.
(b) The Hamiltonian, , for the system in part (a) is independent of time. Show that if is a constant of the motion, then the Poisson bracket vanishes. Evaluate when
where the potential depends on the only through quantities of the form for .
(c) For a system with one degree of freedom, state what is meant by the transformation
being canonical. Show that the transformation is canonical if and only if the Poisson bracket .
commentA particle of mass is constrained to move in the horizontal plane, around a circle of fixed radius whose centre is at the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system . A second particle of mass is constrained to move around a circle of fixed radius that also lies in a horizontal plane, but whose centre is at . It is given that the Lagrangian of the system can be written as
using the particles' cylindrical polar angles and as generalized coordinates. Deduce the equations of motion and use them to show that is constant, and that obeys an equation of the form
where is a constant to be determined.
Find two values of corresponding to equilibria, and show that one of the two equilibria is stable. Find the period of small oscillations about the stable equilibrium.
comment(a) Show that the principal moments of inertia for the oblate spheroid of mass defined by
are given by . Here is the semi-major axis and is the eccentricity.
[You may assume that a sphere of radius a has principal moments of inertia .]
(b) The spheroid in part (a) rotates about an axis that is not a principal axis. Euler's equations governing the angular velocity as viewed in the body frame are
Show that is constant. Show further that the angular momentum vector precesses around the axis with period
commentThe Hamiltonian for an oscillating particle with one degree of freedom is
The mass is a constant, and is a function of time alone. Write down Hamilton's equations and use them to show that
Now consider a case in which is constant and the oscillation is exactly periodic. Denote the constant value of in that case by . Consider the quantity , where the integral is taken over a single oscillation cycle. For any given function show that can be expressed as a function of and alone, namely
where the sign of the integrand alternates between the two halves of the oscillation cycle. Let be the period of oscillation. Show that the function has partial derivatives
You may assume without proof that and may be taken inside the integral.
Now let change very slowly with time , by a negligible amount during an oscillation cycle. Assuming that, to sufficient approximation,
where is the average value of over an oscillation cycle, and that
deduce that , carefully explaining your reasoning.
with a positive integer and positive, deduce that
for slowly-varying , where is a constant.
[Do not try to solve Hamilton's equations. Rather, consider the form taken by . ]
commentCompute the rank and minimum distance of the cyclic code with generator polynomial and parity-check polynomial . Now let be a root of in the field with 8 elements. We receive the word . Verify that , and hence decode using minimum-distance decoding.
commentLet and be alphabets of sizes and . What does it mean to say that is a decipherable code? State the inequalities of Kraft and Gibbs, and deduce that if letters are drawn from with probabilities then the expected word length is at least .
commentDefine the bar product of linear codes and , where is a subcode of . Relate the rank and minimum distance of to those of and . Show that if denotes the dual code of , then
Using the bar product construction, or otherwise, define the Reed-Muller code for . Show that if , then the dual of is again a Reed-Muller code.
commentBriefly explain how and why a signature scheme is used. Describe the El Gamal scheme.
commentDefine the capacity of a discrete memoryless channel. State Shannon's second coding theorem and use it to show that the discrete memoryless channel with channel matrix
has capacity .
commentWhat is a linear feedback shift register? Explain the Berlekamp-Massey method for recovering the feedback polynomial of a linear feedback shift register from its output. Illustrate in the case when we observe output
commentDescribe the motion of light rays in an expanding universe with scale factor , and derive the redshift formula
where the light is emitted at time and observed at time .
A galaxy at comoving position is observed to have a redshift . Given that the galaxy emits an amount of energy per unit time, show that the total energy per unit time crossing a sphere centred on the galaxy and intercepting the earth is . Hence, show that the energy per unit time per unit area passing the earth is
commentIn a homogeneous and isotropic universe, the scale factor obeys the Friedmann equation
where is the matter density, which, together with the pressure , satisfies
Here, is a constant curvature parameter. Use these equations to show that the rate of change of the Hubble parameter satisfies
Suppose that an expanding Friedmann universe is filled with radiation (density and pressure as well as a "dark energy" component (density and pressure . Given that the energy densities of these two components are measured today to be
show that the curvature parameter must satisfy . Hence derive the following relations for the Hubble parameter and its time derivative:
Show qualitatively that universes with will recollapse to a Big Crunch in the future. [Hint: Sketch and versus for representative values of .]
For , find an explicit solution for the scale factor satisfying . Find the limiting behaviours of this solution for large and small . Comment briefly on their significance.
commentThe number density of photons in thermal equilibrium at temperature takes the form
At time and temperature , photons decouple from thermal equilibrium. By considering how the photon frequency redshifts as the universe expands, show that the form of the equilibrium frequency distribution is preserved, with the temperature for defined by
Show that the photon number density and energy density can be expressed in the form
where the constants and need not be evaluated explicitly.
commentThe number density of a non-relativistic species in thermal equilibrium is given by
Suppose that thermal and chemical equilibrium is maintained between protons p (mass , degeneracy ), neutrons (mass , degeneracy ) and helium-4 nuclei mass , degeneracy ) via the interaction
where you may assume the photons have zero chemical potential . Given that the binding energy of helium-4 obeys , show that the ratio of the number densities can be written as
Explain briefly why the baryon-to-photon ratio remains constant during the expansion of the universe, where and .
By considering the fractional densities of the species , re-express the ratio ( ) in the form
Given that , verify (very approximately) that this ratio approaches unity when . In reality, helium-4 is not formed until after deuterium production at a considerably lower temperature. Explain briefly the reason for this delay.
commentA spherically symmetric star with outer radius has mass density and pressure , where is the distance from the centre of the star. Show that hydrostatic equilibrium implies the pressure support equation,
where is the mass inside radius . State without proof any results you may need.
Write down an integral expression for the total gravitational potential energy of the star. Hence use to deduce the virial theorem
where is the average pressure and is the volume of the star.
Given that a non-relativistic ideal gas obeys and that an ultrarelativistic gas obeys , where is the kinetic energy, discuss briefly the gravitational stability of a star in these two limits.
At zero temperature, the number density of particles obeying the Pauli exclusion principle is given by
where is the Fermi momentum, is the degeneracy and is Planck's constant. Deduce that the non-relativistic internal energy of these particles is
where is the mass of a particle. Hence show that the non-relativistic Fermi degeneracy pressure satisfies
Use the virial theorem to estimate that the radius of a star supported by Fermi degeneracy pressure is approximately
where is the total mass of the star.
[Hint: Assume and note that
commentThe equation governing density perturbation modes in a matter-dominated universe (with ) is
where is the comoving wavevector. Find the general solution for the perturbation, showing that there is a growing mode such that
Show that the physical wavelength corresponding to the comoving wavenumber crosses the Hubble radius at a time given by
According to inflationary theory, the amplitude of the variance at horizon-crossing is constant, that is, where and (the volume) are constants. Given this amplitude and the results obtained above, deduce that the power spectrum today takes the form
commentLet be a smooth map between manifolds without boundary. Recall that is a submersion if is surjective for all . The canonical submersion is the standard projection of onto for , given by
(i) Let be a submersion, and . Show that there exist local coordinates around and such that , in these coordinates, is the canonical submersion. [You may assume the inverse function theorem.]
(ii) Show that submersions map open sets to open sets.
(iii) If is compact and connected, show that every submersion is surjective. Are there submersions of compact manifolds into Euclidean spaces with ?
comment(i) What is a minimal surface? Explain why minimal surfaces always have non-positive Gaussian curvature.
(ii) A smooth map between two surfaces in 3-space is said to be conformal if
for all and all , where is a number which depends only on .
Let be a surface without umbilical points. Prove that is a minimal surface if and only if the Gauss map is conformal.
(iii) Show that isothermal coordinates exist around a non-planar point in a minimal surface.
comment(i) Let be a smooth map between manifolds without boundary. Define critical point, critical value and regular value. State Sard's theorem.
(ii) Explain how to define the degree modulo 2 of a smooth map , indicating clearly the hypotheses on and . Show that a smooth map with non-zero degree modulo 2 must be surjective.
(iii) Let be the torus of revolution obtained by rotating the circle in the -plane around the -axis. Describe the critical points and the critical values of the Gauss map of . Find the degree modulo 2 of . Justify your answer by means of a sketch or otherwise.
comment(i) What is a geodesic? Show that geodesics are critical points of the energy functional.
(ii) Let be a surface which admits a parametrization defined on an open subset of such that and , where is a function of alone and is a function of alone. Let be a geodesic and write . Show that
is independent of .
commentGiven a non-autonomous th-order differential equation
with , explain how it may be written in the autonomous first-order form for suitably chosen vectors and .
Given an autonomous system in , define the corresponding flow . What is equal to? Define the orbit through and the limit set of . Define a homoclinic orbit.
commentFind and classify the fixed points of the system
What are the values of their Poincaré indices? Prove that there are no periodic orbits. Sketch the phase plane.
commentState the Poincaré-Bendixson Theorem for a system in .
Prove that if then the system
has a periodic orbit in the region .
The Lorenz equations are
where and are positive constants and .
(i) Show that the origin is globally asymptotically stable for by considering a function with a suitable choice of constants and
(ii) State, without proof, the Centre Manifold Theorem.
Show that the fixed point at the origin is nonhyperbolic at . What are the dimensions of the linear stable and (non-extended) centre subspaces at this point?
(iii) Let from now on. Make the substitutions and and derive the resulting equations for and .
The extended centre manifold is given by
where and can be expanded as power series about <