
Cosmology | Part II, 2007

Describe the motion of light rays in an expanding universe with scale factor a(t)a(t), and derive the redshift formula


where the light is emitted at time tet_{\mathrm{e}} and observed at time t0t_{0}.

A galaxy at comoving position x\mathbf{x} is observed to have a redshift zz. Given that the galaxy emits an amount of energy LL per unit time, show that the total energy per unit time crossing a sphere centred on the galaxy and intercepting the earth is L/(1+z)2L /(1+z)^{2}. Hence, show that the energy per unit time per unit area passing the earth is

L(1+z)214πx2a2(t0)\frac{L}{(1+z)^{2}} \frac{1}{4 \pi|\mathbf{x}|^{2} a^{2}\left(t_{0}\right)}

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