Part II, 2009
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Paper 1, Section II, G
commentDefine what is meant by a rational map from a projective variety to . What is a regular point of a rational map?
Consider the rational map given by
Show that is not regular at the points and that it is regular elsewhere, and that it is a birational map from to itself.
Let be the plane curve given by the vanishing of the polynomial over a field of characteristic zero. Show that is irreducible, and that determines a birational equivalence between and a nonsingular plane quartic.
Paper 2, Section II, G
commentLet be an irreducible variety over an algebraically closed field . Define the tangent space of at a point . Show that for any integer , the set is a closed subvariety of .
Assume that has characteristic different from 2. Let be the variety given by the ideal , where
Determine the singular subvariety of , and compute at each singular point . [You may assume that is irreducible.]
Paper 3, Section II, G
commentLet be a smooth projective curve, and let be an effective divisor on . Explain how defines a morphism from to some projective space. State the necessary and sufficient conditions for to be finite. State the necessary and sufficient conditions for to be an isomorphism onto its image.
Let have genus 2 , and let be an effective canonical divisor. Show that the morphism is a morphism of degree 2 from to .
By considering the divisor for points with , show that there exists a birational morphism from to a singular plane quartic.
[You may assume the Riemann-Roch Theorem.]
Paper 4, Section II, G
commentState the Riemann-Roch theorem for a smooth projective curve , and use it to outline a proof of the Riemann-Hurwitz formula for a non-constant morphism between projective nonsingular curves in characteristic zero.
Let be a smooth projective plane cubic over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, written in normal form for a homogeneous cubic polynomial , and let be the point at infinity. Taking the group law on for which is the identity element, let be a point of order 3 . Show that there exists a linear form such that .
Let be nonzero linear forms. Suppose the lines are distinct, do not meet at a point of , and are nowhere tangent to . Let be given by the vanishing of the polynomials
Show that has genus 4 . [You may assume without proof that is an irreducible smooth curve.]
Paper 1, Section II, G
commentLet be the space obtained by identifying two copies of the Möbius strip along their boundary. Use the Seifert-Van Kampen theorem to find a presentation of the fundamental group . Show that is an infinite non-abelian group.
Paper 2, Section II,
commentLet be a connected covering map. Define the notion of a deck transformation (also known as covering transformation) for . What does it mean for to be a regular (normal) covering map?
If contains points for each , we say is -to-1. Show that is regular under either of the following hypotheses:
(1) is 2-to-1,
(2) is abelian.
Give an example of a 3 -to-1 cover of which is regular, and one which is not regular.
Paper 3, Section II, G
comment(i) Suppose that and are chain complexes, and are chain maps. Define what it means for and to be chain homotopic.
Show that if and are chain homotopic, and are the induced maps, then .
(ii) Define the Euler characteristic of a finite chain complex.
Given that one of the sequences below is exact and the others are not, which is the exact one?
Justify your choice.
Paper 4, Section II, G
commentLet be the subset of given by , where and are defined as follows:
Paper 1, Section II,
commentConsider the scaled one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with a potential such that there is a complete set of real, normalized bound states , with discrete energies , satisfying
Show that the quantity
where is a real, normalized trial function depending on one or more parameters , can be used to estimate , and show that .
Let the potential be . Using a suitable one-parameter family of either Gaussian or piecewise polynomial trial functions, find a good estimate for in this case.
How could you obtain a good estimate for ? [ You should suggest suitable trial functions, but DO NOT carry out any further integration.]
Paper 2, Section II, D
commentA particle scatters quantum mechanically off a spherically symmetric potential . In the sector, and assuming , the radial wavefunction satisfies
and . The asymptotic behaviour of , for large , is
where is a constant. Show that if is analytically continued to complex , then
Deduce that for real for some real function , and that
For a certain potential,
where is a real, positive constant. Evaluate the scattering length and the total cross section .
Briefly explain the significance of the zeros of .
Paper 3, Section II, D
commentAn electron of charge and mass is subject to a magnetic field of the form , where is everywhere greater than some positive constant . In a stationary state of energy , the electron's wavefunction satisfies
where is the vector potential and and are the Pauli matrices.
Assume that the electron is in a spin down state and has no momentum along the -axis. Show that with a suitable choice of gauge, and after separating variables, equation (*) can be reduced to
where depends only on is a rescaled energy, and a rescaled magnetic field strength. What is the relationship between and ?
Show that can be factorized in the form where
for some function , and deduce that is non-negative.
Show that zero energy states exist for all and are therefore infinitely degenerate.
Paper 4, Section II, D
commentWhat are meant by Bloch states and the Brillouin zone for a quantum mechanical particle moving in a one-dimensional periodic potential?
Derive an approximate value for the lowest-lying energy gap for the Schrödinger equation
when is small and positive.
Estimate the width of this gap in the case that is large and positive.
Paper 1, Section II, J
comment(a) Let be a continuous-time Markov chain on a countable state space I. Explain what is meant by a stopping time for the chain . State the strong Markov property. What does it mean to say that is irreducible?
(b) Let be a Markov chain on with -matrix given by such that:
(1) for all , but for all , and
(2) for all , but if .
Is irreducible? Fix , and assume that , where . Show that if is the first jump time, then there exists such that , uniformly over . Let and define recursively for ,
Let be the event . Show that , for .
(c) Let be the Markov chain from (b). Define two events and by
Show that for all .
Paper 2, Section II, J
commentLet , be a sequence of independent, identically distributed positive random variables, with a common probability density function . Call a record value if . Consider the sequence of record values
Define the record process by and
(a) By induction on , or otherwise, show that the joint probability density function of the random variables is given by:
where is the cumulative distribution function for .
(b) Prove that the random variable has a Poisson distribution with parameter of the form
and determine the 'instantaneous rate' .
[Hint: You may use the formula
for any
Paper 3, Section II, J
comment(a) Define the Poisson process with rate , in terms of its holding times. Show that for all times has a Poisson distribution, with a parameter which you should specify.
(b) Let be a random variable with probability density function
Prove that is distributed as the sum of three independent exponential random variables of rate . Calculate the expectation, variance and moment generating function of .
Consider a renewal process with holding times having density . Prove that the renewal function has the form
where and is the Poisson process of rate .
(c) Consider the delayed renewal process with holding times where , are the holding times of from (b). Specify the distribution of for which the delayed process becomes the renewal process in equilibrium.
[You may use theorems from the course provided that you state them clearly.]
Paper 4, Section II, J
commentA flea jumps on the vertices of a triangle ; its position is described by a continuous time Markov chain with a -matrix
(a) Draw a diagram representing the possible transitions of the flea together with the rates of each of these transitions. Find the eigenvalues of and express the transition probabilities , in terms of these eigenvalues.
[Hint: . Specifying the equilibrium distribution may help.]
Hence specify the probabilities where is a Poisson process of rate
(b) A second flea jumps on the vertices of the triangle as a Markov chain with Q-matrix
where is a given real number. Let the position of the second flea at time be denoted by . We assume that is independent of . Let . Show that exists and is independent of the starting points of and . Compute this limit.
Paper 1, Section II, A
commentConsider the integral
in the limit , given that has the asymptotic expansion
as , where . State Watson's lemma.
Now consider the integral
where and the real function has a unique maximum in the interval at , with , such that
By making a monotonic change of variable from to a suitable variable (Laplace's method), or otherwise, deduce the existence of an asymptotic expansion for as . Derive the leading term
The gamma function is defined for by
By means of the substitution , or otherwise, deduce Stirling's formula
Paper 3, Section II, A
commentConsider the contour-integral representation
of the Bessel function for real , where is any contour from to .
Writing , give in terms of the real quantities the equation of the steepest-descent contour from to which passes through .
Deduce the leading term in the asymptotic expansion of , valid as
Paper 4, Section II, A
commentThe differential equation
has a singular point at . Assuming that , write down the Liouville Green lowest approximations for , with .
The Airy function satisfies with
and as . Writing
show that obeys
Derive the expansion
where is a constant.
Paper 1, Section I, E
commentLagrange's equations for a system with generalized coordinates are given by
where is the Lagrangian. The Hamiltonian is given by
where the momentum conjugate to is
Derive Hamilton's equations in the form
Explain what is meant by the statement that is an ignorable coordinate and give an associated constant of the motion in this case.
The Hamiltonian for a particle of mass moving on the surface of a sphere of radius under a potential is given by
where the generalized coordinates are the spherical polar angles . Write down two constants of the motion and show that it is possible for the particle to move with constant provided that
Paper 2, Section , E
commentA system of three particles of equal mass moves along the axis with denoting the coordinate of particle . There is an equilibrium configuration for which , and .
Particles 1 and 2, and particles 2 and 3, are connected by springs with spring constant that provide restoring forces when the respective particle separations deviate from their equilibrium values. In addition, particle 1 is connected to the origin by a spring with spring constant . The Lagrangian for the system is
where the generalized coordinates are and .
Write down the equations of motion. Show that the generalized coordinates can oscillate with a period , where
and find the form of the corresponding normal mode in this case.
Paper 2, Section II, E
commentA symmetric top of unit mass moves under the action of gravity. The Lagrangian is given by
where the generalized coordinates are the Euler angles , the principal moments of inertia are and and the distance from the centre of gravity of the top to the origin is .
Show that and are constants of the motion. Show further that, when , with , the equation of motion for is
Find the possible equilibrium values of in the two cases:
(i) ,
(ii) .
By considering linear perturbations in the neighbourhoods of the equilibria in each case, find which are unstable and give expressions for the periods of small oscillations about the stable equilibria.
Paper 3, Section I, E
comment(a) Show that the principal moments of inertia of a uniform circular cylinder of radius , length and mass about its centre of mass are and , with the axis being directed along the length of the cylinder.
(b) Euler's equations governing the angular velocity of an arbitrary rigid body as viewed in the body frame are
Show that, for the cylinder of part is constant. Show further that, when , the angular momentum vector precesses about the axis with angular velocity given by
Paper 4, Section I, E
comment(a) A Hamiltonian system with degrees of freedom has the Hamiltonian , where are the coordinates and are the momenta.
A second Hamiltonian system has the Hamiltonian . Neither nor contains the time explicitly. Show that the condition for to be invariant under the evolution of the coordinates and momenta generated by the Hamiltonian is that the Poisson bracket vanishes. Deduce that is a constant of the motion for evolution under .
Show that, when , where is constant, the motion it generates is a translation of each by an amount , while the corresponding remains fixed. What do you infer is conserved when is invariant under this transformation?
(b) When and is a function of and only, find when
Paper 4, Section II, E
commentThe Hamiltonian for a particle of mass , charge and position vector , moving in an electromagnetic field, is given by
where is the vector potential. Write down Hamilton's equations and use them to derive the equations of motion for the charged particle.
Show that, when , there are solutions for which and for which the particle motion is such that
where . Show in addition that the Hamiltonian may be written as
Assuming that is constant, find the action
associated with the motion.
It is now supposed that varies on a time-scale much longer than and thus is slowly varying. Show by applying the theory of adiabatic invariance that the motion in the direction takes place under an effective potential and give an expression for it.
Paper 1, Section I, H
commentI am putting up my Christmas lights. If I plug in a set of bulbs and one is defective, none will light up. A badly written note left over from the previous year tells me that exactly one of my 10 bulbs is defective and that the probability that the th bulb is defective is .
(i) Find an explicit procedure for identifying the defective bulb in the least expected number of steps.
[You should explain your method but no proof is required.]
(ii) Is there a different procedure from the one you gave in (i) with the same expected number of steps? Either write down another procedure and explain briefly why it gives the same expected number or explain briefly why no such procedure exists.
(iii) Because I make such a fuss about each test, my wife wishes me to tell her the maximum number of trials that might be required. Will the procedure in (i) give the minimum ? Either write down another procedure and explain briefly why it gives a smaller or explain briefly why no such procedure exists.
Paper 1, Section II, H
comment(i) State and prove Gibbs' inequality.
(ii) A casino offers me the following game: I choose strictly positive numbers with . I give the casino my entire fortune and roll an -sided die. With probability the casino returns for . If I intend to play the game many times (staking my entire fortune each time) explain carefully why I should choose to maximise .
[You should assume and for each ]
(iii) Determine the appropriate . Let . Show that, if , then, in the long run with high probability, my fortune increases. Show that, if , the casino can choose in such a way that, in the long run with high probability, my fortune decreases. Is it true that, if , any choice of will ensure that, in the long run with high probability, my fortune decreases? Why?
Paper 2, Section I,
commentKnowing that
and that 3953 is the product of two primes and , find and .
[You should explain your method in sufficient detail to show that it is reasonably general.]
Paper 2, Section II, H
commentDescribe the construction of the Reed-Miller code . Establish its information rate and minimum weight.
Show that every codeword in has even weight. By considering with and , or otherwise, show that . Show that, in fact,
Paper 3, Section I,
commentDefine a binary code of length 15 with information rate which will correct single errors. Show that it has the rate stated and give an explicit procedure for identifying the error. Show that the procedure works.
[Hint: You may wish to imitate the corresponding discussion for a code of length 7 .]
Paper 4, Section I, H
commentWhat is a general feedback register? What is a linear feedback register? Give an example of a general feedback register which is not a linear feedback register and prove that it has the stated property.
By giving proofs or counterexamples, establish which, if any, of the following statements are true and which, if any, are false.
(i) Given two linear feedback registers, there always exist non-zero initial fills for which the outputs are identical.
(ii) If two linear feedback registers have different lengths, there do not exist non-zero initial fills for which the outputs are identical.
(iii) If two linear feedback registers have different lengths, there exist non-zero initial fills for which the outputs are not identical.
(iv) There exist two linear feedback registers of different lengths and non-zero initial fills for which the outputs are identical.
Paper 1, Section I, D
commentPrior to a time years, the Universe was filled with a gas of photons and non-relativistic free electrons and protons maintained in equilibrium by Thomson scattering. At around years, the protons and electrons began combining to form neutral hydrogen,
[You may assume that the equilibrium number density of a non-relativistic species is given by
while the photon number density is
Deduce Saha's equation for the recombination process stating clearly your assumptions and the steps made in the calculation,
where is the ionization energy of hydrogen.
Consider now the fractional ionization where is the baryon number of the Universe and is the baryon to photon ratio. Find an expression for the ratio
in terms only of and constants such as and .
Suggest a reason why neutral hydrogen forms at a temperature which is much lower than the hydrogen ionization temperature .
Paper 1, Section II, D
comment(i) In a homogeneous and isotropic universe, the scalefactor obeys the Friedmann equation
where is the matter density which, together with the pressure , satisfies
Use these two equations to derive the Raychaudhuri equation,
(ii) Conformal time is defined by taking , so that where primes denote derivatives with respect to . For matter obeying the equation of state , show that the Friedmann and energy conservation equations imply
where and we take today. Use the Raychaudhuri equation to derive the expression
For a closed universe, by solving first for (or otherwise), show that the scale factor satisfies
where are constants. [Hint: You may assume that const.]
For a closed universe dominated by pressure-free matter , find the complete parametric solution
Paper 2, Section I, D
comment(a) The equilibrium distribution for the energy density of a massless neutrino takes the form
Show that this can be expressed in the form , where the constant need not be evaluated explicitly.
(b) In the early universe, the entropy density at a temperature is where is the total effective spin degrees of freedom. Briefly explain why , each term of which consists of two separate components as follows: the contribution from each massless species in equilibrium is
and a similar sum for massless species which have decoupled,
where in each case is the degeneracy and is the temperature of the species .
The three species of neutrinos and antineutrinos decouple from equilibrium at a temperature , after which positrons and electrons annihilate at , leaving photons in equilibrium with a small excess population of electrons. Using entropy considerations, explain why the ratio of the neutrino and photon temperatures today is given by
Paper 3, Section I, D
(a) Write down an expression for the total gravitational potential energy of a spherically symmetric star of outer radius in terms of its mass density and the total mass inside a radius , satisfying the relation .
An isotropic mass distribution obeys the pressure-support equation,
where is the pressure. Multiply this expression by and integrate with respect to to derive the virial theorem relating the kinetic and gravitational energy of the star
where you may assume for a non-relativistic ideal gas that , with the average pressure.
(b) Consider a white dwarf supported by electron Fermi degeneracy pressure , where is the electron mass and is the number density. Assume a uniform density , so the total mass of the star is given by