Riemann Surfaces
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Paper 1, Section II, F
comment(a) Consider an open . Prove that a real-valued function is harmonic if and only if
for some analytic function .
(b) Give an example of a domain and a harmonic function that is not equal to the real part of an analytic function on . Justify your answer carefully.
(c) Let be a harmonic function on such that for every . Prove that is constant, justifying your answer carefully. Exhibit a countable subset and a non-constant harmonic function on such that for all we have and .
(d) Prove that every non-constant harmonic function is surjective.
Paper 2, Section II, F
commentLet be a domain, let be a function element in , and let be a path with . Define what it means for a function element to be an analytic continuation of along .
Suppose that is a path homotopic to and that is an analytic continuation of along . Suppose, furthermore, that can be analytically continued along any path in . Stating carefully any theorems that you use, prove that .
Give an example of a function element that can be analytically continued to every point of and a pair of homotopic paths in starting in such that the analytic continuations of along and take different values at .
Paper 3, Section II, F
comment(a) Let be a polynomial of degree , and let be the multiplicities of the ramification points of . Prove that
Show that, for any list of integers satisfying , there is a polynomial of degree such that the are the multiplicities of the ramification points of .
(b) Let be an analytic map, and let be the set of branch points. Prove that the restriction is a regular covering map. Given , explain how a closed loop in gives rise to a permutation of . Show that the group of all such permutations is transitive, and that the permutation only depends on up to homotopy.
(c) Prove that there is no meromorphic function of degree 4 with branch points such that every preimage of 0 and 1 has ramification index 2 , while some preimage of has ramification index equal to 3. [Hint: You may use the fact that every non-trivial product of -cycles in the symmetric group is a -cycle.]
Paper 1, Section II, 24F
commentAssuming any facts about triangulations that you need, prove the Riemann-Hurwitz theorem.
Use the Riemann-Hurwitz theorem to prove that, for any cubic polynomial , there are affine transformations and such that is of one of the following two forms:
Paper 2, Section II, 23F
commentLet be a rational function. What does it mean for to be a ramification point? What does it mean for to be a branch point?
Let be the set of branch points of , and let be the set of ramification points. Show that
is a regular covering map.
State the monodromy theorem. For , explain how a closed curve based at defines a permutation of .
For the rational function
identify the group of all such permutations.
Paper 3, Section II, F
commentLet be a lattice. Give the definition of the associated Weierstrass -function as an infinite sum, and prove that it converges. [You may use without proof the fact that
converges if and only if .]
Consider the half-lattice points
and let . Using basic properties of , explain why the values are distinct
Give an example of a lattice and a conformal equivalence such that acts transitively on the images of the half-lattice points .
Paper 1, Section II, F
commentDefine .
(a) Prove by defining an atlas that is a Riemann surface.
(b) Now assume that by adding finitely many points, it is possible to compactify to a Riemann surface so that the coordinate projections extend to holomorphic maps and from to . Compute the genus of .
(c) Assume that any holomorphic automorphism of extends to a holomorphic automorphism of . Prove that the group Aut of holomorphic automorphisms of contains an element of order 7 . Prove further that there exists a holomorphic map which satisfies .
Paper 2, Section II, F
comment(a) Prove that as a map from the upper half-plane to is a covering map which is not regular.
(b) Determine the set of singular points on the unit circle for
(c) Suppose is a holomorphic map where is the unit disk. Prove that extends to a holomorphic map . If additionally is biholomorphic, prove that .
(d) Suppose that is a holomorphic injection with a compact Riemann surface. Prove that has genus 0 , stating carefully any theorems you use.
Paper 3, Section II, F
commentLet be a lattice in , and a holomorphic map of complex tori. Show that lifts to a linear map .
Give the definition of , the Weierstrass -function for . Show that there exist constants such that
Suppose , that is, is a biholomorphic group homomorphism. Prove that there exists a lift of , where is a root of unity for which there exist such that .
Paper 1, Section II, F
commentGiven a complete analytic function on a domain , define the germ of a function element of at . Let be the set of all germs of function elements in . Describe without proofs the topology and complex structure on and the natural covering map . Prove that the evaluation map defined by
is analytic on each component of .
Suppose is an analytic map of compact Riemann surfaces with the set of branch points. Show that is a regular covering map.
Given , explain how any closed curve in with initial and final points yields a permutation of the set . Show that the group obtained from all such closed curves is a transitive subgroup of the group of permutations of .
Find the group for the analytic map where .
Paper 2, Section II, F
commentState the uniformisation theorem. List without proof the Riemann surfaces which are uniformised by and those uniformised by .
Let be a domain in whose complement consists of more than one point. Deduce that is uniformised by the open unit disk.
Let be a compact Riemann surface of genus and be distinct points of . Show that is uniformised by the open unit disk if and only if , and by if and only if or .
Let be a lattice and a complex torus. Show that an analytic map is either surjective or constant.
Give with proof an example of a pair of Riemann surfaces which are homeomorphic but not conformally equivalent.
Paper 3, Section II, F
commentDefine the degree of an analytic map of compact Riemann surfaces, and state the Riemann-Hurwitz formula.
Let be a lattice in and the associated complex torus. Show that the
is biholomorphic with four fixed points in .
Let be the quotient surface (the topological surface obtained by identifying and ), and let be the associated projection map. Denote by the complement of the four fixed points of , and let . Describe briefly a family of charts making into a Riemann surface, so that is a holomorphic map.
Now assume that, by adding finitely many points, it is possible to compactify to a Riemann surface so that extends to a regular map . Find the genus of .
Paper 1, Section II, F
commentBy considering the singularity at , show that any injective analytic map has the form for some and .
State the Riemann-Hurwitz formula for a non-constant analytic map of compact Riemann surfaces and , explaining each term that appears.
Suppose is analytic of degree 2. Show that there exist Möbius transformations and such that
is the map given by .
Paper 2, Section II, F
commentLet be a non-constant elliptic function with respect to a lattice . Let be a fundamental parallelogram whose boundary contains no zeros or poles of . Show that the number of zeros of in is the same as the number of poles of in , both counted with multiplicities.
Suppose additionally that is even. Show that there exists a rational function such that , where is the Weierstrass -function.
Suppose is a non-constant elliptic function with respect to a lattice , and is a meromorphic antiderivative of , so that . Is it necessarily true that is an elliptic function? Justify your answer.
[You may use standard properties of the Weierstrass -function throughout.]
Paper 3, Section II, F
commentLet be a positive even integer. Consider the subspace of given by the equation , where are coordinates in , and let be the restriction of the projection map to the first factor. Show that has the structure of a Riemann surface in such a way that becomes an analytic map. If denotes projection onto the second factor, show that is also analytic. [You may assume that is connected.]
Find the ramification points and the branch points of both and . Compute the ramification indices at the ramification points.
Assume that, by adding finitely many points, it is possible to compactify to a Riemann surface such that extends to an analytic map . Find the genus of (as a function of ).
Paper 1, Section II, H
comment(a) Let be a non-constant holomorphic map between Riemann surfaces. Prove that takes open sets of to open sets of .
(b) Let be a simply connected domain strictly contained in . Is there a conformal equivalence between and ? Justify your answer.
(c) Let be a compact Riemann surface and a discrete subset. Given a non-constant holomorphic function , show that is dense in .
Paper 2, Section II, H
commentSuppose that is a holomorphic map of complex tori, and let denote the projection map for . Show that there is a holomorphic map such that
Prove that for some . Hence deduce that two complex tori and are conformally equivalent if and only if the lattices are related by for some .
Paper 3, Section II, H
commentLet be a non-constant elliptic function with respect to a lattice . Let be a fundamental parallelogram and let the degree of be . Let denote the zeros of in , and let denote the poles (both with possible repeats). By considering the integral (if required, also slightly perturbing )
show that
Let denote the Weierstrass -function with respect to . For with we set
an elliptic function with periods . Suppose and . Prove that if and only if . [You may use standard properties of the Weierstrass -function provided they are clearly stated.]
Paper 1, Section II, F
commentLet be a non-constant holomorphic map between compact connected Riemann surfaces and let denote the set of branch points. Show that the map is a regular covering map.
Given and a closed curve in with initial and final point , explain how this defines a permutation of the (finite) set . Show that the group obtained from all such closed curves is a transitive subgroup of the full symmetric group of the fibre .
Find the group for where .
Paper 2, Section II, F
commentLet be a domain in . Define the germ of a function element at . Let be the set of all germs of function elements in . Define the topology on . Show it is a topology, and that it is Hausdorff. Define the complex structure on , and show that there is a natural projection map which is an analytic covering map on each connected component of .
Given a complete analytic function on , describe how it determines a connected component of . [You may assume that a function element is an analytic continuation of a function element along a path if and only if there is a lift of to starting at the germ of at and ending at the germ of at .]
In each of the following cases, give an example of a domain in and a complete analytic function such that:
(i) is regular but not bijective;
(ii) is surjective but not regular.
Paper 3, Section II, F
commentLet denote the Weierstrass -function with respect to a lattice and let be an even elliptic function with periods . Prove that there exists a rational function such that . If we write where and are coprime polynomials, find the degree of in terms of the degrees of the polynomials and . Describe all even elliptic functions of degree two. Justify your answers. [You may use standard properties of the Weierstrass -function.]
Paper 1, Section II, H
commentIf is a Riemann surface and is a covering map of topological spaces, show that there is a conformal structure on such that is analytic.
Let be the complex polynomial . Consider the subspace of given by the equation , where denotes coordinates in , and let be the restriction of the projection map onto the first factor. Show that has the structure of a Riemann surface which makes an analytic map. If denotes projection onto the second factor, show that is also analytic. [You may assume that is connected.]
Find the ramification points and the branch points of both and . Compute also the ramification indices at the ramification points.
Assuming that it is possible to add a point to so that is a compact Riemann surface and extends to a holomorphic map such that , compute the genus of
Paper 2, Section II, H
commentState and prove the Valency Theorem and define the degree of a non-constant holomorphic map between compact Riemann surfaces.
Let be a compact Riemann surface of genus and a holomorphic map of degree two. Find the cardinality of the set of ramification points of . Find also the cardinality of the set of branch points of . [You may use standard results from lectures provided they are clearly stated.]
Define as follows: if , then ; otherwise, where is the unique point such that and . Show that is a conformal equivalence with and id.
Paper 3, Section II, H
commentState the Uniformization Theorem.
Show that any domain of whose complement has more than one point is uniformized by the unit disc [You may use the fact that for the group of automorphisms consists of Möbius transformations, and for it consists of maps of the form with and .
Let be the torus , where is a lattice. Given , show that is uniformized by the unit .
Is it true that a holomorphic map from to a compact Riemann surface of genus two must be constant? Justify your answer.
Paper 1, Section II, I
comment(i) Let be a power series with radius of convergence in . Show that there is at least one point on the circle which is a singular point of , that is, there is no direct analytic continuation of in any neighbourhood of .
(ii) Let and be connected Riemann surfaces. Define the space of germs of function elements of into . Define the natural topology on and the natural . [You may assume without proof that the topology on is Hausdorff.] Show that is continuous. Define the natural complex structure on which makes it into a Riemann surface. Finally, show that there is a bijection between the connected components of and the complete holomorphic functions of into .
Paper 2, Section II, I
comment(i) Show that the open unit is biholomorphic to the upper half-plane .
(ii) Define the degree of a non-constant holomorphic map between compact connected Riemann surfaces. State the Riemann-Hurwitz formula without proof. Now let be a complex torus and a holomorphic map of degree 2 , where is the Riemann sphere. Show that has exactly four branch points.
(iii) List without proof those Riemann surfaces whose universal cover is the Riemann sphere or . Now let be a holomorphic map such that there are two distinct elements outside the image of . Assuming the uniformization theorem and the monodromy theorem, show that is constant.
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentLet be a lattice in where , and let be the complex torus
(i) Give the definition of an elliptic function with respect to . Show that there is a bijection between the set of elliptic functions with respect to and the set of holomorphic maps from to the Riemann sphere. Next, show that if is an elliptic function with respect to and , then is constant.
(ii) Assume that
defines a meromorphic function on , where the sum converges uniformly on compact subsets of . Show that is an elliptic function with respect to . Calculate the order of .
Let be an elliptic function with respect to on , which is holomorphic on and whose only zeroes in the closed parallelogram with vertices are simple zeroes at the points . Show that is a non-zero constant multiple of .
Paper 1, Section II, I
comment(i) Let . Show that the unit circle is the natural boundary of the function element .
(ii) Let ; explain carefully how a holomorphic function may be defined on satisfying the equation
Let denote the connected component of the space of germs (of holomorphic functions on corresponding to the function element , with associated holomorphic . Determine the number of points of in when (a) , and (b) .
[You may assume any standard facts about analytic continuations that you may need.]
Paper 2, Section II, I
commentLet be the algebraic curve in defined by the polynomial where is a natural number. Using the implicit function theorem, or otherwise, show that there is a natural complex structure on . Let be the function defined by . Show that is holomorphic. Find the ramification points and the corresponding branching orders of .
Assume that extends to a holomorphic map from a compact Riemann surface to the Riemann sphere so that and that has no ramification points in . State the Riemann-Hurwitz formula and apply it to to calculate the Euler characteristic and the genus of .
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentLet be the lattice the torus , and the Weierstrass elliptic function with respect to .
(i) Let be the point given by . Determine the group
(ii) Show that defines a degree 4 holomorphic map , which is invariant under the action of , that is, for any and any . Identify a ramification point of distinct from which is fixed by every element of .
[If you use the Monodromy theorem, then you should state it correctly. You may use the fact that , and may assume without proof standard facts about .]
Paper 1, Section II, 23G
commentSuppose that and are Riemann surfaces, and is a discrete subset of . For any continuous map which restricts to an analytic map of Riemann surfaces , show that is an analytic map.
Suppose that is a non-constant analytic function on a Riemann surface . Show that there is a discrete subset such that, for defines a local chart on some neighbourhood of .
Deduce that, if is a homeomorphism of Riemann surfaces and is a non-constant analytic function on for which the composite is analytic on , then is a conformal equivalence. Give an example of a pair of Riemann surfaces which are homeomorphic but not conformally equivalent.
[You may assume standard results for analytic functions on domains in the complex plane.]
Paper 2, Section II, 23G
commentLet be a lattice in generated by 1 and , where is a fixed complex number with non-zero imaginary part. Suppose that is a meromorphic function on for which the poles of are precisely the points in , and for which as . Assume moreover that determines a doubly periodic function with respect to with for all . Prove that:
(i) for all .
(ii) is doubly periodic with respect to .
(iii) If it exists, is uniquely determined by the above properties.
(iv) For some complex number satisfies the differential equation .
Paper 3, Section II, G
commentState the Classical Monodromy Theorem for analytic continuations in subdomains of the plane.
Let be positive integers with and set . By removing semi-infinite rays from , find a subdomain on which an analytic function may be defined, justifying this assertion. Describe briefly a gluing procedure which will produce the Riemann surface for the complete analytic function .
Let denote the set of th roots of unity and assume that the natural analytic covering map extends to an analytic map of Riemann surfaces , where is a compactification of and denotes the extended complex plane. Show that has precisely branch points if and only if divides .
Paper 1, Section II, G
commentGiven a lattice , we may define the corresponding Weierstrass -function to be the unique even -periodic elliptic function with poles only on and for which as . For , we set
an elliptic function with periods . By considering the poles of , show that has valency at most 4 (i.e. is at most 4 to 1 on a period parallelogram).
If , show that has at least six distinct zeros. If , show that has at least four distinct zeros, at least one of which is a multiple zero. Deduce that the meromorphic function is identically zero.
If are distinct non-lattice points in a period parallelogram such that , what can be said about the points
Paper 2, Section II, G
commentGiven a complete analytic function on a domain , describe briefly how the space of germs construction yields a Riemann surface associated to together with a covering map (proofs not required).
In the case when is regular, explain briefly how, given a point , any closed curve in with initial and final points yields a permutation of the set .
Now consider the Riemann surface associated with the complete analytic function
on , with regular covering map . Which subgroup of the full symmetric group of is obtained in this way from all such closed curves (with initial and final points ?
Paper 3, Section II, G
commentShow that the analytic isomorphisms (i.e. conformal equivalences) of the Riemann sphere to itself are given by the non-constant Möbius transformations.
State the Riemann-Hurwitz formula for a non-constant analytic map between compact Riemann surfaces, carefully explaining the terms which occur.
Suppose now that is an analytic map of degree 2 ; show that there exist Möbius transformations and such that
is the map given by .
Paper 1, Section II, G
comment(a) Let be the Riemann sphere. Define the notion of a rational function and describe the function determined by . Assuming that is holomorphic and non-constant, define the degree of as a rational function and the degree of as a holomorphic map, and prove that the two degrees coincide. [You are not required to prove that the degree of is well-defined.]
Let and be two subsets of each containing three distinct elements. Prove that is biholomorphic to .
(b) Let be the algebraic curve defined by the vanishing of the polynomial . Prove that is smooth at every point. State the implicit function theorem and define a complex structure on , so that the maps given by are holomorphic.
Define what is meant by a ramification point of a holomorphic map between Riemann surfaces. Give an example of a ramification point of and calculate the branching order of at that point.
Paper 2, Section II, G
comment(a) Let be a lattice in , where the imaginary part of is positive. Define the terms elliptic function with respect to and order of an elliptic function.
Suppose that is an elliptic function with respect to of order . Show that the derivative is also an elliptic function with respect to and that its order satisfies . Give an example of an elliptic function with and , and an example of an elliptic function with and .
[Basic results about holomorphic maps may be used without proof, provided these are accurately stated.]
(b) State the monodromy theorem. Using the monodromy theorem, or otherwise, prove that if two tori and are conformally equivalent then the lattices satisfy , for some .
[You may assume that is simply connected and every biholomorphic map of onto itself is of the form , for some .]
Paper 3, Section II, G
comment(i) Let . Show that the unit circle is the natural boundary of the function element , where .
(ii) Let be a connected Riemann surface and a function element on into . Define a germ of at a point . Let be the set of all the germs of function elements on into . Describe the topology and the complex structure on , and show that is a covering of (in the sense of complex analysis). Show that there is a oneto-one correspondence between complete holomorphic functions on into and the connected components of . [You are not required to prove that the topology on is secondcountable.]
commentDefine the terms Riemann surface, holomorphic map between Riemann surfaces and biholomorphic map.
Show, without using the notion of degree, that a non-constant holomorphic map between compact connected Riemann surfaces must be surjective.
Let be a biholomorphic map of the punctured unit disc onto itself. Show that extends to a biholomorphic map of the open unit disc to itself such that .
Suppose that is a continuous holomorphic map between Riemann surfaces and is holomorphic on , where is a point in . Show that is then holomorphic on all of .
[The Open Mapping Theorem may be used without proof if clearly stated.]
commentExplain what is meant by a divisor on a compact connected Riemann surface . Explain briefly what is meant by a canonical divisor. Define the degree of and the notion of linear equivalence between divisors. If two divisors on have the same degree must they be linearly equivalent? Give a proof or a counterexample as appropriate, stating accurately any auxiliary results that you require.
Define for a divisor , and state the Riemann-Roch theorem. Deduce that the dimension of the space of holomorphic differentials is determined by the genus of and that the same is true for the degree of a canonical divisor. Show further that if then admits a non-constant meromorphic function with at most two poles (counting with multiplicities).
[General properties of meromorphic functions and meromorphic differentials on may be used without proof if clearly stated.]
commentDefine the degree of a non-constant holomorphic map between compact connected Riemann surfaces and state the Riemann-Hurwitz formula.
Show that there exists a compact connected Riemann surface of any genus .
[You may use without proof any foundational results about holomorphic maps and complex algebraic curves from the course, provided that these are accurately stated. You may also assume that if is a non-constant complex polynomial without repeated roots then the algebraic curve is path connected.]
commentLet be a lattice in generated by 1 and , where . The Weierstrass function is the unique meromorphic -periodic function on , such that the only poles of are at points of and as .
Show that is an even function. Find all the zeroes of .
Suppose that is a complex number such that . Show that the function
has no poles in . By considering the Laurent expansion of at , or otherwise, deduce that is constant.
[General properties of meromorphic doubly-periodic functions may be used without proof if accurately stated.]
commentDefine a complex structure on the unit sphere using stereographic projection charts . Let be an open set. Show that a continuous non-constant map is holomorphic if and only if is a meromorphic function. Deduce that a non-constant rational function determines a holomorphic map . Define what is meant by a rational function taking the value with multiplicity at infinity.
Define the degree of a rational function. Show that any rational function satisfies and give examples to show that the bounds are attained. Is it true that the product satisfies , for any non-constant rational functions and ? Justify your answer.
commentA function is defined for by
where is a complex parameter with . Prove that this series converges uniformly on the subsets for and deduce that is holomorphic on .
You may assume without proof that
for all . Let be the logarithmic derivative . Show that
for all . Deduce that has only one zero in the parallelogram with vertices . Find all of the zeros of
Let be the lattice in generated by 1 and . Show that, for , the formula
gives a -periodic meromorphic function if and only if . Deduce that is -periodic.
comment(i) Let and be compact connected Riemann surfaces and a non-constant holomorphic map. Define the branching order at showing that it is well defined. Prove that the set of ramification points is finite. State the Riemann-Hurwitz formula.
Now suppose that and have the same genus . Prove that, if , then is biholomorphic. In the case when , write down an example where is not biholomorphic.
[The inverse mapping theorem for holomorphic functions on domains in may be assumed without proof if accurately stated.]
(ii) Let be a non-singular algebraic curve in . Describe, without detailed proofs, a family of charts for , so that the restrictions to of the first and second projections are holomorphic maps. Show that the algebraic curve
is non-singular. Find all the ramification points of the .
commentLet be a Riemann surface, a topological surface, and a continuous map. Suppose that every point admits a neighbourhood such that maps homeomorphically onto its image. Prove that has a complex structure such that is a holomorphic map.
A holomorphic map between Riemann surfaces is called a covering map if every has a neighbourhood with a disjoint union of open sets in , so that is biholomorphic for each . Suppose that a Riemann surface admits a holomorphic covering map from the unit . Prove that any holomorphic map is constant.
[You may assume any form of the monodromy theorem and basic results about the lifts of paths, provided that these are accurately stated.]
commentDefine the branching order at a point and the degree of a non-constant holomorphic map between compact Riemann surfaces. State the Riemann-Hurwitz formula.
Let be an affine curve defined by the equation , where is an integer. Show that the projective curve corresponding to is non-singular and identify the points of . Let be a continuous map from to the Riemann sphere , such that the restriction of to is given by . Show that is holomorphic on . Find the degree and the ramification points of on and their branching orders. Determine the genus of .
[Basic properties of the complex structure on an algebraic curve may be used without proof if accurately stated.]
commentLet be a lattice in , where is a fixed complex number with positive imaginary part. The Weierstrass -function is the unique meromorphic -periodic function on such that is holomorphic on , and as .
Show that and find all the zeros of in .
Show that satisfies a differential equation
for some cubic polynomial . Further show that
and that the three roots of are distinct.
[Standard properties of meromorphic doubly-periodic functions may be used without proof provided these are accurately stated, but any properties of the -function that you use must be deduced from first principles.]
commentDefine the terms Riemann surface, holomorphic map between Riemann surfaces, and biholomorphic map.
(a) Prove that if two holomorphic maps coincide on a non-empty open subset of a connected Riemann surface then everywhere on .
(b) Prove that if is a non-constant holomorphic map between Riemann surfaces and then there is a choice of co-ordinate charts near and near , such that , for some non-negative integer . Deduce that a holomorphic bijective map between Riemann surfaces is biholomorphic.
[The inverse function theorem for holomorphic functions on open domains in may be used without proof if accurately stated.]
commentDefine what is meant by a divisor on a compact Riemann surface, the degree of a divisor, and a linear equivalence between divisors. For a divisor , define and show that if a divisor is linearly equivalent to then . Determine, without using the Riemann-Roch theorem, the value in the case when is a point on the Riemann sphere .
[You may use without proof any results about holomorphic maps on provided that these are accurately stated.]
State the Riemann-Roch theorem for a compact connected Riemann surface . (You are not required to give a definition of a canonical divisor.) Show, by considering an appropriate divisor, that if has genus then admits a non-constant meromorphic function (that is a holomorphic map ) of degree at most .
commentLet be a lattice in generated by 1 and , where is a fixed complex number with . The Weierstrass -function is defined as a -periodic meromorphic function such that
(1) the only poles of are at points of , and
(2) there exist positive constants and such that for all , we have
Show that is uniquely determined by the above properties and that . By considering the valency of at , show that .
Show that satisfies the differential equation
for some complex constant .
[Standard theorems about doubly-periodic meromorphic functions may be used without proof provided they are accurately stated, but any properties of the -function that you use must be deduced from first principles.]
commentDefine the terms function element and complete analytic function.
Let be a function element such that , for some integer , where is a complex polynomial with no multiple roots. Let be the complete analytic function containing . Show that every function element in satisfies
Describe how the non-singular complex algebraic curve
can be made into a Riemann surface such that the first and second projections define, by restriction, holomorphic maps .
Explain briefly the relation between and the Riemann surface for the complete analytic function given earlier.
[You do not need to prove the Inverse Function Theorem, provided that you state it accurately.]
commentExplain what is meant by a meromorphic differential on a compact connected Riemann surface . Show that if is a meromorphic function on then defines a meromorphic differential on . Show also that if and are two meromorphic differentials on which are not identically zero then for some meromorphic function . Show that zeros and poles of a meromorphic differential are well-defined and explain, without proof, how to obtain the genus of by counting zeros and poles of .
Let be the affine curve with equation and let be the corresponding projective curve. Show that is non-singular with two points at infinity, and that extends to a meromorphic differential on .
[You may assume without proof that that the map
is onto and extends to a biholomorphic map from onto .]
Define what is meant by the degree of a non-constant holomorphic map between compact connected Riemann surfaces, and state the Riemann-Hurwitz formula.
Let be an elliptic curve defined by some lattice . Show that the map
is biholomorphic, and that there are four points in fixed by .
Let be the quotient surface (the topological surface obtained by identifying and , for each and let be the corresponding projection map. Denote by