Algebraic Topology
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Paper 1, Section II, 21F
comment(a) What does it mean for two spaces and to be homotopy equivalent?
(b) What does it mean for a subspace to be a retract of a space ? What does it mean for a space to be contractible? Show that a retract of a contractible space is contractible.
(c) Let be a space and a subspace. We say the pair has the homotopy extension property if, for any pair of maps and with
there exists a map with
Now suppose that is contractible. Denote by the quotient of by the equivalence relation if and only if or . Show that, if satisfies the homotopy extension property, then and are homotopy equivalent.
Paper 2, Section II, 21F
comment(a) State a suitable version of the Seifert-van Kampen theorem and use it to calculate the fundamental groups of the torus and of the real projective plane .
(b) Show that there are no covering maps or .
(c) Consider the following covering space of :
Here the line segments labelled and are mapped to the two different copies of contained in , with orientations as indicated.
Using the Galois correspondence with basepoints, identify a subgroup of
(where is the wedge point) that corresponds to this covering space.
Paper 3, Section II, 20F
commentLet be a space. We define the cone of to be
where if and only if either or .
(a) Show that if is triangulable, so is . Calculate . [You may use any results proved in the course.]
(b) Let be a simplicial complex and a subcomplex. Let , and let be the space obtained by identifying with . Show that there is a long exact sequence
(c) In part (b), suppose that and for some . Calculate for all .
Paper 4, Section II, 21F
comment(a) Define the Euler characteristic of a triangulable space .
(b) Let be an orientable surface of genus . A is a doublebranched cover if there is a set of branch points, such that the restriction is a covering map of degree 2 , but for each , consists of one point. By carefully choosing a triangulation of , use the Euler characteristic to find a formula relating and .
Paper 1, Section II,
commentLet be the map given by
where is identified with the unit circle in . [You may take as given that is a covering map.]
(a) Using the covering map , show that is isomorphic to as a group, where .
(b) Let denote the group of matrices with integer entries such that . If , we obtain a linear transformation . Show that this linear transformation induces a homeomorphism with and such that agrees with as a map .
(c) Let for be connected covering maps of degree 2 . Show that there exist homeomorphisms and so that the diagram
is commutative.
Paper 2, Section II, F
comment(a) Let be a map of spaces. We define the mapping cylinder of to be the space
with . Show carefully that the canonical inclusion is a homotopy equivalence.
(b) Using the Seifert-van Kampen theorem, show that if is path-connected and is a map, and for some point , then
Use this fact to construct a connected space with
(c) Using a covering space of , give explicit generators of a subgroup of isomorphic to . Here denotes the free group on generators.
Paper 3, Section II, 20F
commentLet be a simplicial complex with four vertices with simplices , and and their faces.
(a) Draw a picture of , labelling the vertices.
(b) Using the definition of homology, calculate for all .
(c) Let be the subcomplex of consisting of the vertices and the 1 simplices . Let be the inclusion. Construct a simplicial such that the topological realisation of is a homotopy inverse to . Construct an explicit chain homotopy between and , and verify that is a chain homotopy.
Paper 4 , Section II, 21F
commentIn this question, you may assume all spaces involved are triangulable.
(a) (i) State and prove the Mayer-Vietoris theorem. [You may assume the theorem that states that a short exact sequence of chain complexes gives rise to a long exact sequence of homology groups.]
(ii) Use Mayer-Vietoris to calculate the homology groups of an oriented surface of genus .
(b) Let be an oriented surface of genus , and let be a collection of mutually disjoint closed subsets of with each homeomorphic to a two-dimensional disk. Let denote the interior of , homeomorphic to an open two-dimensional disk, and let
Show that
(c) Let be the surface given in (b) when and . Let be a map. Does there exist a map such that is homotopic to the identity map? Justify your answer.
Paper 1, Section II, F
commentIn this question, and are path-connected, locally simply connected spaces.
(a) Let be a continuous map, and a path-connected covering space of . State and prove a uniqueness statement for lifts of to .
(b) Let be a covering map. A covering transformation of is a homeomorphism such that . For each integer , give an example of a space and an -sheeted covering map such that the only covering transformation of is the identity map. Justify your answer. [Hint: Take to be a wedge of two circles.]
(c) Is there a space and a 2-sheeted covering map for which the only covering transformation of is the identity? Justify your answer briefly.
Paper 2, Section II, F
commentLet and . Let be the natural inclusion maps. Consider the space ; that is,
where is the smallest equivalence relation such that for all .
(a) Prove that is homeomorphic to the 3 -sphere .
[Hint: It may help to think of as contained in .]
(b) Identify as a quotient of the square in the usual way. Let be the circle in given by the equation is illustrated in the figure below.
Compute a presentation for , where is the complement of in , and deduce that is non-abelian.
Paper 3, Section II, F
commentLet be a simplicial complex, and a subcomplex. As usual, denotes the group of -chains of , and denotes the group of -chains of .
(a) Let
for each integer . Prove that the boundary map of descends to give the structure of a chain complex.
(b) The homology groups of relative to , denoted by , are defined to be the homology groups of the chain complex . Prove that there is a long exact sequence that relates the homology groups of relative to to the homology groups of and the homology groups of .
(c) Let be the closed -dimensional disc, and be the -dimensional sphere. Exhibit simplicial complexes and subcomplexes such that in such a way that is identified with .
(d) Compute the relative homology groups , for all integers and where and are as in (c).
Paper 4, Section II, F
commentState the Lefschetz fixed point theorem.
Let be an integer, and a choice of base point. Define a space
where is discrete and is the smallest equivalence relation such that for all . Let be a homeomorphism without fixed points. Use the Lefschetz fixed point theorem to prove the following facts.
(i) If then is divisible by 3 .
(ii) If then is even.
Paper 1, Section II, H
comment(a) Let be the vector space of 3-dimensional upper-triangular matrices with real entries:
Let be the set of elements of for which are integers. Notice that is a subgroup of ; let act on by left-multiplication and let . Show that the quotient is a covering map.
(b) Consider the unit circle , and let . Show that the map defined by
is a homeomorphism.
(c) Let , where is the smallest equivalence relation satisfying
for all . Prove that and are homeomorphic by exhibiting a homeomorphism . [You may assume without proof that is Hausdorff.]
(d) Prove that .
Paper 2, Section II, H
comment(a) Define the first barycentric subdivision of a simplicial complex . Hence define the barycentric subdivision . [You do not need to prove that is a simplicial complex.]
(b) Define the mesh of a simplicial complex . State a result that describes the behaviour of as .
(c) Define a simplicial approximation to a continuous map of polyhedra
Prove that, if is a simplicial approximation to , then the realisation is homotopic to .
(d) State and prove the simplicial approximation theorem. [You may use the Lebesgue number lemma without proof, as long as you state it clearly.]
(e) Prove that every continuous map of spheres is homotopic to a constant map when .
Paper 3, Section II, H
comment(a) State a version of the Seifert-van Kampen theorem for a cell complex written as the union of two subcomplexes .
(b) Let
for , and take any . Write down a presentation for .
(c) By computing a homology group of a suitable four-sheeted covering space of , prove that is not homotopy equivalent to a compact, connected surface whenever .
Paper 4, Section II, H
comment(a) State the Mayer-Vietoris theorem for a union of simplicial complexes
with .
(b) Construct the map that appears in the statement of the theorem. [You do not need to prove that the map is well defined, or a homomorphism.]
(c) Let be a simplicial complex with homeomorphic to the -dimensional sphere , for . Let be a subcomplex with homeomorphic to . Suppose that , such that has polyhedron identified with . Prove that has two path components.
Paper 1, Section II, I
commentLet be a topological space and let and be points of .
(a) Explain how a path from to defines a map .
(b) Prove that is an isomorphism of groups.
(c) Let be based loops in . Suppose that are homotopic as unbased maps, i.e. the homotopy is not assumed to respect basepoints. Show that the corresponding elements of are conjugate.
(d) Take to be the 2-torus . If are homotopic as unbased loops as in part (c), then exhibit a based homotopy between them. Interpret this fact algebraically.
(e) Exhibit a pair of elements in the fundamental group of which are homotopic as unbased loops but not as based loops. Justify your answer.
Paper 2, Section II, I
comment(a) (i) Define the push-out of the following diagram of groups.
When is a push-out a free product with amalgamation?
(ii) State the Seifert-van Kampen theorem.
(b) Let (recalling that is the real projective plane), and let .
(i) Compute the fundamental group of the space .
(ii) Show that there is a surjective homomorphism , where is the symmetric group on three elements.
(c) Let be the covering space corresponding to the kernel of .
(i) Draw and justify your answer carefully.
(ii) Does retract to a graph? Justify your answer briefly.
(iii) Does deformation retract to a graph? Justify your answer briefly.
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentThe -torus is the product of circles:
For all and , compute .
[You may assume that relevant spaces are triangulable, but you should state carefully any version of any theorem that you use.]
Paper 4, Section II, I
commentRecall that is real projective -space, the quotient of obtained by identifying antipodal points. Consider the standard embedding of as the unit sphere in .
(a) For odd, show that there exists a continuous map such that is orthogonal to , for all .
(b) Exhibit a triangulation of .
(c) Describe the map induced by the antipodal map, justifying your answer.
(d) Show that, for even, there is no continuous map such that is orthogonal to for all .
Paper 1, Section II, G
commentLet be the 2-dimensional torus. Let be the inclusion of the coordinate circle , and let be the result of attaching a 2-cell along .
(a) Write down a presentation for the fundamental group of (with respect to some basepoint), and identify it with a well-known group.
(b) Compute the simplicial homology of any triangulation of .
(c) Show that is not homotopy equivalent to any compact surface.
Paper 2, Section II, G
comment(a) Let be simplicial complexes, and a continuous map. What does it mean to say that is a simplicial approximation to
(b) Define the barycentric subdivision of a simplicial complex , and state the Simplicial Approximation Theorem.
(c) Show that if is a simplicial approximation to then .
(d) Show that the natural inclusion induces a surjective map on fundamental groups.
Paper 3, Section II, G
commentConstruct a space as follows. Let each be homeomorphic to the standard 2-sphere . For each , let be the North pole and let be the South pole . Then
where for each (and indices are taken modulo 3 ).
(a) Describe the universal cover of .
(b) Compute the fundamental group of (giving your answer as a well-known group).
(c) Show that is not homotopy equivalent to the circle .
Paper 4, Section II, G
commentLet be the 2-dimensional torus, and let be constructed from by removing a small open disc.
(a) Show that is homotopy equivalent to .
(b) Show that the universal cover of is homotopy equivalent to a tree.
(c) Exhibit (finite) cell complexes , such that and are not homotopy equivalent but their universal covers are.
[State carefully any results from the course that you use.]
Paper 1, Section II, H
commentState carefully a version of the Seifert-van Kampen theorem for a cover of a space by two closed sets.
Let be the space obtained by gluing together a Möbius band and a torus along a homeomorphism of the boundary of with . Find a presentation for the fundamental group of , and hence show that it is infinite and non-abelian.
Paper 2, Section II, H
commentDefine what it means for to be a covering map, and what it means to say that is a universal cover.
Let be a universal cover, be a locally path connected subspace, and be a path component containing a point with . Show that the restriction is a covering map, and that under the Galois correspondence it corresponds to the subgroup
of .
Paper 3, Section II, H
commentLet and be simplicial complexes. Explain what is meant by a simplicial approximation to a continuous map . State the simplicial approximation theorem, and define the homomorphism induced on homology by a continuous map between triangulable spaces. [You do not need to show that the homomorphism is welldefined.]
Let be given by for a positive integer , where is considered as the unit complex numbers. Compute the map induced by on homology.
Paper 4, Section II, H
commentState the Mayer-Vietoris theorem for a simplicial complex which is the union of two subcomplexes and . Explain briefly how the connecting homomorphism is defined.
If is the union of subcomplexes , with , such that each intersection
is either empty or has the homology of a point, then show that
Construct examples for each showing that this is sharp.
Paper 1, Section II, F
commentDefine what it means for a map to be a covering space. State the homotopy lifting lemma.
Let be a based covering space and let be a based map from a path-connected and locally path-connected space. Show that there is a based lift of if and only if .
Paper 2, Section II, F
commentLet be a matrix with integer entries. Considering as the quotient space , show that the function
is well-defined and continuous. If in addition , show that is a homeomorphism.
State the Seifert-van Kampen theorem. Let be the space obtained by gluing together two copies of along their boundaries using the homeomorphism . Show that the fundamental group of is cyclic and determine its order.
Paper 3, Section II, F
commentLet be a simplicial complex in , which we may also consider as lying in using the first coordinates. Write . Show that if is a simplex of then is a simplex in .
Let be a subcomplex and let be the collection
of simplices in . Show that is a simplicial complex.
If is a Möbius band, and is its boundary, show that
Paper 4, Section II, F
commentState the Lefschetz fixed point theorem.
Let be an orientable surface of genus (which you may suppose has a triangulation), and let be a continuous map such that
has no fixed points.
By considering the eigenvalues of the linear map , and their multiplicities, show that must be congruent to 1 modulo 3 .
Paper 1, Section II, 21G
comment(i) Define the notion of the fundamental group of a path-connected space with base point .
(ii) Prove that if a group acts freely and properly discontinuously on a simply connected space , then is isomorphic to . [You may assume the homotopy lifting property, provided that you state it clearly.]
(iii) Suppose that are distinct points on the 2 -sphere and that . Exhibit a simply connected space with an action of a group as in (ii) such that , and calculate .
Paper 2, Section II, G
comment(i) State the Seifert-van Kampen theorem.
(ii) Assuming any standard results about the fundamental group of a circle that you wish, calculate the fundamental group of the -sphere, for every .
(iii) Suppose that and that is a path-connected topological -manifold. Show that is isomorphic to for any .
Paper 3, Section II, G
comment(i) State, but do not prove, the Mayer-Vietoris theorem for the homology groups of polyhedra.
(ii) Calculate the homology groups of the -sphere, for every .
(iii) Suppose that and . Calculate the homology groups of the subspace of defined by .
Paper 4, Section II, G
comment(i) State, but do not prove, the Lefschetz fixed point theorem.
(ii) Show that if is even, then for every map there is a point such that . Is this true if is odd? [Standard results on the homology groups for the -sphere may be assumed without proof, provided they are stated clearly.]
Paper 1, Section II, G
commentDefine the notions of covering projection and of locally path-connected space. Show that a locally path-connected space is path-connected if it is connected.
Suppose and are continuous maps, the space is connected and locally path-connected and that is a covering projection. Suppose also that we are given base-points satisfying . Show that there is a continuous satisfying and if and only if the image of is contained in that of . [You may assume the path-lifting and homotopy-lifting properties of covering projections.]
Now suppose is locally path-connected, and both and are covering projections with connected domains. Show that and are homeomorphic as spaces over if and only if the images of their fundamental groups under and are conjugate subgroups of .
Paper 2, Section II, G
commentState the Seifert-Van Kampen Theorem. Deduce that if is a continuous map, where is path-connected, and is the space obtained by adjoining a disc to via , then is isomorphic to the quotient of by the smallest normal subgroup containing the image of .
State the classification theorem for connected triangulable 2-manifolds. Use the result of the previous paragraph to obtain a presentation of , where denotes the compact orientable 2 -manifold of genus .
Paper 3, Section II, G
commentState the Mayer-Vietoris Theorem for a simplicial complex expressed as the union of two subcomplexes and . Explain briefly how the connecting homomorphism , which appears in the theorem, is defined. [You should include a proof that is well-defined, but need not verify that it is a homomorphism.]
Now suppose that , that is a solid torus , and that is the boundary torus of . Show that is an isomorphism, and hence calculate the homology groups of . [You may assume that a generator of may be represented by a 3 -cycle which is the sum of all the 3 -simplices of , with 'matching' orientations.]
Paper 4, Section II, G
commentState and prove the Lefschetz fixed-point theorem. Hence show that the -sphere does not admit a topological group structure for any even . [The existence and basic properties of simplicial homology with rational coefficients may be assumed.]
Paper 1, Section II, H
commentAre the following statements true or false? Justify your answers.
(i) If and lie in the same path-component of , then .
(ii) If and are two points of the Klein bottle , and and are two paths from to , then and induce the same isomorphism from to .
(iii) is isomorphic to for any two spaces and .
(iv) If and are connected polyhedra and , then .
Paper 2, Section II, H
commentExplain what is meant by a covering projection. State and prove the pathlifting property for covering projections, and indicate briefly how it generalizes to a lifting property for homotopies between paths. [You may assume the Lebesgue Covering Theorem.]
Let be a simply connected space, and let be a subgroup of the group of all homeomorphisms . Suppose that, for each , there exists an open neighbourhood of such that for each other than the identity. Show that the projection is a covering projection, and deduce that .
By regarding as the set of all quaternions of modulus 1 , or otherwise, show that there is a quotient space of whose fundamental group is a non-abelian group of order
Paper 3, Section II, H
commentLet and be (finite) simplicial complexes. Explain carefully what is meant by a simplicial approximation to a continuous map . Indicate briefly how the cartesian product may be triangulated.
Two simplicial maps are said to be contiguous if, for each simplex of , there exists a simplex of such that both and are faces of . Show that:
(i) any two simplicial approximations to a given map are contiguous;
(ii) if and are contiguous, then they induce homotopic maps ;
(iii) if and are homotopic maps , then for some subdivision of there exists a sequence of simplicial maps such that is a simplicial approximation to is a simplicial approximation to and each pair is contiguous.
Paper 4, Section II, H
commentState the Mayer-Vietoris theorem, and use it to calculate, for each integer , the homology group of the space obtained from the unit disc by identifying pairs of points on its boundary whenever . [You should construct an explicit triangulation of .]
Show also how the theorem may be used to calculate the homology groups of the suspension of a connected simplicial complex in terms of the homology groups of , and of the wedge union of two connected polyhedra. Hence show that, for any finite sequence of finitely-generated abelian groups, there exists a polyhedron such that for and for . [You may assume the structure theorem which asserts that any finitely-generated abelian group is isomorphic to a finite direct sum of (finite or infinite) cyclic groups.]
Paper 1, Section II, H
commentState the path lifting and homotopy lifting lemmas for covering maps. Suppose that is path connected and locally path connected, that and are covering maps, and that and are simply connected. Using the lemmas you have stated, but without assuming the correspondence between covering spaces and subgroups of , prove that is homeomorphic to .
Paper 2, Section II,
commentLet be the finitely presented group . Construct a path connected space with . Show that has a unique connected double cover , and give a presentation for .
Paper 3, Section II, H
commentSuppose is a finite simplicial complex and that is a free abelian group for each value of . Using the Mayer-Vietoris sequence or otherwise, compute in terms of . Use your result to compute .
[Note that , where there are factors in the product.]
Paper 4, Section II,
commentState the Snake Lemma. Explain how to define the boundary map which appears in it, and check that it is well-defined. Derive the Mayer-Vietoris sequence from the Snake Lemma.
Given a chain complex , let be the span of all elements in with grading greater than or equal to , and let be the span of all elements in with grading less than . Give a short exact sequence of chain complexes relating , and . What is the boundary map in the corresponding long exact sequence?
Paper 1, Section II, G
commentLet be the space obtained by identifying two copies of the Möbius strip along their boundary. Use the Seifert-Van Kampen theorem to find a presentation of the fundamental group . Show that is an infinite non-abelian group.
Paper 2, Section II,
commentLet be a connected covering map. Define the notion of a deck transformation (also known as covering transformation) for . What does it mean for to be a regular (normal) covering map?
If contains points for each , we say is -to-1. Show that is regular under either of the following hypotheses:
(1) is 2-to-1,
(2) is abelian.
Give an example of a 3 -to-1 cover of which is regular, and one which is not regular.
Paper 3, Section II, G
comment(i) Suppose that and are chain complexes, and are chain maps. Define what it means for and to be chain homotopic.
Show that if and are chain homotopic, and are the induced maps, then .
(ii) Define the Euler characteristic of a finite chain complex.
Given that one of the sequences below is exact and the others are not, which is the exact one?
Justify your choice.
Paper 4, Section II, G
commentLet be the subset of given by , where and are defined as follows:
comment(i) State the van Kampen theorem.
(ii) Calculate the fundamental group of the wedge .
(iii) Let where is a circle. Calculate the fundamental group of .
commentProve the Borsuk-Ulam theorem in dimension 2: there is no map such that for every . Deduce that is not homeomorphic to any subset of .
commentLet be the quotient space obtained by identifying one pair of antipodal points on . Using the Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence, calculate the homology groups and the Betti numbers of .
commentLet and be topological spaces.
(i) Show that a map is a homotopy equivalence if there exist maps such that and . More generally, show that a map is a homotopy equivalence if there exist maps such that and are homotopy equivalences.
(ii) Suppose that and are universal covering spaces of the path-connected, locally path-connected spaces and . Using path-lifting properties, show that if then .
Define what it means for a group to act on a topological space . Prove that, if acts freely, in a sense that you should specify, then the quotient map is a covering map and there is a surjective group homomorphism from the fundamental group of to