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Paper 1, Section II, 37C
comment(a) An electromagnetic field is specified by a four-vector potential
Define the corresponding field-strength tensor and state its transformation property under a general Lorentz transformation.
(b) Write down two independent Lorentz scalars that are quadratic in the field strength and express them in terms of the electric and magnetic fields, and . Show that both these scalars vanish when evaluated on an electromagnetic plane-wave solution of Maxwell's equations of arbitrary wavevector and polarisation.
(c) Find (non-zero) constant, homogeneous background fields and such that both the Lorentz scalars vanish. Show that, for any such background, the field-strength tensor obeys
(d) Hence find the trajectory of a relativistic particle of mass and charge in this background. You should work in an inertial frame where the particle is at rest at the origin at and in which .
Paper 3, Section II, 36C
comment(a) Derive the Larmor formula for the total power emitted through a large sphere of radius by a non-relativistic particle of mass and charge with trajectory . You may assume that the electric and magnetic fields describing radiation due to a source localised near the origin with electric dipole moment can be approximated as
Here, the radial distance is assumed to be much larger than the wavelength of emitted radiation which, in turn, is large compared to the spatial extent of the source.
(b) A non-relativistic particle of mass , moving at speed along the -axis in the positive direction, encounters a step potential of width and height described by
where is a monotonically increasing function with and . The particle carries charge and loses energy by emitting electromagnetic radiation. Assume that the total energy loss through emission is negligible compared with the particle's initial kinetic energy . For , show that the total energy lost is
Find the total energy lost also for the case .
(c) Take and explicitly evaluate the particle energy loss in each of the cases and . What is the maximum value attained by as is varied?
Paper 4, Section II, 36C
comment(a) Define the electric displacement for a medium which exhibits a linear response with polarisation constant to an applied electric field with polarisation constant . Write down the effective Maxwell equation obeyed by in the timeindependent case and in the absence of any additional mobile charges in the medium. Describe appropriate boundary conditions for the electric field at an interface between two regions with differing values of the polarisation constant. [You should discuss separately the components of the field normal to and tangential to the interface.]
(b) Consider a sphere of radius , centred at the origin, composed of dielectric material with polarisation constant placed in a vacuum and subjected to a constant, asymptotically homogeneous, electric field, with as . Using the ansatz
with constants and to be determined, find a solution to Maxwell's equations with appropriate boundary conditions at .
(c) By comparing your solution with the long-range electric field due to a dipole consisting of electric charges located at displacements find the induced electric dipole moment of the dielectric sphere.
Paper 1, Section II, 37D
commentA relativistic particle of rest mass and electric charge follows a worldline in Minkowski spacetime where is an arbitrary parameter which increases monotonically with the proper time . We consider the motion of the particle in a background electromagnetic field with four-vector potential between initial and final values of the proper time denoted and respectively.
(i) Write down an action for the particle's motion. Explain what is meant by a gauge transformation of the electromagnetic field. How does the action change under a gauge transformation?
(ii) Derive an equation of motion for the particle by considering the variation of the action with respect to the worldline . Setting show that your equation of motion reduces to the Lorentz force law,
where is the particle's four-velocity and is the Maxwell field-strength tensor.
(iii) Working in an inertial frame with spacetime coordinates , consider the case of a constant, homogeneous magnetic field of magnitude , pointing in the -direction, and vanishing electric field. In a gauge where , show that the equation of motion is solved by circular motion in the plane with proper angular frequency .
(iv) Let denote the speed of the particle in this inertial frame with Lorentz factor . Find the radius of the circle as a function of . Setting , evaluate the action for a single period of the particle's motion.
Paper 3, Section II, D
commentThe Maxwell stress tensor of the electromagnetic fields is a two-index Cartesian tensor with components
where , and and denote the Cartesian components of the electric and magnetic fields and respectively.
(i) Consider an electromagnetic field sourced by charge and current densities denoted by and respectively. Using Maxwell's equations and the Lorentz force law, show that the components of obey the equation
where , for , are the components of a vector field which you should give explicitly in terms of and . Explain the physical interpretation of this equation and of the quantities and .
(ii) A localised source near the origin, , emits electromagnetic radiation. Far from the source, the resulting electric and magnetic fields can be approximated as
where and with and . Here, and is a constant vector.
Calculate the pressure exerted by these fields on a spherical shell of very large radius centred on the origin. [You may assume that and vanish for and that the shell material is absorbant, i.e. no reflected wave is generated.]
Paper 4 , Section II, 36D
comment(a) A dielectric medium exhibits a linear response if the electric displacement and magnetizing field are related to the electric and magnetic fields, and , as
where and are constants characterising the electric and magnetic polarisability of the material respectively. Write down the Maxwell equations obeyed by the fields and in this medium in the absence of free charges or currents.
(b) Two such media with constants and (but the same ) fill the regions and respectively in three-dimensions with Cartesian coordinates .
(i) Starting from Maxwell's equations, derive the appropriate boundary conditions at for a time-independent electric field .
(ii) Consider a candidate solution of Maxwell's equations describing the reflection and transmission of an incident electromagnetic wave of wave vector and angular frequency off the interface at . The electric field is given as,
where and are constant real vectors and denotes the imaginary part of a complex number . Give conditions on the parameters for , such that the above expression for the electric field solves Maxwell's equations for all , together with an appropriate magnetic field which you should determine.
(iii) We now parametrize the incident wave vector as , where and are unit vectors in the - and -directions respectively, and choose the incident polarisation vector to satisfy . By imposing appropriate boundary conditions for at , which you may assume to be the same as those for the time-independent case considered above, determine the Cartesian components of the wavevector as functions of and .
(iv) For find a critical value of the angle of incidence above which there is no real solution for the wavevector . Write down a solution for when and comment on its form.
Paper 1, Section II, E
commentA relativistic particle of charge and mass moves in a background electromagnetic field. The four-velocity of the particle at proper time is determined by the equation of motion,
Here , where is the electromagnetic field strength tensor and Lorentz indices are raised and lowered with the metric tensor . In the case of a constant, homogeneous field, write down the solution of this equation giving in terms of its initial value .
[In the following you may use the relation, given below, between the components of the field strength tensor , for , and those of the electric and magnetic fields and ,
Suppose that, in some inertial frame with spacetime coordinates and , the electric and magnetic fields are parallel to the -axis with magnitudes and respectively. At time the 3 -velocity of the particle has initial value . Find the subsequent trajectory of the particle in this frame, giving coordinates and as functions of the proper time .
Find the motion in the -direction explicitly, giving as a function of coordinate time . Comment on the form of the solution at early and late times. Show that, when projected onto the plane, the particle undergoes circular motion which is periodic in proper time. Find the radius of the circle and proper time period of the motion in terms of and . The resulting trajectory therefore has the form of a helix with varying pitch where is the distance in the -direction travelled by the particle during the 'th period of its motion in the plane. Show that, for ,
where is a constant which you should determine.
Paper 3, Section II, E
commentA time-dependent charge distribution localised in some region of size near the origin varies periodically in time with characteristic angular frequency . Explain briefly the circumstances under which the dipole approximation for the fields sourced by the charge distribution is valid.
Far from the origin, for , the vector potential sourced by the charge distribution is given by the approximate expression
where is the corresponding current density. Show that, in the dipole approximation, the large-distance behaviour of the magnetic field is given by,
where is the electric dipole moment of the charge distribution. Assuming that, in the same approximation, the corresponding electric field is given as , evaluate the flux of energy through the surface element of a large sphere of radius centred at the origin. Hence show that the total power radiated by the charge distribution is given by
A particle of charge and mass undergoes simple harmonic motion in the -direction with time period and amplitude such that
Here is a unit vector in the -direction. Calculate the total power radiated through a large sphere centred at the origin in the dipole approximation and determine its time averaged value,
For what values of the parameters and is the dipole approximation valid?
Now suppose that the energy of the particle with trajectory is given by the usual non-relativistic formula for a harmonic oscillator i.e. , and that the particle loses energy due to the emission of radiation at a rate corresponding to the time-averaged power . Work out the half-life of this system (i.e. the time such that . Explain why the non-relativistic approximation for the motion of the particle is reliable as long as the dipole approximation is valid.
Paper 4, Section II, E
commentConsider a medium in which the electric displacement and magnetising field are linearly related to the electric and magnetic fields respectively with corresponding polarisation constants and ;
Write down Maxwell's equations for and in the absence of free charges and currents.
Consider EM waves of the form,
Find conditions on the electric and magnetic polarisation vectors and , wave-vector and angular frequency such that these fields satisfy Maxwell's equations for the medium described above. At what speed do the waves propagate?
Consider two media, filling the regions and in three dimensional space, and having two different values and of the electric polarisation constant. Suppose an electromagnetic wave is incident from the region resulting in a transmitted wave in the region and also a reflected wave for . The angles of incidence, reflection and transmission are denoted and respectively. By constructing a corresponding solution of Maxwell's equations, derive the law of reflection and Snell's law of refraction, where are the indices of refraction of the two media.
Consider the special case in which the electric polarisation vectors and of the incident, reflected and transmitted waves are all normal to the plane of incidence (i.e. the plane containing the corresponding wave-vectors). By imposing appropriate boundary conditions for and at , show that,
Paper 1, Section II, D
commentDefine the field strength tensor for an electromagnetic field specified by a 4-vector potential . How do the components of change under a Lorentz transformation? Write down two independent Lorentz-invariant quantities which are quadratic in the field strength tensor.
[Hint: The alternating tensor takes the values and when is an even or odd permutation of respectively and vanishes otherwise. You may assume this is an invariant tensor of the Lorentz group. In other words, its components are the same in all inertial frames.]
In an inertial frame with spacetime coordinates , the 4-vector potential has components and the electric and magnetic fields are given as
Evaluate the components of in terms of the components of and . Show that the quantities
are the same in all inertial frames.
A relativistic particle of mass , charge and 4 -velocity moves according to the Lorentz force law,
Here is the proper time. For the case of a constant, uniform field, write down a solution of giving in terms of its initial value as an infinite series in powers of the field strength.
Suppose further that the fields are such that both and defined above are zero. Work in an inertial frame with coordinates where the particle is at rest at the origin at and the magnetic field points in the positive -direction with magnitude . The electric field obeys . Show that the particle moves on the curve for some constant which you should determine.
Paper 3, Section II, D
commentStarting from the covariant form of the Maxwell equations and making a suitable choice of gauge which you should specify, show that the 4-vector potential due to an arbitrary 4-current obeys the wave equation,
where .
Use the method of Green's functions to show that, for a localised current distribution, this equation is solved by
for some that you should specify.
A point particle, of charge , moving along a worldline parameterised by proper time , produces a 4 -vector potential
where . Define and draw a spacetime diagram to illustrate its physical significance.
Suppose the particle follows a circular trajectory,
(with ), in some inertial frame with coordinates . Evaluate the resulting 4 -vector potential at a point on the -axis as a function of and .
Paper 4 , Section II, D
comment(a) Define the polarisation of a dielectric material and explain what is meant by the term bound charge.
Consider a sample of material with spatially dependent polarisation occupying a region with surface . Show that, in the absence of free charge, the resulting scalar potential can be ascribed to bulk and surface densities of bound charge.
Consider a sphere of radius consisting of a dielectric material with permittivity surrounded by a region of vacuum. A point-like electric charge is placed at the centre of the sphere. Determine the density of bound charge on the surface of the sphere.
(b) Define the magnetization of a material and explain what is meant by the term bound current.
Consider a sample of material with spatially-dependent magnetization occupying a region with surface . Show that, in the absence of free currents, the resulting vector potential can be ascribed to bulk and surface densities of bound current.
Consider an infinite cylinder of radius consisting of a material with permeability surrounded by a region of vacuum. A thin wire carrying current is placed along the axis of the cylinder. Determine the direction and magnitude of the resulting bound current density on the surface of the cylinder. What is the magnetization on the surface of the cylinder?
Paper 1, Section II, 35D
commentIn some inertial reference frame , there is a uniform electric field directed along the positive -direction and a uniform magnetic field directed along the positive direction. The magnitudes of the fields are and , respectively, with . Show that it is possible to find a reference frame in which the electric field vanishes, and determine the relative speed of the two frames and the magnitude of the magnetic field in the new frame.
[Hint: You may assume that under a standard Lorentz boost with speed c along the -direction, the electric and magnetic field components transform as
where the Lorentz factor .]
A point particle of mass and charge moves relativistically under the influence of the fields and . The motion is in the plane . By considering the motion in the reference frame in which the electric field vanishes, or otherwise, show that, with a suitable choice of origin, the worldline of the particle has components in the frame of the form
Here, is a constant speed with Lorentz factor is the particle's proper time, and is a frequency that you should determine.
Using dimensionless coordinates,
sketch the trajectory of the particle in the -plane in the limiting cases and .
Paper 3, Section II, D
commentBy considering the force per unit volume on a charge density and current density due to an electric field and magnetic field , show that
where and the symmetric tensor should be specified.
Give the physical interpretation of and and explain how can be used to calculate the net electromagnetic force exerted on the charges and currents within some region of space in static situations.
The plane carries a uniform charge per unit area and a current per unit length along the -direction. The plane carries the opposite charge and current. Show that between these planes
and for and .
Use to find the electromagnetic force per unit area exerted on the charges and currents in the plane. Show that your result agrees with direct calculation of the force per unit area based on the Lorentz force law.
If the current is due to the motion of the charge with speed , is it possible for the force between the planes to be repulsive?
Paper 4, Section II, D
commentA dielectric material has a real, frequency-independent relative permittivity with . In this case, the macroscopic polarization that develops when the dielectric is placed in an external electric field is . Explain briefly why the associated bound current density is
[You should ignore any magnetic response of the dielectric.]
A sphere of such a dielectric, with radius , is centred on . The sphere scatters an incident plane electromagnetic wave with electric field
where and is a constant vector. Working in the Lorenz gauge, show that at large distances , for which both and , the magnetic vector potential of the scattered radiation is
where with .
In the far-field, where , the electric and magnetic fields of the scattered radiation are given by
By calculating the Poynting vector of the scattered and incident radiation, show that the ratio of the time-averaged power scattered per unit solid angle to the time-averaged incident power per unit area (i.e. the differential cross-section) is
where and .
[You may assume that, in the Lorenz gauge, the retarded potential due to a localised current distribution is
where the retarded time
Paper 1, Section II, E
commentA point particle of charge and mass moves in an electromagnetic field with 4 -vector potential , where is position in spacetime. Consider the action
where is an arbitrary parameter along the particle's worldline and is the Minkowski metric.
(a) By varying the action with respect to , with fixed endpoints, obtain the equation of motion
where is the proper time, is the velocity 4-vector, and is the field strength tensor.
(b) This particle moves in the field generated by a second point charge that is held at rest at the origin of some inertial frame. By choosing a suitable expression for and expressing the first particle's spatial position in spherical polar coordinates , show from the action that
are constants, where and overdots denote differentiation with respect to .
(c) Show that when the motion is in the plane ,
Hence show that the particle's orbit is bounded if , and that the particle can reach the origin in finite proper time if .
Paper 3, Section II, E
commentThe current density in an antenna lying along the -axis takes the form
where is a constant and . Show that at distances for which both and , the retarded vector potential in Lorenz gauge is
where and . Evaluate the integral to show that
In the far-field, where , the electric and magnetic fields are given by
By calculating the Poynting vector, show that the time-averaged power radiated per unit solid angle is
[You may assume that in Lorenz gauge, the retarded potential due to a localised current distribution is
where the retarded time
Paper 4, Section II, E
comment(a) A uniform, isotropic dielectric medium occupies the half-space . The region is in vacuum. State the boundary conditions that should be imposed on and at .
(b) A linearly polarized electromagnetic plane wave, with magnetic field in the -plane, is incident on the dielectric from . The wavevector makes an acute angle to the normal . If the dielectric has frequency-independent relative permittivity , show that the fraction of the incident power that is reflected is
where , and the angle should be specified. [You should ignore any magnetic response of the dielectric.]
(c) Now suppose that the dielectric moves at speed along the -axis, the incident angle , and the magnetic field of the incident radiation is along the -direction. Show that the reflected radiation propagates normal to the surface , has the same frequency as the incident radiation, and has magnetic field also along the -direction. [Hint: You may assume that under a standard Lorentz boost with speed along the -direction, the electric and magnetic field components transform as
where .]
(d) Show that the fraction of the incident power reflected from the moving dielectric
Paper 1, Section II, A
commentBriefly explain how to interpret the components of the relativistic stress-energy tensor in terms of the density and flux of energy and momentum in some inertial frame.
(i) The stress-energy tensor of the electromagnetic field is
where is the field strength, is the Minkowski metric, and is the permeability of free space. Show that , where is the current 4-vector.
[ Maxwell's equations are and ]
(ii) A fluid consists of point particles of rest mass and charge . The fluid can be regarded as a continuum, with 4 -velocity depending on the position in spacetime. For each there is an inertial frame in which the fluid particles at are at rest. By considering components in , show that the fluid has a current 4-vector field
and a stress-energy tensor
where is the proper number density of particles (the number of particles per unit spatial volume in in a small region around ). Write down the Lorentz 4-force on a fluid particle at . By considering the resulting 4 -acceleration of the fluid, show that the total stress-energy tensor is conserved, i.e.
Paper 3, Section II, 34A
comment(i) Consider the action
where is a 4-vector potential, is the field strength tensor, is a conserved current, and is a constant. Derive the field equation
For the action describes standard electromagnetism. Show that in this case the theory is invariant under gauge transformations of the field , which you should define. Is the theory invariant under these same gauge transformations when ?
Show that when the field equation above implies
Under what circumstances does hold in the case ?
(ii) Now suppose that and obeying reduce to static 3 -vectors and in some inertial frame. Show that there is a solution
for a suitable Green's function with as . Determine for any . [Hint: You may find it helpful to consider first the case and then the case , using the result , where
If is zero outside some bounded region, comment on the effect of the value of on the behaviour of when is large. [No further detailed calculations are required.]
Paper 4, Section II, A
commentA point particle of charge has trajectory in Minkowski space, where is its proper time. The resulting electromagnetic field is given by the Liénard-Wiechert 4-potential
Write down the condition that determines the point on the trajectory of the particle for a given value of . Express this condition in terms of components, setting and , and define the retarded time .
Suppose that the 3 -velocity of the particle is small in size compared to , and suppose also that . Working to leading order in and to first order in , show that
Now assume that can be replaced by in the expressions for and above. Calculate the electric and magnetic fields to leading order in and hence show that the Poynting vector is (in this approximation)
If the charge is performing simple harmonic motion , where is a unit vector and , find the total energy radiated during one period of oscillation.
Paper 1, Section II, 36C
(i) Starting from the field-strength tensor