Differential Geometry
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Paper 1, Section II, 26F
comment(a) Let be a surface. Give a parametrisation-free definition of the first fundamental form of . Use this definition to derive a description of it in terms of the partial derivatives of a local parametrisation .
(b) Let be a positive constant. Show that the half-cone
is locally isometric to the Euclidean plane. [Hint: Use polar coordinates on the plane.]
(c) Define the second fundamental form and the Gaussian curvature of . State Gauss' Theorema Egregium. Consider the set
(i) Show that is a surface.
(ii) Calculate the Gaussian curvature of at each point. [Hint: Complete the square.]
Paper 2, Section II,
commentLet be a domain in , and let be a smooth map. Define what it means for to be an immersion. What does it mean for an immersion to be isothermal?
Write down a formula for the mean curvature of an immersion in terms of the first and second fundamental forms. What does it mean for an immersed surface to be minimal? Assume that is an isothermal immersion. Prove that it is minimal if and only if are harmonic functions of .
For , and smooth functions , assume that
is an isothermal immersion. Find all possible pairs such that this immersion is minimal.
Paper 3, Section II, F
commentLet and be smooth boundaryless manifolds. Suppose is a smooth map. What does it mean for to be a regular value of ? State Sard's theorem and the stack-of-records theorem.
Suppose is another smooth map. What does it mean for and to be smoothly homotopic? Assume now that is compact, and has the same dimension as . Suppose that is a regular value for both and . Prove that
Let be a non-empty open subset of the sphere. Suppose that is a smooth map such that for all . Show that there must exist a pair of antipodal points on which is mapped to another pair of antipodal points by .
[You may assume results about compact 1-manifolds provided they are accurately stated.]
Paper 4, Section II, F
commentLet be an interval, and be a surface. Assume that is a regular curve parametrised by arc-length. Define the geodesic curvature of . What does it mean for to be a geodesic curve?
State the global Gauss-Bonnet theorem including boundary terms.
Suppose that is a surface diffeomorphic to a cylinder. How large can the number of simple closed geodesics on be in each of the following cases?
(i) has Gaussian curvature everywhere zero;
(ii) has Gaussian curvature everywhere positive;
(iii) has Gaussian curvature everywhere negative.
In cases where there can be two or more simple closed geodesics, must they always be disjoint? Justify your answer.
[A formula for the Gaussian curvature of a surface of revolution may be used without proof if clearly stated. You may also use the fact that a piecewise smooth curve on a cylinder without self-intersections either bounds a domain homeomorphic to a disc or is homotopic to the waist-curve of the cylinder.]
Paper 1, Section II, I
comment(a) Let be a manifold. Give the definition of the tangent space of at a point .
(b) Show that defines a submanifold of and identify explicitly its tangent space for any .
(c) Consider the matrix group consisting of all matrices satisfying
where is the diagonal matrix .
(i) Show that forms a group under matrix multiplication, i.e. it is closed under multiplication and every element in has an inverse in .
(ii) Show that defines a 6-dimensional manifold. Identify the tangent space for any as a set where ranges over a linear subspace which you should identify explicitly.
(iii) Let be as defined in (b) above. Show that defined as the set of all such that for all is both a subgroup and a submanifold of full dimension.
[You may use without proof standard theorems from the course concerning regular values and transversality.]
Paper 2, Section II, I
comment(a) State the fundamental theorem for regular curves in .
(b) Let be a regular curve, parameterised by arc length, such that its image is a one-dimensional submanifold. Suppose that the set is preserved by a nontrivial proper Euclidean motion .
Show that there exists corresponding to such that for all , where the choice of is independent of . Show also that the curvature and torsion of satisfy
with equation (2) valid only for such that . In the case where the sign is and , show that is a straight line.
(c) Give an explicit example of a curve satisfying the requirements of (b) such that neither of and is a constant function, and such that the curve is closed, i.e. such that for some and all . [Here a drawing would suffice.]
(d) Suppose now that is an embedded regular curve parameterised by arc length . Suppose further that for all and that and satisfy (1) and (2) for some , where the choice is independent of , and where in the case of + sign. Show that there exists a nontrivial proper Euclidean motion such that the set is preserved by . [You may use the theorem of part (a) without proof.]
Paper 3, Section II, I
comment(a) Show that for a compact regular surface , there exists a point such that , where denotes the Gaussian curvature. Show that if is contained in a closed ball of radius in , then there is a point such that .
(b) For a regular surface , give the definition of a geodesic polar coordinate system at a point . Show that in such a coordinate system, , and . [You may use without proof standard properties of the exponential map provided you state them clearly.]
(c) Let be a regular surface. Show that if , then any geodesic polar coordinate ball of radius around has area satisfying
[You may use without proof the identity .]
(d) Let be a regular surface, and now suppose for some constant . Given any constant , show that there exists , depending only on and , so that if is any geodesic polar coordinate ball of radius , then
[Hint: For any fixed , consider the function , for all . Derive the relation and show for an appropriate range of The following variant of Wirtinger's inequality may be useful and can be assumed without proof: if is a function on vanishing at 0 , then .]
Paper 4, Section II, I
comment(a) State the Gauss-Bonnet theorem for compact regular surfaces without boundary. Identify all expressions occurring in any formulae.
(b) Let be a compact regular surface without boundary and suppose that its Gaussian curvature for all . Show that is diffeomorphic to the sphere.
Let be a sequence of compact regular surfaces in and let denote the Gaussian curvature of at . Suppose that
(c) Give an example to show that it does not follow that for all sufficiently large the surface is diffeomorphic to the sphere.
(d) Now assume, in addition to , that all of the following conditions hold:
(1) There exists a constant such that for all is contained in a ball of radius around the origin.
(2) There exists a constant such that for all .
(3) There exists a constant such that for all , all points admit a geodesic polar coordinate system centred at of radius at least .
(4) There exists a constant such that on all such geodesic polar neighbourhoods, for all , where denotes a geodesic polar coordinate.
(i) Show that for all sufficiently large , the surface is diffeomorphic to the sphere. [Hint: It may be useful to identify a geodesic polar ball in each for which is bounded below by a positive constant independent of .]
(ii) Explain how your example from (c) fails to satisfy one or more of these extra conditions (1)-(4).
[You may use without proof the standard computations for geodesic polar coordinates: , and
Paper 1, Section II, H
commentLet be an integer.
(a) Show that defines a submanifold of and identify explicitly its tangent space for any .
(b) Show that the matrix group defines a submanifold. Identify explicitly the tangent space for any .
(c) Given , show that the set defines a submanifold and compute its dimension. For , is it ever the case that and are transversal?
[You may use standard theorems from the course concerning regular values and transversality.]
Paper 2, Section II, H
comment(a) Let be a smooth regular curve parametrised by arclength. For , define the curvature and (where defined) the torsion of . What condition must be satisfied in order for the torsion to be defined? Derive the Frenet equations.
(b) If is defined and equal to 0 for all , show that lies in a plane.
(c) State the fundamental theorem for regular curves in , giving necessary and sufficient conditions for when curves and are related by a proper Euclidean motion.
(d) Now suppose that is another smooth regular curve parametrised by arclength, and that and are its curvature and torsion. Determine whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your answer in each case.
(i) If whenever it is defined, then lies in a plane.
(ii) If is defined and equal to 0 for all but one value of in , then lies in a plane.
(iii) If for all and are defined for all , and for all , then and are related by a rigid motion.
Paper 3, Section II, H
comment(a) Let be a regular curve without self intersection given by with for .
Consider the local parametrisation given by
where .
(i) Show that the image defines a regular surface in .
(ii) If is a geodesic in parametrised by arc length, then show that is constant in . If denotes the angle that the geodesic makes with the parallel , then show that is constant in .
(b) Now assume that extends to a smooth curve such that . Let be the closure of in .
(i) State a necessary and sufficient condition on for to be a compact regular surface. Justify your answer.
(ii) If is a compact regular surface, and is a geodesic, show that there exists a non-empty open subset such that .
Paper 4, Section II, H
comment(a) Let be a regular curve without self-intersection given by with for and let be the surface of revolution defined globally by the parametrisation
where , i.e. . Compute its mean curvature and its Gaussian curvature .
(b) Define what it means for a regular surface to be minimal. Give an example of a minimal surface which is not locally isometric to a cone, cylinder or plane. Justify your answer.
(c) Let be a regular surface such that . Is it necessarily the case that given any , there exists an open neighbourhood of such that lies on some sphere in ? Justify your answer.
Paper 1, Section II, I
comment(a) Let be a manifold and . Define the tangent space and show that it is a vector subspace of , independent of local parametrization, of dimension equal to .
(b) Now show that depends continuously on in the following sense: if is a sequence in such that , and is a sequence such that , then . If , show that all arise as such limits where is a sequence in .
(c) Consider the set defined by , where . Show that, for all , the set is a smooth manifold. Compute its dimension.
(d) For as above, does depend continuously on and for all ? In other words, let be sequences with . Suppose that and . Is it necessarily the case that ? Justify your answer.
Paper 2, Section II, I
commentLet denote a regular curve.
(a) Show that there exists a parametrization of by arc length.
(b) Under the assumption that the curvature is non-zero, define the torsion of . Give an example of two curves and in whose curvature (as a function of arc length ) coincides and is non-vanishing, but for which the curves are not related by a rigid motion, i.e. such that is not identically where and
(c) Give an example of a simple closed curve , other than a circle, which is preserved by a non-trivial rigid motion, i.e. which satisfies
for some choice of with . Justify your answer.
(d) Now show that a simple closed curve which is preserved by a nontrivial smooth 1-parameter family of rigid motions is necessarily a circle, i.e. show the following:
Let be a regular curve. If for all ,
then is a circle. [You may use the fact that the set of fixed points of a non-trivial rigid motion is either or a line .]
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentLet be a surface.
(a) Define the Gaussian curvature of in terms of the coefficients of the first and second fundamental forms, computed with respect to a local parametrization of .
Prove the Theorema Egregium, i.e. show that the Gaussian curvature can be expressed entirely in terms of the coefficients of the first fundamental form and their first and second derivatives with respect to and .
(b) State the global Gauss-Bonnet theorem for a compact orientable surface .
(c) Now assume that is non-compact and diffeomorphic to but that there is a point such that is a compact subset of . Is it necessarily the case that Justify your answer.
Paper 4, Section II, I
commentLet be a surface.
(a) Define what it means for a curve to be a geodesic, where and .
(b) A geodesic is said to be maximal if any geodesic with and satisfies . A surface is said to be geodesically complete if all maximal geodesics are defined on , otherwise, the surface is said to be geodesically incomplete. Give an example, with justification, of a non-compact geodesically complete surface which is not a plane.
(c) Assume that along any maximal geodesic
the following holds:
Here denotes the Gaussian curvature of .
(i) Show that is inextendible, i.e. if is a connected surface with , then .
(ii) Give an example of a surface which is geodesically incomplete and satisfies . Do all geodesically incomplete inextendible surfaces satisfy ? Justify your answer.
[You may use facts about geodesics from the course provided they are clearly stated.]
Paper 1, Section II, I
commentDefine what it means for a subset to be a manifold.
For manifolds and , state what it means for a map to be smooth. For such a smooth map, and , define the differential map .
What does it mean for to be a regular value of ? Give an example of a map and a which is not a regular value of .
Show that the set of real-valued matrices with determinant 1 can naturally be viewed as a manifold . What is its dimension? Show that matrix multiplication , defined by , is smooth. [Standard theorems may be used without proof if carefully stated.] Describe the tangent space of at the identity as a subspace of .
Show that if then the set of real-valued matrices with determinant 0 , viewed as a subset of , is not a manifold.
Paper 2, Section II, I
commentLet be a regular smooth curve. Define the curvature and torsion of and derive the Frenet formulae. Give the assumption which must hold for torsion to be well-defined, and state the Fundamental Theorem for curves in .
Let be as above and be another regular smooth curve with curvature and torsion . Suppose and for all , and that there exists a non-empty open subinterval such that . Show that .
Now let be an oriented surface and let be a regular smooth curve contained in . Define normal curvature and geodesic curvature. When is a geodesic? Give an example of a surface and a geodesic whose normal curvature vanishes identically. Must such a surface contain a piece of a plane? Can such a geodesic be a simple closed curve? Justify your answers.
Show that if is a geodesic and the Gaussian curvature of satisfies , then we have the inequality , where denotes the mean curvature of and the curvature of . Give an example where this inequality is sharp.
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentLet be a manifold and let be a smooth regular curve on . Define the total length and the arc length parameter . Show that can be reparametrized by arc length.
Let denote a regular surface, let be distinct points and let be a smooth regular curve such that . We say that is length minimising if for all smooth regular curves with , we have . By deriving a formula for the derivative of the energy functional corresponding to a variation of , show that a length minimising curve is necessarily a geodesic. [You may use the following fact: given a smooth vector field along with , there exists a variation of such that
Let denote the unit sphere and let denote the surface . For which pairs of points does there exist a length minimising smooth regular curve with and ? Justify your answer.
Paper 4, Section II, I
commentLet be a surface and . Define the exponential map exp and compute its differential . Deduce that is a local diffeomorphism.
Give an example of a surface and a point for which the exponential map fails to be defined globally on . Can this failure be remedied by extending the surface? In other words, for any such , is there always a surface such that the exponential map defined with respect to is globally defined on ?
State the version of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem with boundary term for a surface and a closed disc whose boundary can be parametrized as a smooth closed curve in .
Let be a flat surface, i.e. . Can there exist a closed disc , whose boundary can be parametrized as a smooth closed curve, and a surface such that all of the following hold:
(i) ;
(ii) letting be , we have that is a closed disc in with boundary
(iii) the Gaussian curvature of satisfies , and there exists a such that ?
Justify your answer.
Paper 1, Section II, G
commentDefine what is meant by the regular values and critical values of a smooth map of manifolds. State the Preimage Theorem and Sard's Theorem.
Suppose now that . If is compact, prove that the set of regular values is open in , but show that this may not be the case if is non-compact.
Construct an example with and compact for which the set of critical values is not a submanifold of .
[Hint: You may find it helpful to consider the case and . Properties of bump functions and the function may be assumed in this question.]
Paper 2, Section II, G
commentIf an embedded surface contains a line , show that the Gaussian curvature is non-positive at each point of . Give an example where the Gaussian curvature is zero at each point of .
Consider the helicoid given as the image of in under the map
What is the image of the corresponding Gauss map? Show that the Gaussian curvature at a point is given by , and hence is strictly negative everywhere. Show moreover that there is a line in passing through any point of .
[General results concerning the first and second fundamental forms on an oriented embedded surface and the Gauss map may be used without proof in this question.]
Paper 3, Section II, G
commentExplain what it means for an embedded surface in to be minimal. What is meant by an isothermal parametrization of an embedded surface ? Prove that if is isothermal then is minimal if and only if the components of are harmonic functions on . [You may assume the formula for the mean curvature of a parametrized embedded surface,
where (respectively ) are the coefficients of the first (respectively second) fundamental forms.]
Let be an embedded connected minimal surface in which is closed as a subset of , and let be a plane which is disjoint from . Assuming that local isothermal parametrizations always exist, show that if the Euclidean distance between and is attained at some point , i.e. , then is a plane parallel to .
Paper 4, Section II, G
commentFor a smooth embedded surface, define what is meant by a geodesic curve on . Show that any geodesic curve has constant speed .
For any point , show that there is a parametrization of some open neighbourhood of in , with having coordinates , for which the first fundamental form is
for some strictly positive smooth function on . State a formula for the Gaussian curvature of in in terms of . If on , show that is a function of only, and that we may reparametrize so that the metric is locally of the form , for appropriate local coordinates .
[You may assume that for any and nonzero , there exists (for some a unique geodesic with and , and that such geodesics depend smoothly on the initial conditions and
Paper 1, Section II,
commentLet be a domain (connected open subset) with boundary a continuously differentiable simple closed curve. Denoting by the area of and the length of the curve , state and prove the isoperimetric inequality relating and with optimal constant, including the characterization for equality. [You may appeal to Wirtinger's inequality as long as you state it precisely.]
Does the result continue to hold if the boundary is allowed finitely many points at which it is not differentiable? Briefly justify your answer by giving either a counterexample or an indication of a proof.
Paper 2, Section II, G
commentIf denotes a domain in , what is meant by saying that a smooth map is an immersion? Define what it means for such an immersion to be isothermal. Explain what it means to say that an immersed surface is minimal.
Let be an isothermal immersion. Show that it is minimal if and only if are harmonic functions of . [You may use the formula for the mean curvature given in terms of the first and second fundamental forms, namely
Produce an example of an immersed minimal surface which is not an open subset of a catenoid, helicoid, or a plane. Prove that your example does give an immersed minimal surface in .
Paper 3 , Section II, G
commentShow that the surface of revolution in is homeomorphic to a cylinder and has everywhere negative Gaussian curvature. Show moreover the existence of a closed geodesic on .
Let be an arbitrary embedded surface which is homeomorphic to a cylinder and has everywhere negative Gaussian curvature. By using a suitable version of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, show that contains at most one closed geodesic. [If required, appropriate forms of the Jordan curve theorem in the plane may also be used without proof.
Paper 4, Section II, G
commentLet denote the set of unitary complex matrices. Show that is a smooth (real) manifold, and find its dimension. [You may use any general results from the course provided they are stated correctly.] For any matrix in and an complex matrix, determine when represents a tangent vector to at .
Consider the tangent spaces to equipped with the metric induced from the standard (Euclidean) inner product on the real vector space of complex matrices, given by , where denotes the real part and denotes the conjugate transpose of . Suppose that represents a tangent vector to at the identity matrix . Sketch an explicit construction of a geodesic curve on passing through and with tangent direction , giving a brief proof that the acceleration of the curve is always orthogonal to the tangent space to .
[Hint: You will find it easier to work directly with complex matrices, rather than the corresponding real matrices.]
Paper 1, Section II, G
commentDefine the concepts of (smooth) manifold and manifold with boundary for subsets of .
Let be the subset defined by the equations
Prove that is a manifold of dimension four.
For , let denote the spherical ball . Prove that is empty if , is a manifold diffeomorphic to if , and is a manifold with boundary if , with each component of the boundary diffeomorphic to .
[You may quote without proof any general results from lectures that you may need.]
Paper 2, Section II, G
commentDefine the terms Gaussian curvature and mean curvature for a smooth embedded oriented surface . [You may assume the fact that the derivative of the Gauss map is self-adjoint.] If at all points of , show that both and are locally constant. [Hint: Use the symmetry of second partial derivatives of the field of unit normal vectors.]
If at all points of , show that the unit normal vector to is locally constant and that is locally contained in a plane. If is a strictly positive constant on and is a local parametrization (where is connected) on with unit normal vector for , show that is constant on . Deduce that is locally contained in a sphere of radius .
If is connected with at all points of , deduce that is contained in either a plane or a sphere.
Paper 3, Section II, G
commentLet be a parametrized curve on a smooth embedded surface . Define what is meant by a vector field along and the concept of such a vector field being parallel. If and are both parallel vector fields along , show that the inner product is constant.
Given a local parametrization , define the Christoffel symbols on . Given a vector , prove that there exists a unique parallel vector field along with (recall that is called the parallel transport of along ).
Suppose now that the image of also lies on another smooth embedded surface and that for all . Show that parallel transport of a vector is the same whether calculated on or . Suppose is the unit sphere in with centre at the origin and let be the curve on given by
for some fixed angle . Suppose is the unit tangent vector to at and let be its image in under parallel transport along . Show that the angle between and is .
[Hint: You may find it useful to consider the circular cone which touches the sphere along the curve .]
Paper 4, Section II, G
commentLet be a closed interval, smooth real valued functions on with strictly positive at all points, and a positively oriented orthonormal triad of vectors in . An application of the fundamental theorem on the existence of solutions to ODEs implies that there exists a unique smooth family of triples of vectors for satisfying the differential equations
with initial conditions and , and that forms a positively oriented orthonormal triad for all . Assuming this fact, consider defined by ; show that defines a smooth immersed curve parametrized by arc-length, which has curvature and torsion given by and , and that is uniquely determined by this property up to rigid motions of . Prove that is a plane curve if and only if is identically zero.
If , calculate the curvature and torsion of the smooth curve given by
Suppose now that is a smooth simple closed curve parametrized by arc-length with curvature everywhere positive. If both and are constant, show that and . If is constant and is not identically zero, show that . Explain what it means for to be knotted; if is knotted and is constant, show that for some . [You may use standard results from the course if you state them precisely.]
Paper 1, Section II, H
commentFor a smooth map of manifolds, define the concepts of critical point, critical value and regular value.
With the obvious identification of with , and hence also of with , show that the complex-valued polynomial determines a smooth map whose only critical point is at the origin. Hence deduce that is a 4-dimensional manifold, and find the equations of its tangent space at any given point .
Now let be the unit 5 -sphere, defined by . Given a point , by considering the vector or otherwise, show that not all tangent vectors to at are tangent to . Deduce that is a compact three-dimensional manifold.
[Standard results may be quoted without proof if stated carefully.]
Paper 2, Section II, H
commentLet be a regular curve parametrized by arc length having nowherevanishing curvature. State the Frenet relations between the tangent, normal and binormal vectors at a point, and their derivatives.
Let be a smooth oriented surface. Define the Gauss map , and show that its derivative at , is self-adjoint. Define the Gaussian curvature of at .
Now suppose that has image in and that its normal curvature is zero for all . Show that the Gaussian curvature of at a point of the curve is , where denotes the torsion of the curve.
If is a standard embedded torus, show that there is a curve on for which the normal curvature vanishes and the Gaussian curvature of is zero at all points of the curve.
Paper 3, Section II, H
commentWe say that a parametrization of a smooth surface is isothermal if the coefficients of the first fundamental form satisfy and , for some smooth non-vanishing function on . For an isothermal parametrization, prove that
where denotes the unit normal vector and the mean curvature, which you may assume is given by the formula
where and are coefficients in the second fundamental form.
Given a parametrization of a surface , we consider the complex valued functions on :
Show that is isothermal if and only if . If is isothermal, show that is a minimal surface if and only if are holomorphic functions of the complex variable
Consider the holomorphic functions on (with complex coordinate on given by
Find a smooth map for which and the defined by (2) satisfy the equations (1). Show furthermore that extends to a smooth map . If is the complex coordinate on , show that
Paper 4, Section II, H
Define what is meant by the geodesic curvature of a regular curve parametrized by arc length on a smooth oriented surface . If is the unit sphere in and is a parametrized geodesic circle of radius , with , justify the fact that .
State the general form of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem with boundary on an oriented surface , explaining briefly the terms which occur.
Let now denote the circular cone given by and , for a fixed choice of with , and with a fixed choice of orientation. Let be a simple closed piecewise regular curve on , with (signed) exterior angles at the vertices (that is,