Part II, 2020, Paper 4
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Paper 4, Section II, F
commentLet be a basis for the homogeneous polynomials of degree in variables and . Then the image of the given by
is called a rational normal curve.
Let be a collection of points in general linear position in . Prove that there exists a unique rational normal curve in passing through these points.
Choose a basis of homogeneous polynomials of degree 3 as above, and give generators for the homogeneous ideal of the corresponding rational normal curve.
Paper 4 , Section II, 21F
commentIn this question, you may assume all spaces involved are triangulable.
(a) (i) State and prove the Mayer-Vietoris theorem. [You may assume the theorem that states that a short exact sequence of chain complexes gives rise to a long exact sequence of homology groups.]
(ii) Use Mayer-Vietoris to calculate the homology groups of an oriented surface of genus .
(b) Let be an oriented surface of genus , and let be a collection of mutually disjoint closed subsets of with each homeomorphic to a two-dimensional disk. Let denote the interior of , homeomorphic to an open two-dimensional disk, and let
Show that
(c) Let be the surface given in (b) when and . Let be a map. Does there exist a map such that is homotopic to the identity map? Justify your answer.
Paper 4, Section II, 23I
comment(a) Define the Sobolev space for .
(b) Let be a non-negative integer and let . Show that if then there exists with almost everywhere.
(c) Show that if for some , there exists a unique which solves:
in a distributional sense. Prove that there exists a constant , independent of , such that:
For which will be a classical solution?
Paper 4, Section II,
comment(a) For a particle of charge moving in an electromagnetic field with vector potential and scalar potential , write down the classical Hamiltonian and the equations of motion.
(b) Consider the vector and scalar potentials
(i) Solve the equations of motion. Define and compute the cyclotron frequency .
(ii) Write down the quantum Hamiltonian of the system in terms of the angular momentum operator
Show that the states
for any function , are energy eigenstates and compute their energy. Define Landau levels and discuss this result in relation to them.
(iii) Show that for , the wavefunctions in ( ) are eigenstates of angular momentum and compute the corresponding eigenvalue. These wavefunctions peak in a ring around the origin. Estimate its radius. Using these two facts or otherwise, estimate the degeneracy of Landau levels.
Paper 4, Section II, K
comment(i) Explain the notation in the context of queueing theory. [In the following, you may use without proof the fact that is the invariant distribution of such a queue when .
(ii) In a shop queue, some customers rejoin the queue after having been served. Let and . Consider a queue subject to the modification that, on completion of service, each customer leaves the shop with probability , or rejoins the shop queue with probability . Different customers behave independently of one another, and all service times are independent random variables.
Find the distribution of the total time a given customer spends being served by the server. Hence show that equilibrium is possible if , and find the invariant distribution of the queue-length in this case.
(iii) Show that, in equilibrium, the departure process is Poissonian, whereas, assuming the rejoining customers go to the end of the queue, the process of customers arriving at the queue (including the rejoining ones) is not Poissonian.
Paper 4, Section II, A
commentConsider the differential equation
(i) Classify what type of regularity/singularity equation has at .
(ii) Find a transformation that maps equation () to an equation of the form
(iii) Find the leading-order term of the asymptotic expansions of the solutions of equation , as , using the Liouville-Green method.
(iv) Derive the leading-order term of the asymptotic expansion of the solutions of (). Check that one of them is an exact solution for .
Paper 4, Section I,
commentDefine what it means for a context-free grammar (CFG) to be in Chomsky normal form .
Describe without proof each stage in the process of converting a CFG into an equivalent CFG which is in CNF. For each of these stages, when are the nonterminals left unchanged? What about the terminals and the generated language ?
Give an example of a CFG whose generated language is infinite and equal to .
Paper 4, Section I, B
commentDerive expressions for the angular momentum and kinetic energy of a rigid body in terms of its mass , the position of its centre of mass, its inertia tensor (which should be defined) about its centre of mass, and its angular velocity .
A spherical planet of mass and radius has density proportional to . Given that and , evaluate the inertia tensor of the planet in terms of and .
Paper 4, Section II, B
comment(a) Explain how the Hamiltonian of a system can be obtained from its Lagrangian . Deduce that the action can be written as
Show that Hamilton's equations are obtained if the action, computed between fixed initial and final configurations and , is minimized with respect to independent variations of and .
(b) Let be a new set of coordinates on the same phase space. If the old and new coordinates are related by a type-2 generating function such that
deduce that the canonical form of Hamilton's equations applies in the new coordinates, but with a new Hamiltonian given by
(c) For each of the Hamiltonians (i) , (ii) ,
express the general solution at time in terms of the initial values given by at time . In each case, show that the transformation from to is canonical for all values of , and find the corresponding generating function explicitly.
Paper 4, Section I, I
comment(a) What does it mean to say that a cipher has perfect secrecy? Show that if a cipher has perfect secrecy then there must be at least as many possible keys as there are possible plaintext messages. What is a one-time pad? Show that a one-time pad has perfect secrecy.
(b) I encrypt a binary sequence using a one-time pad with key sequence I transmit to you. Then, by mistake, I also transmit to you. Assuming that you know I have made this error, and that my message makes sense, how would you go about finding my message? Can you now decipher other messages sent using the same part of the key sequence? Briefly justify your answer.
Paper 4 , Section I, D
commentAt temperature and chemical potential , the number density of a non-relativistic particle species with mass is given by
where is the number of degrees of freedom of this particle.
At recombination, electrons and protons combine to form hydrogen. Use the result above to derive the Saha equation
where is the number density of hydrogen atoms, the number density of electrons, the mass of the electron and the binding energy of hydrogen. State any assumptions that you use in this derivation.
Paper 4, Section II, I
comment(a) State the Gauss-Bonnet theorem for compact regular surfaces without boundary. Identify all expressions occurring in any formulae.
(b) Let be a compact regular surface without boundary and suppose that its Gaussian curvature for all . Show that is diffeomorphic to the sphere.
Let be a sequence of compact regular surfaces in and let denote the Gaussian curvature of at . Suppose that
(c) Give an example to show that it does not follow that for all sufficiently large the surface is diffeomorphic to the sphere.
(d) Now assume, in addition to , that all of the following conditions hold:
(1) There exists a constant such that for all is contained in a ball of radius around the origin.
(2) There exists a constant such that for all .
(3) There exists a constant such that for all , all points admit a geodesic polar coordinate system centred at of radius at least .
(4) There exists a constant such that on all such geodesic polar neighbourhoods, for all , where denotes a geodesic polar coordinate.
(i) Show that for all sufficiently large , the surface is diffeomorphic to the sphere. [Hint: It may be useful to identify a geodesic polar ball in each for which is bounded below by a positive constant independent of .]
(ii) Explain how your example from (c) fails to satisfy one or more of these extra conditions (1)-(4).
[You may use without proof the standard computations for geodesic polar coordinates: , and
Paper 4, Section II, E
comment(a) Let be a continuous map defined on an interval . Define what it means (i) for to have a horseshoe and (ii) for to be chaotic. [Glendinning's definition should be used throughout this question.]
(b) Consider the map defined on the interval by
with .
(i) Sketch and for a case when and a case when .
(ii) Describe fully the long term dynamics for . What happens for ?
(iii) When does have a horseshoe? When does have a horseshoe?
(iv) For what values of is the map chaotic?
Paper 4 , Section II, 36D
comment(a) A dielectric medium exhibits a linear response if the electric displacement and magnetizing field are related to the electric and magnetic fields, and , as
where and are constants characterising the electric and magnetic polarisability of the material respectively. Write down the Maxwell equations obeyed by the fields and in this medium in the absence of free charges or currents.
(b) Two such media with constants and (but the same ) fill the regions and respectively in three-dimensions with Cartesian coordinates .
(i) Starting from Maxwell's equations, derive the appropriate boundary conditions at for a time-independent electric field .
(ii) Consider a candidate solution of Maxwell's equations describing the reflection and transmission of an incident electromagnetic wave of wave vector and angular frequency off the interface at . The electric field is given as,
where and are constant real vectors and denotes the imaginary part of a complex number . Give conditions on the parameters for , such that the above expression for the electric field solves Maxwell's equations for all , together with an appropriate magnetic field which you should determine.
(iii) We now parametrize the incident wave vector as , where and are unit vectors in the - and -directions respectively, and choose the incident polarisation vector to satisfy . By imposing appropriate boundary conditions for at , which you may assume to be the same as those for the time-independent case considered above, determine the Cartesian components of the wavevector as functions of and .
(iv) For find a critical value of the angle of incidence above which there is no real solution for the wavevector . Write down a solution for when and comment on its form.
Paper 4 , Section II, 38B
commentConsider a two-dimensional horizontal vortex sheet of strength in a homogeneous inviscid fluid at height above a horizontal rigid boundary at so that the fluid velocity is
(i) Investigate the linear instability of the sheet by determining the relevant dispersion relation for small, inviscid, irrotational perturbations. For what wavelengths is the sheet unstable?
(ii) Evaluate the temporal growth rate and the wave propagation speed in the limits of both short and long waves. Using these results, sketch how the growth rate varies with the wavenumber.
(iii) Comment briefly on how the introduction of a stable density difference (fluid in is less dense than that in ) and surface tension at the interface would affect the growth rates.
Paper 4, Section I, E
commentThe Hilbert transform of a function is defined by
Calculate the Hilbert transform of , where is a non-zero real constant.
Paper 4, Section II, 18G
comment(a) Let be a field. Define the discriminant of a polynomial , and explain why it is in , carefully stating any theorems you use.
Compute the discriminant of .
(b) Let be a field and let be a quartic polynomial with roots such that .
Define the resolvant cubic of .
Suppose that is a square in . Prove that the resolvant cubic is irreducible if and only if . Determine the possible Galois groups Gal if is reducible.
The resolvant cubic of is . Using this, or otherwise, determine , where . [You may use without proof that is irreducible.]
Paper 4 , Section II, 37D
commentIn linearized general relativity, we consider spacetime metrics that are perturbatively close to Minkowski, , where and . In the Lorenz gauge, the Einstein tensor, at linear order, is given by
where and .
(i) Show that the (fully nonlinear) Einstein equations can be equivalently written in terms of the Ricci tensor as
Show likewise that equation can be written as
(ii) In the Newtonian limit we consider matter sources with small velocities such that time derivatives can be neglected relative to spatial derivatives, and the only non-negligible component of the energy-momentum tensor is the energy density . Show that in this limit, we recover from equation the Poisson equation of Newtonian gravity if we identify .
(iii) A point particle of mass is modelled by the energy density . Derive the Newtonian potential for this point particle by solving the Poisson equation.
[You can assume the solution of is ]
(iv) Now consider the Einstein equations with a small positive cosmological constant, . Repeat the steps of questions (i)-(iii), again identifying , to show that the Newtonian limit is now described by the Poisson equation , and that a solution for the potential of a point particle is given by
where is a constant you should determine. Briefly discuss the effect of the term and determine for which range of the radius the weak-field limit is a justified approximation. [Hint: Absorb the term as part of the energy-momentum tensor. Note also that in spherical symmetry .]
Paper 4 , Section II,
commentState and prove Vizing's theorem about the chromatic index of a graph .
Let be the complete bipartite graph with class sizes and . By first considering , find for all and .
Let be the graph of order obtained by subdividing a single edge of by a new vertex. Show that , where is the maximum degree of .
Paper 4, Section II, I
comment(a) For a compact Hausdorff space, what does it mean to say that a set is equicontinuous. State and prove the Arzelà-Ascoli theorem.
(b) Suppose is a compact Hausdorff space for which is a countable union of equicontinuous sets. Prove that is finite.
(c) Let be a bounded, continuous function and let . Consider the problem of finding a differentiable function with
for all . For each , let be defined by setting and
for , where
for and .
(i) Verify that is well-defined and continuous on for each .
(ii) Prove that there exists a differentiable function solving (*) for .
Paper 4, Section II, 16H
comment(a) State Zorn's lemma.
[Throughout the remainder of this question, assume Zorn's lemma.]
(b) Let be a poset in which every non-empty chain has an upper bound and let . By considering the poset , show that has a maximal element with .
(c) A filter is a non-empty subset satisfying the following three conditions:
if then
if and then
An ultrafilter is a filter such that for all we have either or , where .
(i) For each , show that is an ultrafilter.
(ii) Show that is finite is a filter but not an ultrafilter, and that for all we have .
(iii) Does there exist an ultrafilter such that for any ? Justify your answer.
Paper 4, Section I, B
commentConsider a population process in which the probability of transition from a state with individuals to a state with individuals in the interval is for small .
(i) Write down the master equation for the probability, , of the state at time for
(ii) Assuming an initial distribution
show that
(iii) Hence, determine the mean of for .
Paper 4, Section II, 14B
commentConsider the stochastic catalytic reaction
in which a single enzyme complexes reversibly to (at forward rate and reverse rate ) and decomposes into product (at forward rate ), regenerating enzyme . Assume there is sufficient substrate so that this catalytic cycle can continue indefinitely. Let be the probability of the state with enzyme and products and the probability of the state with complex and products, these states being mutually exclusive.
(i) Write down the master equation for the probabilities and for
(ii) Assuming an initial state with zero products, solve the master equation for and .
(iii) Hence find the probability distribution of the time taken to form the first product.
(iv) Obtain the mean of .
Paper 4, Section II, J
commentSuppose we have input-output pairs . Consider the empirical risk minimisation problem with hypothesis class
where is a non-empty closed convex subset of , and logistic loss
for and .
(i) Show that the objective function of the optimisation problem is convex.
(ii) Let denote the projection of onto . Describe the procedure of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) for minimisation of above, giving explicit forms for any gradients used in the algorithm.
(iii) Suppose minimises over . Suppose and . Prove that the output of iterations of the SGD algorithm with some fixed step size (which you should specify), satisfies
(iv) Now suppose that the step size at iteration is for each . Show that, writing for the th iterate of SGD, we have
[You may use standard properties of convex functions and projections onto closed convex sets without proof provided you state them.]
Paper 4, Section II, 20G
commentLet be a number field of degree , and let be the set of complex embeddings of . Show that if satisfies for every , then is a root of unity. Prove also that there exists such that if and for all , then is a root of unity.
State Dirichlet's Unit theorem.
Let be a real quadratic field. Assuming Dirichlet's Unit theorem, show that the set of units of which are greater than 1 has a smallest element , and that the group of units of is then . Determine for , justifying your result. [If you use the continued fraction algorithm, you must prove it in full.]
Paper 4 , Section II, 11H
comment(a) What does it mean to say that a function is multiplicative? Show that if are both multiplicative, then so is , defined for all by
Show that if , where is the Möbius function, then , where 1 denotes the constant function 1 .
(b) Let denote the number of positive divisors of . Find such that , and deduce that is multiplicative. Hence or otherwise show that for all with ,
where is the Riemann zeta function.
(c) Fix . By considering suitable powers of the product of the first primes, show that
for infinitely many .
(d) Fix . Show that
where denotes the fact that is such that but . Deduce that there exists a positive constant depending only on such that for all
Paper 4, Section I, H
commentLet be a prime.
State and prove Lagrange's theorem on the number of solutions of a polynomial congruence modulo . Deduce that .
Let be a positive integer such that . Show that the congruence
has precisely solutions modulo .
Paper 4 , Section II, 40E
comment(a) For a function which is real analytic in and 2-periodic in each variable, its Fourier expansion is given by the formula
Derive expressions for the Fourier coefficients of partial derivatives and those of the product in terms of and .
(b) Let be the 2-periodic solution in of the general second-order elliptic PDE
where and are both real analytic and 2-periodic, and . We impose the normalisation condition and note from the PDE .
Construct explicitly the infinite-dimensional linear algebraic system that arises from the application of the Fourier spectral method to the above equation, and explain how to truncate this system to a finite-dimensional one.
(c) Specify the truncated system for the unknowns for the case
and prove that, for any ordering of the Fourier coefficients into one-dimensional array, the resulting system is symmetric and positive definite. [You may use the Gershgorin theorem without proof.]
Paper 4, Section II,
commentBriefly explain why the density operator obeys and . What is meant by a pure state and a mixed state?
A two-state system evolves under the Hamiltonian , where is a constant vector and are the Pauli matrices. At time the system is described by a density operator
where is the identity operator. Initially, the vector obeys and . Find in terms of a and . At what time, if any, is the system definitely in the state that obeys
Paper 4 , Section II, J
commentConsider drawn from a statistical model , with non-singular Fisher information matrix . For , define likelihood ratios
Next consider the probability density functions of normal distributions with corresponding likelihood ratios given by
Show that for every fixed , the random variables converge in distribution as to
[You may assume suitable regularity conditions of the model without specification, and results on uniform laws of large numbers from lectures can be used without proof.]
Paper 4, Section II, K
comment(a) State and prove the strong law of large numbers for sequences of i.i.d. random variables with a finite moment of order 4 .
(b) Let be a sequence of independent random variables such that
Let be a sequence of real numbers such that
(i) Show that converges in to a random variable as . Does it converge in ? Does it converge in law?
(ii) Show that .
(iii) Let be a sequence of i.i.d. standard Gaussian random variables, i.e. each is distributed as . Show that then converges in law as to a random variable and determine the law of the limit.
Paper 4, Section I, C
comment(i) What is the action of on a state , where and denotes the Quantum Fourier Transform modulo ?
(ii) For the case write respectively in binary as thereby identifying the four-dimensional space as that of two qubits. Show that is an unentangled state of the two qubits.
(iii) Prove that , where .
[Hint: For if is not a multiple of .]
(iv) What is the action of on a state , for any ? Use the above to determine what the eigenvalues of are.
Paper 4, Section II, F
comment(a) State and prove Burnside's lemma. Deduce that if a finite group acts 2transitively on a set then the corresponding permutation character has precisely two (distinct) irreducible summands.
(b) Suppose that is a field with elements. Write down a list of conjugacy class representatives for . Consider the natural action of on the set of lines through the origin in . What values does the corresponding permutation character take on each conjugacy class representative in your list? Decompose this permutation character into irreducible characters.
Paper 4, Section I, J
commentSuppose you have a data frame with variables response, covar1, and covar2. You run the following commands on .
(a) Consider the following three scenarios:
(i) All the output you have is the abbreviated output of summary (model) above.
(ii) You have the abbreviated output of summary (model) above together with
Residual standard error: on 47 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: , Adjusted R-squared:
F-statistic: on 2 and 47 DF, p-value: <
(iii) You have the abbreviated output of summary (model) above together with
Residual standard error: on 47 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: , Adjusted R-squared:
F-statistic: on 2 and 47 DF, p-value:
What conclusion can you draw about which variables explain the response in each of the three scenarios? Explain.
(b) Assume now that you have the abbreviated output of summary (model) above together with
anova(lm(response response , model
What are the values of the entries with a question mark? [You may express your answers as arithmetic expressions if necessary].
Paper 4, Section II, J
comment(a) Define a generalised linear model with design matrix , output variables and parameters and . Derive the moment generating function of , i.e. give an expression for , wherever it is well-defined.
Assume from now on that the GLM satisfies the usual regularity assumptions, has full column rank, and is known and satisfies .
(b) Let be the output variables of a GLM from the same family as that of part (a) and parameters and . Suppose the output variables may be split into blocks of size with constant parameters. To be precise, for each block , if then
with and defined as in part a . Let , where .
(i) Show that is equal to in distribution. [Hint: you may use without proof that moment generating functions uniquely determine distributions from exponential dispersion families.]
(ii) For any , let , where . Show that the model function of satisfies
for some functions , and conclude that is a sufficient statistic for from .
(iii) For the model and data from part (a), let be the maximum likelihood estimator for and let be the deviance at . Using (i) and (ii), show that
where means equality in distribution and and are nested subspaces of which you should specify. Argue that and , and, assuming the usual regularity assumptions, conclude that
stating the name of the result from class that you use.
Paper 4, Section II, A
Consider a classical gas of particles in volume , where the total energy is the standard kinetic energy plus a potential depending on the relative locations of the particles <