Part II, 2019, Paper 3
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Paper 3, Section II, F
commentLet be the curve defined by the equation over the complex numbers , and let be its closure.
(a) Show is smooth.
(b) Determine the ramification points of the defined by
Using this, determine the Euler characteristic and genus of , stating clearly any theorems that you are using.
(c) Let . Compute for all , and determine a basis for
Paper 3, Section II, F
commentLet be a simplicial complex, and a subcomplex. As usual, denotes the group of -chains of , and denotes the group of -chains of .
(a) Let
for each integer . Prove that the boundary map of descends to give the structure of a chain complex.
(b) The homology groups of relative to , denoted by , are defined to be the homology groups of the chain complex . Prove that there is a long exact sequence that relates the homology groups of relative to to the homology groups of and the homology groups of .
(c) Let be the closed -dimensional disc, and be the -dimensional sphere. Exhibit simplicial complexes and subcomplexes such that in such a way that is identified with .
(d) Compute the relative homology groups , for all integers and where and are as in (c).
Paper 3, Section II, H
comment(a) Prove that in a finite-dimensional normed vector space the weak and strong topologies coincide.
(b) Prove that in a normed vector space , a weakly convergent sequence is bounded. [Any form of the Banach-Steinhaus theorem may be used, as long as you state it clearly.]
(c) Let be the space of real-valued absolutely summable sequences. Suppose is a weakly convergent sequence in which does not converge strongly. Show there is a constant and a sequence in which satisfies and for all .
With as above, show there is some and a subsequence of with for all . Deduce that every weakly convergent sequence in is strongly convergent.
[Hint: Define so that for , where the sequence of integers should be defined inductively along with
(d) Is the conclusion of part (c) still true if we replace by
Paper 3, Section II, B
commentA Hamiltonian is invariant under the discrete translational symmetry of a Bravais lattice . This means that there exists a unitary translation operator such that for all . State and prove Bloch's theorem for .
Consider the two-dimensional Bravais lattice defined by the basis vectors
Find basis vectors and for the reciprocal lattice. Sketch the Brillouin zone. Explain why the Brillouin zone has only two physically distinct corners. Show that the positions of these corners may be taken to be and .
The dynamics of a single electron moving on the lattice is described by a tightbinding model with Hamiltonian
where and are real parameters. What is the energy spectrum as a function of the wave vector in the Brillouin zone? How does the energy vary along the boundary of the Brillouin zone between and ? What is the width of the band?
In a real material, each site of the lattice contains an atom with a certain valency. Explain how the conducting properties of the material depend on the valency.
Suppose now that there is a second band, with minimum . For what values of and the valency is the material an insulator?
Paper 3, Section II, K
comment(a) What does it mean to say that a continuous-time Markov chain ) with state space is reversible in equilibrium? State the detailed balance equations, and show that any probability distribution on satisfying them is invariant for the chain.
(b) Customers arrive in a shop in the manner of a Poisson process with rate . There are servers, and capacity for up to people waiting for service. Any customer arriving when the shop is full (in that the total number of customers present is ) is not admitted and never returns. Service times are exponentially distributed with parameter , and they are independent of one another and of the arrivals process. Describe the number of customers in the shop at time as a Markov chain.
Calculate the invariant distribution of , and explain why is the unique invariant distribution. Show that is reversible in equilibrium.
[Any general result from the course may be used without proof, but must be stated clearly.]
Paper 3, Section II, A
comment(a) State Watson's lemma for the case when all the functions and variables involved are real, and use it to calculate the asymptotic approximation as for the integral , where
(b) The Bessel function of the first kind of order has integral representation
where is the Gamma function, and is in general a complex variable. The complex version of Watson's lemma is obtained by replacing with the complex variable , and is valid for and , for some such that . Use this version to derive an asymptotic expansion for as . For what values of is this approximation valid?
[Hint: You may find the substitution useful.]
Paper 3, Section I,
comment(a) Define what it means for a context-free grammar (CFG) to be in Chomsky normal form (CNF). Can a CFG in CNF ever define a language containing ? If denotes the result of converting an arbitrary CFG into one in CNF, state the relationship between and .
(b) Let be a CFG in CNF. Give an algorithm that, on input of any word on the terminals of , decides if or not. Explain why your algorithm works.
(c) Convert the following CFG into a grammar in CNF:
Does in this case? Justify your answer.
Paper 3, Section II, 12H
comment(a) State the theorem and the recursion theorem.
(b) State and prove Rice's theorem.
(c) Show that if is partial recursive, then there is some such that
(d) Show there exists some such that has exactly elements.
(e) Given , is it possible to compute whether or not the number of elements of is a (finite) perfect square? Justify your answer.
[In this question denotes the set of non-negative integers. Any use of Church's thesis in your answers should be explicitly stated.]
Paper 3, Section I, E
commentA simple harmonic oscillator of mass and spring constant has the equation of motion
(a) Describe the orbits of the system in phase space. State how the action of the oscillator is related to a geometrical property of the orbits in phase space. Derive the action-angle variables and give the form of the Hamiltonian of the oscillator in action-angle variables.
(b) Suppose now that the spring constant varies in time. Under what conditions does the theory of adiabatic invariance apply? Assuming that these conditions hold, identify an adiabatic invariant and determine how the energy and amplitude of the oscillator vary with in this approximation.
Paper 3, Section I, G
commentWhat does it mean to transmit reliably at rate through a binary symmetric channel with error probability ?
Assuming Shannon's second coding theorem (also known as Shannon's noisy coding theorem), compute the supremum of all possible reliable transmission rates of a BSC. Describe qualitatively the behaviour of the capacity as varies. Your answer should address the following cases,
(i) is small,
(ii) ,
(iii) .
Paper 3, Section I, B
commentConsider a spherically symmetric distribution of mass with density at distance from the centre. Derive the pressure support equation that the pressure has to satisfy for the system to be in static equilibrium.
Assume now that the mass density obeys , for some positive constant A. Determine whether or not the system has a stable solution corresponding to a star of finite radius.
Paper 3, Section II, B
comment[You may work in units of the speed of light, so that ]
Consider the process where protons and electrons combine to form neutral hydrogen atoms;
Let and denote the number densities for protons, electrons and hydrogen atoms respectively. The ionization energy of hydrogen is denoted . State and derive 's equation for the ratio , clearly describing the steps required.
[You may use without proof the following formula for the equilibrium number density of a non-relativistic species with degenerate states of mass at temperature such that ,
where is the chemical potential and and are the Boltzmann and Planck constants respectively.]
The photon number density is given as
where . Consider now the fractional ionization . In our universe where is the baryon-to-photon number ratio. Find an expression for the ratio
in terms of and the particle masses. One might expect neutral hydrogen to form at a temperature given by , but instead in our universe it forms at the much lower temperature . Briefly explain why this happens. Estimate the temperature at which neutral hydrogen would form in a hypothetical universe with . Briefly explain your answer.
Paper 3, Section II, H
comment(a) Let be a regular curve without self intersection given by with for .
Consider the local parametrisation given by
where .
(i) Show that the image defines a regular surface in .
(ii) If is a geodesic in parametrised by arc length, then show that is constant in . If denotes the angle that the geodesic makes with the parallel , then show that is constant in .
(b) Now assume that extends to a smooth curve such that . Let be the closure of in .
(i) State a necessary and sufficient condition on for to be a compact regular surface. Justify your answer.
(ii) If is a compact regular surface, and is a geodesic, show that there exists a non-empty open subset such that .
Paper 3, Section II, E
commentConsider a dynamical system of the form
on and , where and are real constants and .
(a) For , by considering a function of the form , show that all trajectories in are either periodic orbits or a fixed point.
(b) Using the same , show that no periodic orbits in persist for small and if .
[Hint: for on the periodic orbits with period , show that and hence that .]
(c) By considering Dulac's criterion with , show that there are no periodic orbits in if .
(d) Purely by consideration of the existence of fixed points in and their Poincaré indices, determine those for which the possibility of periodic orbits can be excluded.
(e) Combining the results above, sketch the plane showing where periodic orbits in might still be possible.
Paper 3, Section II, E
commentA time-dependent charge distribution localised in some region of size near the origin varies periodically in time with characteristic angular frequency . Explain briefly the circumstances under which the dipole approximation for the fields sourced by the charge distribution is valid.
Far from the origin, for , the vector potential sourced by the charge distribution is given by the approximate expression
where is the corresponding current density. Show that, in the dipole approximation, the large-distance behaviour of the magnetic field is given by,
where is the electric dipole moment of the charge distribution. Assuming that, in the same approximation, the corresponding electric field is given as , evaluate the flux of energy through the surface element of a large sphere of radius centred at the origin. Hence show that the total power radiated by the charge distribution is given by
A particle of charge and mass undergoes simple harmonic motion in the -direction with time period and amplitude such that
Here is a unit vector in the -direction. Calculate the total power radiated through a large sphere centred at the origin in the dipole approximation and determine its time averaged value,
For what values of the parameters and is the dipole approximation valid?
Now suppose that the energy of the particle with trajectory is given by the usual non-relativistic formula for a harmonic oscillator i.e. , and that the particle loses energy due to the emission of radiation at a rate corresponding to the time-averaged power . Work out the half-life of this system (i.e. the time such that . Explain why the non-relativistic approximation for the motion of the particle is reliable as long as the dipole approximation is valid.
Paper 3, Section II, A
commentFor a fluid with kinematic viscosity , the steady axisymmetric boundary-layer equations for flow primarily in the -direction are
where is the fluid velocity in the -direction and is the fluid velocity in the -direction. A thin, steady, axisymmetric jet emerges from a point at the origin and flows along the -axis in a fluid which is at rest far from the -axis.
(a) Show that the momentum flux
is independent of the position along the jet. Deduce that the thickness of the jet increases linearly with . Determine the scaling dependence on of the centre-line velocity . Hence show that the jet entrains fluid.
(b) A similarity solution for the streamfunction,
exists if satisfies the second order differential equation
Using appropriate boundary and normalisation conditions (which you should state clearly) to solve this equation, show that
Paper 3, Section I, A
commentThe equation
has solutions of the form
for suitably chosen contours and some suitable function .
(a) Find and determine the required condition on , which you should express in terms of and .
(b) Use the result of part (a) to specify a possible contour with the help of a clearly labelled diagram.
Paper 3, Section II, F
commentLet be a field. For a positive integer, consider , where either char , or char with not dividing ; explain why the polynomial has distinct roots in a splitting field.
For a positive integer, define the th cyclotomic polynomial and show that it is a monic polynomial in . Prove that is irreducible over for all . [Hint: If , with and monic irreducible with , and is a root of , show first that is a root of for any prime not dividing .]
Let ; by considering the product , or otherwise, show that is irreducible over .
Paper 3, Section II, D
comment(a) Let be a manifold with coordinates . The commutator of two vector fields and is defined as
(i) Show that transforms like a vector field under a change of coordinates from to .
(ii) Show that the commutator of any two basis vectors vanishes, i.e.
(iii) Show that if and are linear combinations (not necessarily with constant coefficients) of vector fields that all commute with one another, then the commutator is a linear combination of the same fields .
[You may use without proof the following relations which hold for any vector fields and any function :
but you should clearly indicate each time relation , or (3) is used.]
(b) Consider the 2-dimensional manifold with Cartesian coordinates carrying the Euclidean metric .
(i) Express the coordinate basis vectors and , where and denote the usual polar coordinates, in terms of their Cartesian counterparts.
(ii) Define the unit vectors
and show that are not a coordinate basis, i.e. there exist no coordinates such that and .
Paper 3, Section II, G
comment(a) What does it mean to say that a graph is bipartite?
(b) Show that is bipartite if and only if it contains no cycles of odd length.
(c) Show that if is bipartite then
as .
[You may use without proof the Erdós-Stone theorem provided it is stated precisely.]
(d) Let be a graph of order with edges. Let be a random subset of containing each vertex of independently with probability . Let be the number of edges with precisely one vertex in . Find, with justification, , and deduce that contains a bipartite subgraph with at least edges.
By using another method of choosing a random subset of , or otherwise, show that if is even then contains a bipartite subgraph with at least edges.
Paper 3, Section II, C
commentSuppose is a smooth one-parameter group of transformations acting on , with infinitesimal generator
(a) Define the prolongation of , and show that
where you should give an explicit formula to determine the recursively in terms of and .
(b) Find the prolongation of each of the following generators:
(c) Given a smooth, real-valued, function , the Schwarzian derivative is defined by,
Show that,
for where are real functions which you should determine. What can you deduce about the symmetries of the equations: (i) , (ii) , (iii) ?
Paper 3, Section II, H
comment(a) Let be a Banach space and consider the open unit ball . Let be a bounded operator. Prove that .
(b) Let be the vector space of all polynomials in one variable with real coefficients. Let be any norm on . Show that is not complete.
(c) Let be entire, and assume that for every there is such that where is the -th derivative of . Prove that is a polynomial.
[You may use that an entire function vanishing on an open subset of must vanish everywhere.]
(d) A Banach space is said to be uniformly convex if for every there is such that for all such that and , one has . Prove that is uniformly convex.
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentDefine the von Neumann hierarchy of sets . Show that each is transitive, and explain why whenever . Prove that every set is a member of some .
Which of the following are true and which are false? Give proofs or counterexamples as appropriate. [You may assume standard properties of rank.]
(i) If the rank of a set is a (non-zero) limit then is infinite.
(ii) If the rank of a set is countable then is countable.
(iii) If every finite subset of a set has rank at most then has rank at most .
(iv) For every ordinal there exists a set of .
Paper 3, Section I,
commentA model of wound healing in one spatial dimension is given by
where gives the density of healthy tissue at spatial position at time and and are positive constants.
By setting where , seek a steady travelling wave solution where tends to one for large negative and tends to zero for large positive . By linearising around the leading edge, where , find the possible wave speeds of the system. Assuming that the full nonlinear system will settle to the slowest possible speed, express the wave speed as a function of and .
Consider now a situation where the tissue is destroyed in some window of length , i.e. for for some constant and is equal to one elsewhere. Explain what will happen for subsequent times, illustrating your answer with sketches of . Determine approximately how long it will take for this wound to heal (in the sense that is close to one everywhere).
Paper 3, Section II, C
comment(a) A stochastic birth-death process has a master equation given by
where is the probability that there are individuals in the population at time for and for .
(i) Give a brief interpretation of and .
(ii) Derive an equation for , where is the generating function
(iii) Assuming that the generating function takes the form
find and hence show that, as , both the mean and variance of the population size tend to constant values, which you should determine.
(b) Now suppose an extra process is included: individuals are added to the population at rate .
(i) Write down the new master equation, and explain why, for , the approach used in part (a) will fail.
(ii) By working with the master equation directly, find a differential equation for the rate of change of the mean population size .
(iii) Now take for positive constants and . Show that for the mean population size tends to a constant, which you should determine. Briefly describe what happens for .
Paper 3, Section I, I
commentLet be a positive definite binary quadratic form with integer coefficients. What does it mean to say that is reduced? Show that if is reduced and has discriminant , then and . Deduce that for fixed , there are only finitely many reduced of discriminant .
Find all reduced positive definite binary quadratic forms of discriminant .
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentLet be a prime.
(a) What does it mean to say that an integer is a primitive root ?
(b) Let be an integer with . Let
Show that . [Recall that by convention .]
(c) Let for some , and let . Show that for any or , and that
Hence show that there exist integers , not all divisible by , such that .
Paper 3, Section II, 40C
commentThe diffusion equation
with the initial condition , and boundary conditions , is discretised by with . The Courant number is given by .
(a) The system is solved numerically by the method
Prove directly that implies convergence.
(b) Now consider the method
where and are real constants. Using an eigenvalue analysis and carefully justifying each step, determine conditions on and for this method to be stable.
[You may use the notation for the tridiagonal matrix with along the diagonal, and along the sub-and super-diagonals and use without proof any relevant theorems about such matrices.]
Paper 3, Section II, B
commentConsider the Hamiltonian , where is a small perturbation. If , write down an expression for the eigenvalues of , correct to second order in the perturbation, assuming the energy levels of are non-degenerate.
In a certain three-state system, and take the form
with and real, positive constants and .
(a) Consider first the case and . Use the results of degenerate perturbation theory to obtain the energy eigenvalues correct to order .
(b) Now consider the different case and . Use the results of non-degenerate perturbation theory to obtain the energy eigenvalues correct to order . Why is it not necessary to use degenerate perturbation theory in this case?
(c) Obtain the exact energy eigenvalues in case (b), and compare these to your perturbative results by expanding to second order in .
Paper 3, Section II, J
commentWe consider the exponential model , where
We observe an i.i.d. sample from the model.
(a) Compute the maximum likelihood estimator for . What is the limit in distribution of ?
(b) Consider the Bayesian setting and place a , prior for with density
where is the Gamma function satisfying for all . What is the posterior distribution for ? What is the Bayes estimator for the squared loss?
(c) Show that the Bayes estimator is consistent. What is the limiting distribution of ?
[You may use results from the course, provided you state them clearly.]
Paper 3, Section II, K
comment(a) Let and be real random variables such that for every compactly supported continuous function . Show that and have the same law.
(b) Given a real random variable , let be its characteristic function. Prove the identity
for real , where is is continuous and compactly supported, and where is a Lebesgue integrable function such that is also Lebesgue integrable, where
is its Fourier transform. Use the above identity to derive a formula for in terms of , and recover the fact that determines the law of uniquely.
(c) Let and be bounded random variables such that for every positive integer . Show that and have the same law.
(d) The Laplace transform of a non-negative random variable is defined by the formula
for . Let and be (possibly unbounded) non-negative random variables such that for all . Show that and have the same law.
(e) Let
where is a non-negative integer and is the indicator function of the interval .
Given non-negative integers , suppose that the random variables are independent with having density function . Find the density of the random variable .
Paper 3, Section I,
commentLet denote the set of all -bit strings and write . Let denote the identity operator on qubits and for introduce the -qubit operator
where is the Hadamard operation on each of the qubits, and and are given by
Also introduce the states
Let denote the real span of and .
(a) Show that maps to itself, and derive a geometrical interpretation of the action of on , stating clearly any results from Euclidean geometry that you use.
(b) Let be the Boolean function such that iff . Suppose that . Show that we can obtain an with certainty by using just one application of the standard quantum oracle for (together with other operations that are independent of ).
Paper 3, Section II, D
commentLet denote a -dimensional state space with orthonormal basis . For any let be the operator on defined by
for all and .
(a) Define , the quantum Fourier transform (for any chosen .
(b) Let on (for any chosen ) denote the operator defined by
for . Show that the Fourier basis states for are eigenstates of . By expressing in terms of find a basis of eigenstates of and determine the corresponding eigenvalues.
(c) Consider the following oracle promise problem:
Input: an oracle for a function .
Promise: has the form where and are unknown coefficients (and with all arithmetic being .
Problem: Determine with certainty.
Can this problem be solved by a single query to a classical oracle for (and possible further processing independent of ? Give a reason for your answer.
Using the results of part (b) or otherwise, give a quantum algorithm for this problem that makes just one query to the quantum oracle for .
(d) For any , let and (all arithmetic being ). Show how and can each be implemented with one use of together with other unitary gates that are independent of .
(e) Consider now the oracle problem of the form in part (c) except that now is a quadratic function with unknown coefficients (and all arithmetic being mod 3), and the problem is to determine the coefficient with certainty. Using the results of part (d) or otherwise, give a quantum algorithm for this problem that makes just two queries to the quantum oracle for .
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentIn this question all representations are complex and is a finite group.
(a) State and prove Mackey's theorem. State the Frobenius reciprocity theorem.
(b) Let be a finite -set and let be the corresponding permutation representation. Pick any orbit of on : it is isomorphic as a -set to for some subgroup of . Write down the character of .
(i) Let be the trivial representation of . Show that may be written as a direct sum
for some representation .
(ii) Using the results of (a) compute the character inner product in terms of the number of double cosets.
(iii) Now suppose that , so that . By writing as a direct sum of irreducible representations, deduce from (ii) that the representation is irreducible if and only if acts 2 -transitively. In that case, show that is not the trivial representation.
Paper 3, Section II, F
commentLet be a lattice in , and a holomorphic map of complex tori. Show that lifts to a linear map .
Give the definition of , the Weierstrass -function for . Show that there exist constants such that
Suppose , that is, is a biholomorphic group homomorphism. Prove that there exists a lift of , where is a root of unity for which there exist such that .
Paper 3, Section I, J
(a) For a given model with likelihood , define the Fisher information matrix in terms of the Hessian of the log-likelihood.
Consider a generalised linear model with design matrix , output variables , a bijective link function, mean parameters and dispersion parameters . Assume is known.
(b) State the form of the log-likelihood.
(c) For the canonical link, show that when the parameter