Part II, 2002, Paper 1
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commentA quantum system, with Hamiltonian , has continuous energy eigenstates for all , and also a discrete eigenstate , with . A time-independent perturbation , such that , is added to . If the system is initially in the state obtain the formula for the decay rate
where is the density of states.
[You may assume that behaves like for large .]
Assume that, for a particle moving in one dimension,
where , and is constant. Obtain in this case.
comment(i) Describe the original Hamming code of length 7 . Show how to encode a message word, and how to decode a received word involving at most one error. Explain why the procedure works.
(ii) What is a linear binary code? What is its dual code? What is a cyclic binary code? Explain how cyclic binary codes of length correspond to polynomials in dividing . Show that the dual of a cyclic code of length is cyclic of length .
Using the factorization
in , find all cyclic binary codes of length 7 . Identify those which are Hamming codes and their duals. Justify your answer.
commentProve that every graph on vertices with minimal degree is Hamiltonian. For each , give an example to show that this result does not remain true if we weaken the condition to ( even) or ( odd).
Now let be a connected graph (with at least 2 vertices) without a cutvertex. Does Hamiltonian imply Eulerian? Does Eulerian imply Hamiltonian? Justify your answers.
comment(i) Suppose are independent Poisson variables, and
where are unknown parameters, and are given covariates, each of dimension . Obtain the maximum-likelihood equations for , and explain briefly how you would check the validity of this model.
(ii) The data below show , which are the monthly accident counts on a major US highway for each of the 12 months of 1970 , then for each of the 12 months of 1971 , and finally for the first 9 months of 1972 . The data-set is followed by the (slightly edited) output. You may assume that the factors 'Year' and 'month' have been set up in the appropriate fashion. Give a careful interpretation of this output, and explain (a) how you would derive the corresponding standardised residuals, and (b) how you would predict the number of accidents in October 1972 .
first.glm Year month, poisson summary(first.glm
formula Year month, family poisson
\begin{tabular}{lrlll} Coefficients: & & & & \ (Intercept) & Estimate & Std. Error & \multicolumn{1}{l}{ z value } & \ Year1971 & & & & \ Year1972 & & & & \ month2 & & & & \ month3 & & & & \ month4 & & & & \ month5 & & & & \ month6 & & & & \ month7 & & & & \ month8 & & & & \ month9 & & & & \ month10 & & & & \ month11 & & & & \ month12 & & & & \end{tabular}
Signif. codes: 0 (, (, (, '.
(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1 )
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 3
commentWhat is meant by a "bump function" on ? If is an open subset of a manifold , prove that there is a bump function on with support contained in .
Prove the following.
(i) Given an open covering of a compact manifold , there is a partition of unity on subordinate to .
(ii) Every compact manifold may be embedded in some Euclidean space.
commentLet be the map of the closed interval to itself given by
Sketch the graphs of and (without proof) of , find their fixed points, and determine which of the fixed points of are attractors. Does your argument work for
comment(i) A system in obeys the equations:
where is a positive constant.
By considering the quantity , where and are appropriately chosen, show that if then there is a unique fixed point and a unique limit cycle. How many fixed points are there when ?
(ii) Consider the second order system
where are constants.
(a) Find the fixed points and determine their stability.
(b) Show that if the fixed point at the origin is unstable and then there are no limit cycles.
[You may find it helpful to use the Liénard coordinate .]
commentExplain how one can write Maxwell's equations in relativistic form by introducing an antisymmetric field strength tensor .
In an inertial frame , the electric and magnetic fields are and . Suppose that there is a second inertial frame moving with velocity along the -axis relative to . Derive the rules for finding the electric and magnetic fields and in the frame . Show that and are invariant under Lorentz transformations.
Suppose that and , where . At what velocity must an observer be moving in the frame for the electric and magnetic fields to appear to be parallel?
Comment on the case .
commentState the minimum dissipation theorem for Stokes flow in a bounded domain.
Fluid of density and viscosity fills an infinite cylindrical annulus between a fixed cylinder and a cylinder which rotates about its axis with constant angular velocity . In cylindrical polar coordinates , the fluid velocity is . The Reynolds number is not necessarily small. Show that , where and are constants to be determined.
[You may assume that and ]
Show that the outer cylinder exerts a couple per unit length on the fluid, where
[You may assume that, in standard notation, .]
Suppose now that and that the cylinder is replaced by a fixed cylinder whose cross-section is a square of side centred on , all other conditions being unchanged. The flow may still be assumed steady. Explaining your argument carefully, show that the couple now required to maintain the motion of the outer cylinder is greater than .
comment(i) Let be the real part of . Establish the following properties of for : (a) ; (b) for ; (c) , uniformly on , as increases to 1 .
(ii) Suppose that , where is the unit circle . By definition, . Let
Show that is a continuous function on , and that .
[You may assume without proof that .]
Show that , uniformly on as increases to 1 , if and only if is a continuous function on .
Show that as increases to 1 .
commentLet be a finite extension of fields and let be the group of -automorphisms of . State a result relating the order of to the degree .
Now let be the field of rational functions in four variables over a field and let where are the elementary symmetric polynomials in . Show that the degree ! and deduce that is the fixed field of the natural action of the symmetric group on .
Show that has a cubic minimum polynomial over . Let be the dihedral group generated by the permutations and . Show that the fixed field of is . Find the fixed field of the subgroup .
A1.15 B1.24
comment(i) Given a covariant vector field , define the curvature tensor by
Express in terms of the Christoffel symbols and their derivatives. Show that
Further, by setting , deduce that
(ii) Write down an expression similar to (*) given in Part (i) for the quantity
and hence show that
Define the Ricci tensor, show that it is symmetric and write down the contracted Bianchi identities.
In certain spacetimes of dimension takes the form
Obtain the Ricci tensor and Ricci scalar. Deduce that is a constant in such spacetimes if the dimension is greater than 2 .
comment(i) State and prove a necessary and sufficient condition for a graph to be Eulerian (that is, to have an Eulerian circuit).
Prove that, given any connected non-Eulerian graph , there is an Eulerian graph and a vertex such that .
(ii) Let be a connected plane graph with vertices, edges and faces. Prove that . Deduce that , where is the smallest face size.
The crossing number of a non-planar graph is the minimum number of edgecrossings needed when drawing the graph in the plane. (The crossing of three edges at the same point is not allowed.) Show that if has vertices and edges then . Find .
comment(i) What is a Sylow subgroup? State Sylow's Theorems.
Show that any group of order 33 is cyclic.
(ii) Prove the existence part of Sylow's Theorems.
[You may use without proof any arithmetic results about binomial coefficients which you need.]
Show that a group of order , where and are distinct primes, is not simple. Is it always abelian? Give a proof or a counterexample.
commentState Sylow's Theorems. Prove the existence part of Sylow's Theorems.
Show that any group of order 33 is cyclic.
Show that a group of order , where and are distinct primes, is not simple. Is it always abelian? Give a proof or a counterexample.
commentLet be a Hilbert space and let . Define what it means for to be bounded below. Prove that, if for some , then is bounded below.
Prove that an operator is invertible if and only if both and are bounded below.
Let be the sequence space . Define the operators on by setting
for all . Check that but . Let . For each , explain why is invertible, and define
Show that, for all , we have , but . Deduce that, for all , the operator is bounded below, but is not invertible. Deduce also that .
Let with , and for , define the element of by
Prove that but that as . Deduce that, for is not bounded below.
comment(a) Define the entropy and the mutual entropy of random variables and . Prove the inequality
[You may assume the Gibbs inequality.]
(b) Let be a random variable and let be a random vector.
(i) Prove or disprove by producing a counterexample the inequality
first under the assumption that are independent random variables, and then under the assumption that are conditionally independent given .
(ii) Prove or disprove by producing a counterexample the inequality
first under the assumption that are independent random variables, and then under the assumption that are conditionally independent given .
A B1.12
comment(i) State the Knaster-Tarski fixed point theorem. Use it to prove the Cantor-Bernstein Theorem; that is, if there exist injections and for two sets and then there exists a bijection .
(ii) Let be an arbitrary set and suppose given a subset of . We define a subset to be -closed just if whenever and then . Show that the set of all -closed subsets of is a complete poset in the inclusion ordering.
Now assume that is itself equipped with a partial ordering .
(a) Suppose satisfies the condition that if then .
Show that if is -closed then implies .
(b) Suppose that satisfies the following condition. Whenever and then there exists such that , and for every we have (i) , and (ii) for some . Let and be -closed subsets of . Show that the set
is -closed.
A1.1 B1.1
comment(i) We are given a finite set of airports. Assume that between any two airports, and , there are flights in each direction on every day. A confused traveller takes one flight per day, choosing at random from all available flights. Starting from , how many days on average will pass until the traveller returns again to ? Be careful to allow for the case where there may be no flights at all between two given airports.
(ii) Consider the infinite tree with root , where, for all , all vertices at distance from have degree 3 , and where all other vertices (except ) have degree 2 . Show that the random walk on is recurrent.
commentState the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma as applied to the integral
where is continuous and .
Use this lemma to show that, as ,
where is holomorphic, and . You should explain each step of your argument, but detailed analysis is not required.
Hence find the leading order asymptotic behaviour as of
commentExplain what is meant by an integral basis of a number field . Give an expression for the discriminant of in terms of the traces of the .
Let . By computing the traces , where runs through the three quadratic subfields of , show that the algebraic integers in have the form , where and are Gaussian integers. By further computing the norm , where , show that and are even and that . Hence prove that an integral basis for is .
Calculate the discriminant of .
comment(i) Let be a prime number. Prove that the multiplicative group of the field with elements is cyclic.
(ii) Let be an odd prime, and let be an integer. Prove that we have if and only if either or . Is this statement true when ?
Let be an odd positive integer, and let be the number of distinct prime factors of . Prove that there are precisely different integers satisfying and .
A1.20 B1.20
comment(i) Let be an symmetric real matrix with distinct eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors , where . Given , the sequence is generated in the following manner. We set
Show that if
where is a real scalar and is chosen so that , then
Give an explicit expression for .
(ii) Use the above result to prove that, if is small,
and obtain the numbers and .
comment(a) Solve the equation, for a function ,
together with the boundary condition on the -axis:
Find for which real numbers it is possible to solve with the following boundary condition specified on the line :
Explain your answer in terms of the notion of characteristic hypersurface, which should be defined.
(b) Solve the equation
with the boundary condition on the -axis
in the domain . Sketch the characteristics.
A1.2 B1.2
comment(i) Derive Hamilton's equations from Lagrange's equations. Show that the Hamiltonian is constant if the Lagrangian does not depend explicitly on time.
(ii) A particle of mass is constrained to move under gravity, which acts in the negative -direction, on the spheroidal surface , with . If parametrize the surface so that
find the Hamiltonian .
Show that the energy
is a constant of the motion, where is a non-negative constant.
Rewrite this equation as
and sketch for and , identifying the maximal and minimal values of for fixed and . If is now taken not to be unity, how do these values depend on ?
A1.12 B1.15
comment(i) Explain in detail the minimax and Bayes principles of decision theory.
Show that if is a Bayes decision rule for a prior density and has constant risk function, then is minimax.
(ii) Let be independent random variables, with .
Consider estimating by , with loss function
What is the risk function of
Consider the class of estimators of of the form
indexed by . Find the risk function of in terms of , which you should not attempt to evaluate, and deduce that is inadmissible. What is optimal value of ?
[You may assume Stein's Lemma, that for suitably behaved real-valued functions ,
commentState and prove Dynkin's -system lemma.
Let be a probability space and let be a sequence of independent events such that . Let . Prove that
for all .
comment(i) A system of identical non-interacting bosons has energy levels with degeneracy , for each particle. Show that in thermal equilibrium the number of particles with energy is given by
where and are parameters whose physical significance should be briefly explained.
(ii) A photon moves in a cubical box of side . Assuming periodic boundary conditions, show that, for large , the number of photon states lying in the frequency range is where
If the box is filled with thermal radiation at temperature , show that the number of photons per unit volume in the frequency range is where
Calculate the energy density of the thermal radiation. Show that the pressure exerted on the surface of the box satisfies
[You may use the result .]
commentConstruct the character table of the symmetric group , explaining the steps in your construction.
Use the character table to show that the alternating group is the only non-trivial normal subgroup of .
comment(a) Define the notions of (abstract) Riemann surface, holomorphic map, and biholomorphic map between Riemann surfaces.
(b) Prove the following theorem on the local form of a holomorphic map.
For a holomorphic map between Riemann surfaces, which is not constant near a point , there exist neighbourhoods of in and of in , together with biholomorphic identifications , such that , for all .
(c) Prove further that a non-constant holomorphic map between compact, connected Riemann surfaces is surjective.
(d) Deduce from (c) the fundamental theorem of algebra.
commentA simple model for a rubber molecule consists of a one-dimensional chain of links each of fixed length and each of which is oriented in either the positive or negative direction. A unique state of the molecule is designated by giving the orientation of each link. If there are links oriented in the positive direction and links oriented in the negative direction then and the length of the molecule is . The length of the molecule associated with state is .
What is the range of ?
What is the number of states with fixed?
Consider an ensemble of copies of the molecule in which members are in state and write down the expression for the mean length .
By introducing a Lagrange multiplier for show that the most probable configuration for the with given length is found by maximizing
Hence show that the most probable configuration is given by
where is the probability for finding an ensemble member in the state and is the partition function which should be defined.
Show that can be expressed as
where the meaning of should be explained.
Hence show that is given by
and therefore that the free energy for the system is
Show that is determined by
and hence that the equation of state is
What are the independent variables on which depends?
Explain why the tension in the rubber molecule is .
comment(i) Consider a one-dimensional model universe with "stars" distributed at random on the -axis, and choose the origin to coincide with one of the stars; call this star the "homestar." Home-star astronomers have discovered that all other stars are receding from them with a velocity , that depends on the position of the star. Assuming non-relativistic addition of velocities, show how the assumption of homogeneity implies that for some constant .
In attempting to understand the history of their one-dimensional universe, homestar astronomers seek to determine the velocity at time of a star at position . Assuming homogeneity, show how is determined in terms of a scale factor and hence deduce that for some function . What is the relation between and ?
(ii) Consider a three-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic universe with mass density , pressure and scale factor . Given that is the energy in volume , show how the relation yields the "fluid" equation
where .
Show how conservation of energy applied to a test particle at the boundary of a spherical fluid element yields the Friedmann equation
for constant . Hence obtain an equation for the acceleration in terms of and .
A model universe has mass density and pressure
where is constant. What does the fluid equation imply about ? Show that the acceleration vanishes if
Hence show that this universe is static and determine the sign of the constant .
A1.11 B1.16
comment(i) The prices, , of a stock in a binomial model at times are represented by the following binomial tree.
The fixed interest rate per period is and the probability that the stock price increases in a period is . Find the price at time 0 of a European call option with strike price 78 and expiry time
Explain briefly the ideas underlying your calculations.
(ii) Consider an investor in a one-period model who may invest in assets, all of which are risky, with a random return vector having mean and positivedefinite covariance matrix ; assume that not all the assets have the same expected return. Show that any minimum-variance portfolio is equivalent to the investor dividing his wealth between two portfolios, the global minimum-variance portfolio and the diversified portfolio, both of which should be specified clearly in terms of and .
Now suppose that where are independent random variables with having the exponential distribution with probability density function , where . Determine the global minimum-variance portfolio and the diversified portfolio explicitly.
Consider further the situation when the investor has the utility function , where denotes his wealth. Suppose that he acts to maximize the expected utility of his final wealth, and that his initial wealth is . Show that he now divides his wealth between the diversified portfolio and the uniform portfolio, in which wealth is apportioned equally between the assets, and determine the amounts that he invests in each.
comment(i) Let be a normal subgroup of the group . Let denote the group of cosets for . If is a representation of with for all show that is well-defined and that it is a representation of . Show further that is irreducible if and only if is irreducible.
(ii) For a matrix define the linear map by with as the vector of the Pauli spin matrices
Show that . Because of the linearity of there exists a matrix such that . Given that any matrix can be written as
where and is a unit vector, deduce that for all . Compute and in the case that and deduce that is the matrix of a rotation about with angle .
Show that defines a surjective homomorphism and find the kernel of .
comment(i) In a reference frame rotating about a vertical axis with constant angular velocity the horizontal components of the momentum equation for a shallow layer of inviscid, incompressible fluid of constant density are
where and are independent of the vertical coordinate .
Define the Rossby number for a flow with typical velocity and lengthscale . What is the approximate form of the above equations when ?
Show that the solution to the approximate equations is given by a streamfunction proportional to .
Conservation of potential vorticity for such a flow is represented by
where is the vertical component of relative vorticity and is the thickness of the layer. Explain briefly why the potential vorticity of a column of fluid should be conserved.
(ii) Suppose that the thickness of the rotating, shallow-layer flow in Part (i) is where and are constants. By linearising the equation of conservation of potential vorticity about , show that the stream function for small disturbances to the state of rest obeys
where is a constant that should be found.
Obtain the dispersion relationship for plane-wave solutions of the form . Hence calculate the group velocity.
Show that if then the phase of these waves always propagates to the left (negative direction) but that the energy may propagate to either left or right.
comment(i) Material of thermal diffusivity occupies the semi-infinite region and is initially at uniform temperature . For time the temperature at is held at a constant value . Given that the temperature in satisfies the diffusion equation , write down the equation and the boundary and initial conditions satisfied by the dimensionless temperature .
Use dimensional analysis to show that the lengthscale of the region in which is significantly different from is proportional to . Hence show that this problem has a similarity solution
where .
What is the rate of heat input, , across the plane
(ii) Consider the same problem as in Part (i) except that the boundary condition at is replaced by one of constant rate of heat input . Show that satisfies the partial differential equation
and write down the boundary conditions on . Deduce that the problem has a similarity solution of the form
Derive the ordinary differential equation and boundary conditions satisfied by .
Differentiate this equation once to obtain
and solve for . Hence show that
Sketch the temperature distribution for various times , and calculate explicitly.
Starting from the equations governing sound waves linearized about a state with density and sound speed , derive the acoustic energy equation, giving expressions for the local energy density and energy flux