Part IB, 2002
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commentShow that if and are non-negative numbers, and , then
Deduce that if is a metric space, then is a metric on .
Let and . Let be the class of continuous complex-valued functions on and, for and in , define
where . Show that the series for converges, and that is a metric on .
For , let and . Show that for . By considering the sums for and separately, show that for each ,
and deduce that as .
commentSuppose that for each , the function is uniformly continuous on .
(a) If pointwise on is necessarily continuous on ?
(b) If uniformly on is necessarily continuous on ?
In each case, give a proof or a counter-example (with justification).
commentSuppose that is a metric space that has the Bolzano-Weierstrass property (that is, any sequence has a convergent subsequence). Let be any metric space, and suppose that is a continuous map of onto . Show that also has the Bolzano-Weierstrass property.
Show also that if is a bijection of onto , then is continuous.
By considering the map defined on the real interval , or otherwise, show that there exists a continuous choice of arg for the complex number lying in the right half-plane .
commentDefine what is meant by (i) a complete metric space, and (ii) a totally bounded metric space.
Give an example of a metric space that is complete but not totally bounded. Give an example of a metric space that is totally bounded but not complete.
Give an example of a continuous function that maps a complete metric space onto a metric space that is not complete. Give an example of a continuous function that maps a totally bounded metric space onto a metric space that is not totally bounded.
[You need not justify your examples.]
comment(a) Let be a map of a complete metric space into itself, and suppose that there exists some in , and some positive integer , such that for all distinct and in , where is the th iterate of . Show that has a unique fixed point in .
(b) Let be a map of a compact metric space into itself such that for all distinct and in . By considering the function , or otherwise, show that has a unique fixed point in .
(c) Suppose that satisfies for every distinct and in . Suppose that for some , the orbit is bounded. Show that maps the closure of into itself, and deduce that has a unique fixed point in .
[The Contraction Mapping Theorem may be used without proof providing that it is correctly stated.]
commentLet be defined by , where and are defined by and, for and . Show that is differentiable on .
Show that for any real non-zero , where we regard as the vector in .
comment(a) Let be a metric space containing the point , and let
Is necessarily the largest open subset of ? Is necessarily the smallest closed set that contains ? Justify your answers.
(b) Let be a normed space with norm , and let
Is necessarily the largest open subset of ? Is necessarily the smallest closed set that contains ? Justify your answers.
comment(a) Let be a finite-dimensional real vector space, and let and be two norms on . Show that a function is differentiable at a point in with respect to if and only if it is differentiable at with respect to , and that if this is so then the derivative of is independent of the norm used. [You may assume that all norms on a finite-dimensional vector space are equivalent.]
(b) Let and be finite-dimensional normed real vector spaces with having norm , and let be a continuous bilinear mapping. Show that is differentiable at any point in , and that [You may assume that is a norm on , and that is compact.]
commentUsing contour integration around a rectangle with vertices
prove that, for all real ,
Hence derive that the function is an eigenfunction of the Fourier transform
i.e. is a constant multiple of .
comment(a) Show that if is an analytic function at and , then is conformal at , i.e. it preserves angles between paths passing through .
(b) Let be the disc given by , and let be the half-plane given by , where . Construct a map of the domain onto , and hence find a conformal mapping of onto the disc . [Hint: You may find it helpful to consider a mapping of the form , where ad .]
commentSuppose that is analytic, and that is constant in an open disk . Use the Cauchy-Riemann equations to show that is constant in .
commentA function has an isolated singularity at , with Laurent expansion
(a) Define res , the residue of at the point .
(b) Prove that if is a pole of order , then
(c) Using the residue theorem and the formula above show that
commentLet be a function such that . Prove that
if and only if
where is the Fourier transform of .
comment(a) Using the inequality for , show that, if is continuous for large , and if as , then
where .
(b) By integrating an appropriate function along the contour formed by the semicircles and in the upper half-plane with the segments of the real axis and , show that
commentA fluid flow has velocity given in Cartesian co-ordinates as where is a constant and is time. Show that the flow is incompressible. Find a stream function and determine an equation for the streamlines at time .
At the points along the straight line segment are marked with dye. Show that at any later time the marked points continue to form a segment of a straight line. Determine the length of this line segment at time and the angle that it makes with the -axis.
commentState the unsteady form of Bernoulli's theorem.
A spherical bubble having radius at time is located with its centre at the origin in unbounded fluid. The fluid is inviscid, has constant density and is everywhere at rest at . The pressure at large distances from the bubble has the constant value , and the pressure inside the bubble has the constant value . In consequence the bubble starts to collapse so that its radius at time is . Find the velocity everywhere in the fluid in terms of at time and, assuming that surface tension is negligible, show that satisfies the equation
Find the total kinetic energy of the fluid in terms of at time . Hence or otherwise obtain a first integral of the above equation.
commentState and prove Kelvin's circulation theorem.
Consider a planar flow in the unbounded region outside a cylinder for which the vorticity vanishes everywhere at time . What may be deduced about the circulation around closed loops in the fluid at time :
(i) that do not enclose the cylinder;
(ii) that enclose the cylinder?
Give a brief justification for your answer in each case.
commentUse Euler's equation to derive Bernoulli's theorem for the steady flow of an inviscid fluid of uniform density in the absence of body forces.
Such a fluid flows steadily through a long cylindrical elastic tube having circular cross-section. The variable measures distance downstream along the axis of the tube. The tube wall has thickness , so that if the external radius of the tube is , its internal radius is , where is a given slowly-varying function that tends to zero as . The elastic tube wall exerts a pressure on the fluid given as
where and are positive constants. Far upstream, has the constant value , the fluid pressure has the constant value , and the fluid velocity has the constant value . Assume that gravity is negligible and that varies sufficiently slowly that the velocity may be taken as uniform across the tube at each value of . Use mass conservation and Bernoulli's theorem to show that satisfies
Sketch a graph of against . Show that if exceeds a critical value , no such flow is possible and find .
Show that if everywhere, then for given the equation has two positive solutions for . Explain how the given value of determines which solution should be chosen.
commentIf is given in Cartesian co-ordinates as , with a constant, verify that
When incompressible fluid is placed in a stationary cylindrical container of radius with its axis vertical, the depth of the fluid is . Assuming that the free surface does not reach the bottom of the container, use cylindrical polar co-ordinates to find the equation of the free surface when the fluid and the container rotate steadily about this axis with angular velocity .
Deduce the angular velocity at which the free surface first touches the bottom of the container.
commentUse Euler's equation to show that in a planar flow of an inviscid fluid the vorticity satisfies
Write down the velocity field associated with a point vortex of strength in unbounded fluid.
Consider now the flow generated in unbounded fluid by two point vortices of strengths and at and , respectively. Show that in the subsequent motion the quantity
remains constant. Show also that the separation of the vortices, , remains constant.
Suppose finally that and that the vortices are placed at time at positions and . What are the positions of the vortices at time ?
commentLet the function be analytic in the complex plane with real-valued.
Prove that, if is bounded above everywhere on , then is constant.
comment(a) Given a topology on , a collection is called a basis for if every non-empty set in is a union of sets in . Prove that a collection is a basis for some topology if it satisfies:
(i) the union of all sets in is ;
(ii) if for two sets and in , then there is a set with .
(b) On consider the dictionary order given by
if or if and . Given points and in let
Show that the sets for and in form a basis of a topology.
(c) Show that this topology on does not have a countable basis.
commentLet be a continuous map between topological spaces. Let
(a) Show that if is Hausdorff, then is closed in .
(b) Show that if is compact, then is also compact.
comment(a) Let and be two analytic functions on a domain and let be a simple closed curve homotopic in to a point. If for every in , prove that encloses the same number of zeros of as of .
(b) Let be an analytic function on the disk , for some . Suppose that maps the closed unit disk into the open unit disk (both centred at 0 ). Prove that has exactly one fixed point in the open unit disk.
(c) Prove that, if , then
has zeros in .
comment(a) Let be a topological space and suppose , where and are disjoint nonempty open subsets of . Show that, if is a connected subset of , then is entirely contained in either or .
(b) Let be a topological space and let be a sequence of connected subsets of such that , for . Show that is connected.
commentA function is said to be analytic at if there exists a real number such that is analytic for and is finite (i.e. has a removable singularity at . is said to have a pole at if has a pole at . Suppose that is a meromorphic function on the extended plane , that is, is analytic at each point of except for poles.
(a) Show that if has a pole at , then there exists such that has no poles for .
(b) Show that the number of poles of is finite.
(c) By considering the Laurent expansions around the poles show that is in fact a rational function, i.e. of the form , where and are polynomials.
(d) Deduce that the only bijective meromorphic maps of onto itself are the Möbius maps.
commentShow that any finite group of orientation-preserving isometries of the Euclidean plane is cyclic.
Show that any finite group of orientation-preserving isometries of the hyperbolic plane is cyclic.
[You may assume that given any non-empty finite set in the hyperbolic plane, or the Euclidean plane, there is a unique smallest closed disc that contains E. You may also use any general fact about the hyperbolic plane without proof providing that it is stated carefully.]
commentLet , and let have the hyperbolic metric derived from the line element . Let be the group of Möbius maps of the form , where and are real and . Show that every in is an isometry of the metric space . For and in , let
Show that for every in . By considering , where , and , or otherwise, show that for all and in ,
By considering points , where and , where , or otherwise, derive Pythagoras' Theorem for hyperbolic geometry in the form , where and are the lengths of sides of a right-angled triangle whose hypotenuse has length .
commentState Euler's formula for a graph with faces, edges and vertices on the surface of a sphere.
Suppose that every face in has at least three edges, and that at least three edges meet at every vertex of . Let be the number of faces of that have exactly edges , and let be the number of vertices at which exactly edges meet . By expressing in terms of the , or otherwise, show that every convex polyhedron has at least four faces each of which is a triangle, a quadrilateral or a pentagon.
commentShow that every isometry of Euclidean space is a composition of reflections in planes
What is the smallest integer such that every isometry of with can be expressed as the composition of at most reflections? Give an example of an isometry that needs this number of reflections and justify your answer.
Describe (geometrically) all twelve orientation-reversing isometries of a regular tetrahedron.
commentDefine by
Find the characteristic polynomial and the minimal polynomial of . Is diagonalisable? Are and linearly independent endomorphisms of ? Justify your answers.
commentLet be an endomorphism of a vector space of finite dimension .
(a) What is the dimension of the vector space of linear endomorphisms of ? Show that there exists a non-trivial polynomial such that . Define what is meant by the minimal polynomial of .
(b) Show that the eigenvalues of are precisely the roots of the minimal polynomial of .
(c) Let be a subspace of such that and let be the restriction of to . Show that divides .
(d) Give an example of an endomorphism and a subspace as in (c) not equal to for which , and .
commentLet be a complex matrix such that . What are the possible minimal polynomials of ? If is not diagonalisable and , list all possible Jordan normal forms of .
comment(a) A complex matrix is said to be unipotent if is nilpotent, where is the identity matrix. Show that is unipotent if and only if 1 is the only eigenvalue of .
(b) Let be an invertible complex matrix. By considering the Jordan normal form of show that there exists an invertible matrix such that
where is an invertible diagonal matrix, is an upper triangular matrix with zeros in the diagonal and .
(c) Set and show that is unipotent.
(d) Conclude that any invertible matrix can be written as where is diagonalisable, is unipotent and .
commentWhich of the following statements are true, and which false? Give brief justifications for your answers.
(a) If and are subspaces of a vector space , then is always a subspace of .
(b) If and are distinct subspaces of a vector space , then is never a subspace of .
(c) If and are subspaces of a vector space , then .
(d) If is a subspace of a finite-dimensional space , then there exists a subspace such that and .
commentDefine the determinant of an matrix , and prove from your definition that if is obtained from by an elementary row operation (i.e. by adding a scalar multiple of the th row of to the th row, for some ), then .
Prove also that if is a matrix of the form
where denotes the zero matrix, then det . Explain briefly how the matrix
can be transformed into the matrix
by a sequence of elementary row operations. Hence or otherwise prove that .
commentDefine the rank and nullity of a linear map between finite-dimensional vector spaces.
State the rank-nullity formula.
Let and be linear maps. Prove that
Part IB
commentDefine the dual space of a finite-dimensional real vector space , and explain what is meant by the basis of dual to a given basis of . Explain also what is meant by the statement that the second dual is naturally isomorphic to .
Let denote the space of real polynomials of degree at most . Show that, for any real number , the function mapping to is an element of . Show also that, if are distinct real numbers, then is a basis of , and find the basis of dual to it.
Deduce that, for any distinct points of the interval , there exist scalars such that
for all . For and , find the corresponding scalars .
commentFind the Fourier sine series for , on . To which value does the series converge at ?
Now consider the corresponding cosine series for , on . Sketch the cosine series between and . To which value does the series converge at ? [You do not need to determine the cosine series explicitly.]
commentThe potential , satisfies Laplace's equation everywhere except on a sphere of unit radius and as . The potential is continuous at , but the derivative of the potential satisfies
where is a constant. Use the method of separation of variables to find for both and .
[The Laplacian in spherical polar coordinates for axisymmetric systems is
You may assume that the equation
has polynomial solutions of degree , which are regular at , if and only if
commentWrite down the transformation law for the components of a second-rank tensor explaining the meaning of the symbols that you use.
A tensor is said to have cubic symmetry if its components are unchanged by rotations of about each of the three co-ordinate axes. Find the most general secondrank tensor having cubic symmetry.
commentIf is a vector, and
show for arbitrary scalars and that is a symmetric second-rank tensor.
Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of .
Suppose now that depends upon position and that . Find constants and such that
Hence or otherwise show that if vanishes everywhere on a surface that encloses a volume then
commentWrite down the wave equation for the displacement of a stretched string with constant mass density and tension. Obtain the general solution in the form
where is the wave velocity. For a solution in the region , with and as , show that
is constant in time. Express in terms of the general solution in this case.
commentConsider the real Sturm-Liouville problem
with the boundary conditions , where and are continuous and positive on . Show that, with suitable choices of inner product and normalisation, the eigenfunctions , form an orthonormal set.
Hence show that the corresponding Green's function satisfying
where is not an eigenvalue, is
where is the eigenvalue corresponding to .
Find the Green's function in the case where
with boundary conditions , and deduce, by suitable choice of , that
commentUse the method of Lagrange multipliers to find the largest volume of a rectangular parallelepiped that can be inscribed in the ellipsoid
commentA function is chosen to make the integral
stationary, subject to given values of and . Derive an analogue of the Euler-Lagrange equation for .
Solve this equation for the case where
in the interval and
as , whilst
commentApplying the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, compute a "skinny"
QR-factorization of the matrix
i.e. find a matrix with orthonormal columns and an upper triangular matrix such that .
commentLet and let distinct points be given.
(a) Define the divided difference of order in terms of interpolating polynomials. Prove that it is a symmetric function of the variables .
(b) Prove the recurrence relation
(c) Hence or otherwise deduce that, for any , we have
(d) From the formulas above, show that, for any ,
where .
commentFor numerical integration, a quadrature formula
is applied which is exact on , i.e., for all polynomials of degree .
Prove that such a formula is exact for all if and only if , are the zeros of an orthogonal polynomial which satisfies for all . [You may assume that has distinct zeros.]
comment(a) Consider a system of linear equations with a non-singular square matrix . To determine its solution we apply the iterative method
Here , while the matrix is such that implies . The initial vector is arbitrary. Prove that, if the matrix possesses linearly independent eigenvectors whose corresponding eigenvalues satisfy , then the method converges for any choice of , i.e. as .
(b) Describe the Jacobi iteration method for solving . Show directly from the definition of the method that, if the matrix is strictly diagonally dominant by rows, i.e.
then the method converges.
commentConsider a two-person zero-sum game with a payoff matrix
where . Here, the entry of the matrix indicates the payoff to player one if he chooses move and player two move . Suppose player one chooses moves 1 and 2 with probabilities and . Write down the maximization problem for the optimal strategy and solve it for each value of .
commentConsider the following linear programming problem
Write down the Phase One problem for (1) and solve it.
By using the solution of the Phase One problem as an initial basic feasible solution for the Phase Two simplex algorithm, solve (1), i.e., find the optimal tableau and read the optimal solution and optimal value from it.
commentState and prove the max flow/min cut theorem. In your answer you should define clearly the following terms: flow, maximal flow, cut, capacity.
commentA gambler at a horse race has an amount to bet. The gambler assesses , the probability that horse will win, and knows that has been bet on horse by others, for . The total amount bet on the race is shared out in proportion to the bets on the winning horse, and so the gambler's optimal strategy is to choose so that it maximizes
where is the amount the gambler bets on horse . Show that the optimal solution to (1) also solves the following problem:
Assume that . Applying the Lagrangian sufficiency theorem, prove that the optimal solution to (1) satisfies
with maximal possible .
[You may use the fact that for all , the minimum of the function on the non-negative axis is attained at
Deduce that if is small enough, the gambler's optimal strategy is to bet on the horses for which the ratio is maximal. What is his expected gain in this case?
commentDefine the rank and signature of a symmetric bilinear form on a finite-dimensional real vector space. (If your definitions involve a matrix representation of , you should explain why they are independent of the choice of representing matrix.)
Let be the space of all real matrices (where ), and let be the bilinear form on defined by
Find the rank and signature of .
[Hint: You may find it helpful to consider the subspace of symmetric matrices having trace zero, and a suitable complement for this subspace.]
commentLet and be real symmetric matrices, such that the quadratic form is positive definite. Show that it is possible to find an invertible matrix such that and is diagonal. Show also that the diagonal entries of the matrix may be calculated directly from and , without finding the matrix . If
find the diagonal entries of .
commentExplain what is meant by a sesquilinear form on a complex vector space . If and are two such forms, and for all , prove that for all . Deduce that if is a linear map satisfying for all , then for all .
Define the adjoint of an endomorphism of a complex inner-product space . Show that if is a subspace of , then if and only if