Part II, 2010, Paper 2
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Paper 2, Section II, G
commentLet be the set of matrices of rank at most over a field . Show that is naturally an affine subvariety of and that is a Zariski closed subvariety of .
Show that if , then 0 is a singular point of .
Determine the dimension of .
Paper 2, Section II,
commentLet be the finitely presented group . Construct a path connected space with . Show that has a unique connected double cover , and give a presentation for .
Paper 2, Section II, B
commentA beam of particles of mass and momentum is incident along the -axis. Write down the asymptotic form of the wave function which describes scattering under the influence of a spherically symmetric potential and which defines the scattering amplitude .
Given that, for large ,
show how to derive the partial-wave expansion of the scattering amplitude in the form
Obtain an expression for the total cross-section, .
Let have the form
Show that the phase-shift satisfies
where .
Assume to be large compared with so that may be approximated by . Show, using graphical methods or otherwise, that there are values for for which for some integer , which should not be calculated. Show that the smallest value, , of for which this condition holds certainly satisfies .
Paper 2, Section II, I
comment(a) Let be the sum of independent exponential random variables of rate . Compute the moment generating function of . Show that, as , functions converge to a limit. Describe the random variable for which the limiting function coincides with .
(b) Define the queue with infinite capacity (sometimes written ). Introduce the embedded discrete-time Markov chain and write down the recursive relation between and .
Consider, for each fixed and for , an queue with arrival rate and with service times distributed as . Assume that the queue is empty at time 0 . Let be the earliest time at which a customer departs leaving the queue empty. Let be the first arrival time and the length of the busy period.
(c) Prove that the moment generating functions and are related by the equation
(d) Prove that the moment generating functions and are related by the equation
(e) Assume that, for all ,
for some random variables and . Calculate and . What service time distribution do these values correspond to?
Paper 2, Section I, D
commentGiven the form
for the kinetic energy and potential energy of a mechanical system, deduce Lagrange's equations of motion.
A light elastic string of length , fixed at both ends, has three particles, each of mass , attached at distances from one end. Gravity can be neglected. The particles vibrate with small oscillations transversely to the string, the tension in the string providing the restoring force. Take the displacements of the particles, , to be the generalized coordinates. Take units such that and show that
Find the normal-mode frequencies for this system.
Paper 2, Section II, D
commentAn axially-symmetric top of mass is free to rotate about a fixed point on its axis. The principal moments of inertia about are , and the centre of gravity is at a distance from . Define Euler angles and which specify the orientation of the top, where is the inclination of to the upward vertical. Show that there are three conserved quantities for the motion, and give their physical meaning.
Initially, the top is spinning with angular velocity about , with vertically above , before being disturbed slightly. Show that, in the subsequent motion, will remain close to zero provided , but that if , then will attain a maximum value given by
Paper 2, Section I,
commentDescribe the standard Hamming code of length 7 , proving that it corrects a single error. Find its weight enumeration polynomial.
Paper 2, Section II, H
commentThe Van der Monde matrix is the matrix with th entry . Find an expression for as a product. Explain why this expression holds if we work modulo a prime.
Show that modulo if , and that there exist such that . By using Wilson's theorem, or otherwise, find the possible values of modulo .
The Dark Lord Y'Trinti has acquired the services of the dwarf Trigon who can engrave pairs of very large integers on very small rings. The Dark Lord wishes Trigon to engrave rings in such a way that anyone who acquires of the rings and knows the Prime Perilous can deduce the Integer of Power, but owning rings will give no information whatsoever. The integers and are very large and . Advise the Dark Lord.
For reasons to be explained in the prequel, Trigon engraves an st ring with random integers. A band of heroes (who know the Prime Perilous and all the information contained in this question) set out to recover the rings. What, if anything, can they say, with very high probability, about the Integer of Power if they have rings (possibly including the fake)? What can they say if they have rings? What if they have rings?
Paper 2, Section I, D
commentThe number density for a photon gas in equilibrium is given by
where is the photon frequency. By letting , show that
where is a constant which need not be evaluated.
The photon entropy density is given by
where is a constant. By considering the entropy, explain why a photon gas cools as the universe expands.
Paper 2, Section II, H
comment(i) State and prove the isoperimetric inequality for plane curves. You may appeal to Wirtinger's inequality as long as you state it precisely.
(ii) State Fenchel's theorem for curves in space.
(iii) Let be a closed regular plane curve bounding a region . Suppose , for , i.e. contains a rectangle of dimensions . Let denote the signed curvature of with respect to the inward pointing normal, where is parametrised anticlockwise. Show that there exists an such that .
Paper 2, Section I, D
commentConsider the 2-dimensional flow
where the parameter . Using Lyapunov's approach, discuss the stability of the fixed point and its domain of attraction. Relevant definitions or theorems that you use should be stated carefully, but proofs are not required.
Paper 2, Section II, A
commentWhat is lubrication theory? Explain the assumptions that go into the theory.
Viscous fluid with dynamic viscosity and density is contained between two flat plates, which approach each other at uniform speed . The first is fixed at . The second has its ends at , where . There is no flow in the direction, and all variation in may be neglected. There is no applied pressure gradient in the direction.
Assuming that is so small that lubrication theory applies, derive an expression for the horizontal volume flux at , in terms of the pressure gradient. Show that mass conservation implies that , so that . Derive another relation between and by setting the pressures at to be equal, and hence show that
Show that lubrication theory applies if .
Paper 2, Section I, E
Using the fact that
where denotes the Cauchy principal value, find two complex-valued functions and which satisfy the following conditions
and are analytic for and respectively, ;
Paper 2, Section II, 14E
where is a closed anti-clockwise contour which consists of the unit circle joined to a loop around a branch cut along the negative axis between and 0 . Show that
Evaluate using Cauchy's theorem. Explain how this may be used to obtain an analytic continuation of valid for all .
Paper 2, Section II, H
comment(1) Let . What is the degree of ? Justify your answer.
(2) Let be a splitting field of over . Determine the Galois group . Determine all the subextensions of , expressing each in the form or for some .
[Hint: If an automorphism of a field has order 2 , then for every the element is fixed by .]
Paper 2, Section II, B
commentA vector field which satisfies
is called a Killing vector field. Prove that is a Killing vector field if and only if
Prove also that if satisfies
for any Killing vector field .
In the two-dimensional space-time with coordinates and line element
verify that and are Killing vector fields. Show, by using with the tangent vector to a geodesic, that geodesics in this space-time are given by
where and are arbitrary real constants.
Paper 2, Section I, F
commentShow that a map is an isometry for the Euclidean metric on the plane if and only if there is a vector and an orthogonal linear map with
When is an isometry with , show that is either a reflection or a glide reflection.
Paper 2, Section II, F
commentLet be a bipartite graph with vertex classes and . What does it mean to say that contains a matching from to ?
State and prove Hall's Marriage Theorem, giving a necessary and sufficient condition for to contain a matching from to .
Now assume that does contain a matching (from to ). For a subset , denotes the set of vertices adjacent to some vertex in .
(i) Suppose for every with . Show that every edge of is contained in a matching.
(ii) Suppose that every edge of is contained in a matching and that is connected. Show that for every with .
(iii) For each , give an example of with such that every edge is contained in a matching but for some with .
(iv) Suppose that every edge of is contained in a matching. Must every pair of independent edges in be contained in a matching? Give a proof or counterexample as appropriate.
[No form of Menger's Theorem or of the Max-Flow-Min-Cut Theorem may be assumed without proof.]
Paper 2, Section II, E
commentConsider the Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko (GLM) integral equation
with , where are positive constants and are constants. Consider separable solutions of the form
and reduce the GLM equation to a linear system
where the matrix and the vector should be determined.
How is related to solutions of the equation?
Set where are constants. Show that the corresponding one soliton solution of the equation is given by
[You may use any facts about the Inverse Scattering Transform without proof.]
Paper 2, Section II, H
commentFor a sequence with for all , let
and for all and .
a) Prove that is a Banach space.
b) Define
Show that is a closed subspace of . Show that .
[Hint: find an isometric isomorphism from to
c) Let
Is a closed subspace of If not, what is the closure of
Paper 2, Section II, G
commentLet be a non-zero ordinal. Prove that there exists a greatest ordinal such that . Explain why there exists an ordinal with . Prove that is unique, and that .
A non-zero ordinal is called decomposable if it can be written as the sum of two smaller non-zero ordinals. Deduce that if is not a power of then is decomposable.
Conversely, prove that if is a power of then is not decomposable.
[Hint: consider the cases ( a successor) and ( a limit) separately.]
Paper 2, Section , A
commentThe population of a certain species subjected to a specific kind of predation is modelled by the difference equation
Determine the equilibria and show that if it is possible for the population to be driven to extinction if it becomes less than a critical size which you should find. Explain your reasoning by means of a cobweb diagram.
Paper 2, Section II, A
commentThe radially symmetric spread of an insect population density in the plane is described by the equation
Suppose insects are released at at . We wish to find a similarity solution to in the form
Show first that the PDE reduces to an ODE for if obeys the equation
where is an arbitrary constant (that may be set to unity), and then obtain and such that and for . Determine in terms of and . Sketch the function at various times to indicate its qualitative behaviour.
Paper 2, Section II, G
commentCalculate the class group of the field .
Paper 2, Section I, G
commentLet be an odd prime number. If is an integer prime to , define .
(i) Prove that defines a homomorphism from to the group . What is the value of
(ii) If , prove that .
Paper 2, Section II, A
commentThe inverse discrete Fourier transform is given by the formula
Here, is the primitive root of unity of degree , and
(1) Show how to assemble in a small number of operations if we already know the Fourier transforms of the even and odd portions of :
(2) Describe the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method for evaluating and draw a relevant diagram for .
(3) Find the costs of the FFT for (only multiplications count).
(4) For , using the FFT technique, find for and
Paper 2, Section II, J
comment(a) Suppose that
Prove that conditional on , the distribution of is again multivariate normal, with mean and covariance .
(b) The -valued process evolves in discrete time according to the dynamics
where is a constant matrix, and are independent, with common distribution. The process is not observed directly; instead, all that is seen is the process defined as
where are independent of each other and of the , with common distribution.
If the observer has the prior distribution for , prove that at all later times the distribution of conditional on is again normally distributed, with mean and covariance which evolve as
(c) In the special case where both and are one-dimensional, and , , find the form of the updating recursion. Show in particular that
and that
Hence deduce that, with probability one,
Paper 2, Section II, E
comment(a) State the Lax-Milgram lemma. Use it to prove that there exists a unique function in the space
where is a bounded domain in with smooth boundary and its outwards unit normal vector, which is the weak solution of the equations
for the Laplacian and .
[Hint: Use regularity of the solution of the Dirichlet problem for the Poisson equation.]
(b) Let be a bounded domain with smooth boundary. Let and denote
The following Poincaré-type inequality is known to hold
where only depends on . Use the Lax-Milgram lemma and this Poincaré-type inequality to prove that the Neumann problem
has a unique weak solution in the space
if and only if .
Paper 2, Section II, C
commentConsider a joint eigenstate of and . Write down a unitary operator for rotation of the state by an angle about an axis with direction , where is a unit vector. How would a state with zero orbital angular momentum transform under such a rotation?
What is the relation between the angular momentum operator and the Pauli matrices when ? Explicitly calculate , for an arbitrary real vector , in this case. What are the eigenvalues of the operator ? Show that the unitary rotation operator for can be expressed as
Starting with a state the component of angular momentum along a direction , making and angle with the -axis, is susequently measured to be . Immediately after this measurement the state is . Write down an eigenvalue equation for in terms of . Show that the probability for measuring an angular momentum of along the direction is, assuming is in the plane,
where is a unit vector in the -direction. Using show that the probability that is of the form
determining the integers and in the process.
[Assume . The Pauli matrices are
Paper 2, Section II, J
commentDefine the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic for testing the null hypothesis that real random variables are independently and identically distributed with specified continuous, strictly increasing distribution function , and show that its null distribution does not depend on .
A composite hypothesis specifies that, when the unknown positive parameter takes value , the random variables arise independently from the uniform distribution . Letting , show that, under , the statistic is sufficient for . Show further that, given , the random variables are independent and have the distribution. How might you apply the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to test the hypothesis ?
Paper 2, Section II, I
commentShow that any two probability measures which agree on a -system also agree on the -algebra generated by that -system.
State Fubini's theorem for non-negative measurable functions.
Let denote Lebesgue measure on . Fix . Set and . Consider the linear maps given by
Show that and that . You must justify any assertion you make concerning the values taken by .
Compute . Deduce that is invariant under rotations.
Paper 2, Section II, F
commentDefine the concepts of induction and restriction of characters. State and prove the Frobenius Reciprocity Theorem.
Let be a subgroup of and let . We write for the conjugacy class of in , and write for the centraliser of in . Suppose that breaks up into conjugacy classes of , with representatives .
Let be a character of . Writing for the induced character, prove that
(i) if no element of lies in , then ,
(ii) if some element of lies in , then
Let and let , where and dihedral group and write down its character table. Restrict each -conjugacy class to and calculate the -conjugacy classes contained in each restriction. Given a character of , express Ind in terms of , where runs through a set of conjugacy classes of . Use your calculation to find the values of all the irreducible characters of induced to .
Paper 2, Section II, G
commentGiven a complete analytic function on a domain , describe briefly how the space of germs construction yields a Riemann surface associated to together with a covering map (proofs not required).
In the case when is regular, explain briefly how, given a point , any closed curve in with initial and final points yields a permutation of the set .
Now consider the Riemann surface associated with the complete analytic function
on , with regular covering map . Which subgroup of the full symmetric group of is obtained in this way from all such closed curves (with initial and final points ?
Paper 2, Section I, J
commentSuppose you have a parametric model consisting of probability mass functions . Given a sample from , define the maximum likelihood estimator for and, assuming standard regularity conditions hold, state the asymptotic distribution of .
Compute the Fisher information of a single observation in the case where is the probability mass function of a Poisson random variable with parameter . If are independent and identically distributed random variables having a Poisson distribution with parameter , show that and are unbiased estimators for . Without calculating the variance of , show that there is no reason to prefer over .
[You may use the fact that the asymptotic variance of is a lower bound for the variance of any unbiased estimator.]
Paper 2, Section II, C
commentConsider a 3-dimensional gas of non-interacting particles in a box of size where the allowed momenta are . Assuming the particles have an energy , calculate the density of states as .
Treating the particles as classical explain why the partition function is
Obtain an expression for the total energy .
Why is By considering the dependence of the energies on the volume show that the pressure is given by
What are the results for the pressure for non-relativistic particles and also for relativistic particles when their mass can be neglected?
What is the thermal wavelength for non-relativistic particles? Why are the classical results correct if the thermal wavelength is much smaller than the mean particle separation?
Paper 2, Section II, I
commentWhat is a martingale? What is a supermartingale? What is a stopping time?
Let be a martingale and a supermartingale with respect to a common filtration. If , show that for any bounded stopping time .
[If you use a general result about supermartingales, you must prove it.]
Consider a market with one stock with prices and constant interest rate . Explain why an investor's wealth satisfies
where is the number of shares of the stock held during the th period.
Given an initial wealth , an investor seeks to maximize where is a given utility function. Suppose the stock price is such that where is a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables. Let be defined inductively by
with terminal condition for all .
Show that the process is a supermartingale for any trading strategy .
Suppose is a trading strategy such that the corresponding wealth process makes a martingale. Show that is optimal.
Paper 2, Section I, F
comment(a) State the Weierstrass approximation theorem concerning continuous real functions on the closed interval .
(b) Let be continuous.
(i) If for each , prove that is the zero function.
(ii) If we only assume that for each , prove that it still follows that is the zero function.
[If you use the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, you must prove it.]
(iii) If we only assume that for each , does it still follow that is the zero function? Justify your answer.
Paper 2, Section II, 11F
, and
Let .
(i) State the Brouwer fixed point theorem on the plane.
(ii) Show that the Brouwer fixed point theorem on the plane is equivalent to the nonexistence of a continuous map such that