Paper 3, Section II, 13E

Mathematical Biology | Part II, 2021

Consider an epidemic spreading in a population that has been aggregated by age into groups numbered i=1,,Mi=1, \ldots, M. The ii th age group has size NiN_{i} and the numbers of susceptible, infective and recovered individuals in this group are, respectively, Si,IiS_{i}, I_{i} and RiR_{i}. The spread of the infection is governed by the equations

dSidt=λi(t)SidIidt=λi(t)SiγIidRidt=γIi\begin{aligned} \frac{d S_{i}}{d t} &=-\lambda_{i}(t) S_{i} \\ \frac{d I_{i}}{d t} &=\lambda_{i}(t) S_{i}-\gamma I_{i} \\ \frac{d R_{i}}{d t} &=\gamma I_{i} \end{aligned}


λi(t)=βj=1MCijIjNj,\lambda_{i}(t)=\beta \sum_{j=1}^{M} C_{i j} \frac{I_{j}}{N_{j}},

and CijC_{i j} is a matrix satisfying NiCij=NjCjiN_{i} C_{i j}=N_{j} C_{j i}, for i,j=1,,Mi, j=1, \ldots, M.

(a) Describe the biological meaning of the terms in equations (1) and (2), of the matrix CijC_{i j} and the condition it satisfies, and of the lack of dependence of β\beta and γ\gamma on ii.

State the condition on the matrix CijC_{i j} that would ensure the absence of any transmission of infection between age groups.

(b) In the early stages of an epidemic, SiNiS_{i} \approx N_{i} and IiNiI_{i} \ll N_{i}. Use this information to linearise the dynamics appropriately, and show that the linearised system predicts

I(t)=exp[γ(L1)t]I(0),\mathbf{I}(t)=\exp [\gamma(\mathbf{L}-\mathbf{1}) t] \mathbf{I}(0),

where I(t)=[I1(t),,IM(t)]\mathbf{I}(t)=\left[I_{1}(t), \ldots, I_{M}(t)\right] is the vector of infectives at time t,1t, \mathbf{1} is the M×MM \times M identity matrix and L\mathbf{L} is a matrix that should be determined.

(c) Deduce a condition on the eigenvalues of the matrix C\mathbf{C} that allows the epidemic to grow.

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