Paper 4, Section I, E

Mathematical Biology | Part II, 2021

A marine population grows logistically and disperses by diffusion. It is moderately predated on up to a distance LL from a straight coast. Beyond that distance, predation is sufficiently excessive to eliminate the population. The density n(x,t)n(x, t) of the population at a distance x<Lx<L from the coast satisfies

nt=rn(1nK)δn+D2nx2\frac{\partial n}{\partial t}=r n\left(1-\frac{n}{K}\right)-\delta n+D \frac{\partial^{2} n}{\partial x^{2}}

subject to the boundary conditions

nx=0 at x=0,n=0 at x=L\frac{\partial n}{\partial x}=0 \text { at } x=0, \quad n=0 \text { at } x=L

(a) Interpret the terms on the right-hand side of ()(*), commenting on their dependence on nn. Interpret the boundary conditions.

(b) Show that a non-zero population is viable if r>δr>\delta and

L>π2DrδL>\frac{\pi}{2} \sqrt{\frac{D}{r-\delta}}

Interpret these conditions.

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