Paper 1, Section II, 17G

Graph Theory | Part II, 2021

Define the binomial random graph G(n,p)G(n, p), where nNn \in \mathbb{N} and p(0,1)p \in(0,1).

(a) Let GnG(n,p)G_{n} \sim G(n, p) and let EtE_{t} be the event that GnG_{n} contains a copy of the complete graph KtK_{t}. Show that if p=p(n)p=p(n) is such that pn2/(t1)0p \cdot n^{2 /(t-1)} \rightarrow 0 then P(Et)0\mathbb{P}\left(E_{t}\right) \rightarrow 0 as nn \rightarrow \infty.

(b) State Chebyshev's inequality. Show that if pnp \cdot n \rightarrow \infty then P(E3)1\mathbb{P}\left(E_{3}\right) \rightarrow 1.

(c) Let HH be a triangle with an added leaf vertex, that is

H=({x1,,x4},{x1x2,x2x3,x3x1,x1x4}),H=\left(\left\{x_{1}, \ldots, x_{4}\right\},\left\{x_{1} x_{2}, x_{2} x_{3}, x_{3} x_{1}, x_{1} x_{4}\right\}\right),

where x1,,x4x_{1}, \ldots, x_{4} are distinct. Let FF be the event that GnG(n,p)G_{n} \sim G(n, p) contains a copy of HH. Show that if p=n0.9p=n^{-0.9} then P(F)1\mathbb{P}(F) \rightarrow 1.

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