Paper 4 , Section II, 37C37 \mathrm{C}

General Relativity | Part II, 2021

(a) A flat (k=0)(k=0), isotropic and homogeneous universe has metric gαβg_{\alpha \beta} given by

ds2=dt2+a2(t)(dx2+dy2+dz2)d s^{2}=-d t^{2}+a^{2}(t)\left(d x^{2}+d y^{2}+d z^{2}\right)

(i) Show that the non-vanishing Christoffel symbols and Ricci tensor components are

Γii0=aa˙,Γ0ii=Γi0i=a˙a,R00=3a¨a,Rii=aa¨+2a˙2\Gamma_{i i}^{0}=a \dot{a}, \quad \Gamma_{0 i}^{i}=\Gamma_{i 0}^{i}=\frac{\dot{a}}{a}, \quad R_{00}=-3 \frac{\ddot{a}}{a}, \quad R_{i i}=a \ddot{a}+2 \dot{a}^{2}

where dots are time derivatives and i{1,2,3}i \in\{1,2,3\} (no summation assumed).

(ii) Derive the first-order Friedmann equation from the Einstein equations, Gαβ+Λgαβ=8πTαβ.G_{\alpha \beta}+\Lambda g_{\alpha \beta}=8 \pi T_{\alpha \beta} .

(b) Consider a flat universe described by ( \dagger ) with Λ=0\Lambda=0 in which late-time acceleration is driven by "phantom" dark energy obeying an equation of state with pressure Pph=wρphP_{\mathrm{ph}}=w \rho_{\mathrm{ph}}, where w<1w<-1 and the energy density ρph>0\rho_{\mathrm{ph}}>0. The remaining matter is dust, so we have ρ=ρph+ρdust\rho=\rho_{\mathrm{ph}}+\rho_{\mathrm{dust}} with each component separately obeying ρ˙=3a˙a(ρ+P)\dot{\rho}=-3 \frac{\dot{a}}{a}(\rho+P).

(i) Calculate an approximate solution for the scale factor a(t)a(t) that is valid at late times. Show that the asymptotic behaviour is given by a Big Rip, that is, a singularity in which aa \rightarrow \infty at some finite time tt^{*}.

(ii) Sketch a diagram of the scale factor aa as a function of tt for a convenient choice of ww, ensuring that it includes (1) the Big Bang, (2) matter domination, (3) phantom-energy domination, and (4) the Big Rip. Label these epochs and mark them on the axes.

(iii) Most reasonable classical matter fields obey the null energy condition, which states that the energy-momentum tensor everywhere satisfies TαβVαVβ0T_{\alpha \beta} V^{\alpha} V^{\beta} \geqslant 0 for any null vector VαV^{\alpha}. Determine if this applies to phantom energy.

[The energy-momentum tensor for a perfect fluid is Tαβ=(ρ+P)uαuβ+Pgαβ]\left.T_{\alpha \beta}=(\rho+P) u_{\alpha} u_{\beta}+P g_{\alpha \beta}\right]

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