Paper 1, Section II, 18I

Galois Theory | Part II, 2021

(a) Let KLK \subseteq L be fields, and f(x)K[x]f(x) \in K[x] a polynomial.

Define what it means for LL to be a splitting field for ff over KK.

Prove that splitting fields exist, and state precisely the theorem on uniqueness of splitting fields.

Let f(x)=x32Q[x]f(x)=x^{3}-2 \in \mathbb{Q}[x]. Find a subfield of C\mathbb{C} which is a splitting field for ff over Q. Is this subfield unique? Justify your answer.

(b) Let L=Q[ζ7]L=\mathbb{Q}\left[\zeta_{7}\right], where ζ7\zeta_{7} is a primitive 7 th root of unity.

Show that the extension L/QL / \mathbb{Q} is Galois. Determine all subfields MLM \subseteq L.

For each subfield MM, find a primitive element for the extension M/QM / \mathbb{Q} explicitly in terms of ζ7\zeta_{7}, find its minimal polynomial, and write downAut(M/Q)\operatorname{down} \operatorname{Aut}(M / \mathbb{Q}) and Aut(L/M)\operatorname{Aut}(L / M).

Which of these subfields MM are Galois over Q\mathbb{Q} ?

[You may assume the Galois correspondence, but should prove any results you need about cyclotomic extensions directly.]

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