Paper 2, Section I, 7E

Further Complex Methods | Part II, 2021

The function w(z)w(z) satisfies the differential equation

d2wdz2+p(z)dwdz+q(z)w=0(†)\tag{†} \frac{d^{2} w}{d z^{2}}+p(z) \frac{d w}{d z}+q(z) w=0

where p(z)p(z) and q(z)q(z) are complex analytic functions except, possibly, for isolated singularities in C=C{}\overline{\mathbb{C}}=\mathbb{C} \cup\{\infty\} (the extended complex plane).

(a) Given equation ()(†), state the conditions for a point z0Cz_{0} \in \mathbb{C} to be

(i) an ordinary point,

(ii) a regular singular point,

(iii) an irregular singular point.

(b) Now consider z0=z_{0}=\infty and use a suitable change of variables ztz \rightarrow t, with y(t)=w(z)y(t)=w(z), to rewrite ()(†) as a differential equation that is satisfied by y(t)y(t). Hence, deduce the conditions for z0=z_{0}=\infty to be

(i) an ordinary point,

(ii) a regular singular point,

(iii) an irregular singular point.

[In each case, you should express your answer in terms of the functions pp and qq.]

(c) Use the results above to prove that any equation of the form ( \dagger ) must have at least one singular point in C\overline{\mathbb{C}}.

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