Paper 1, Section II, 39A

Fluid Dynamics II | Part II, 2021

(a) Write down the Stokes equations for the motion of an incompressible viscous fluid with negligible inertia (in the absence of body forces). What does it mean that Stokes flow is linear and reversible?

(b) The region a<r<ba<r<b between two concentric rigid spheres of radii aa and bb is filled with fluid of large viscosity μ\mu. The outer sphere is held stationary, while the inner sphere is made to rotate with angular velocity Ω\boldsymbol{\Omega}.

(i) Use symmetry and the properties of Stokes flow to deduce that p=0p=0, where pp is the pressure due to the flow.

(ii) Verify that both solid-body rotation and u(x)=Ω(1/r)\mathbf{u}(\mathbf{x})=\boldsymbol{\Omega} \wedge \boldsymbol{\nabla}(1 / r) satisfy the Stokes equations with p=0p=0. Hence determine the fluid velocity between the spheres.

(iii) Calculate the stress tensor σij\sigma_{i j} in the flow.

(iv) Deduce that the couple G\mathbf{G} exerted by the fluid in r<cr<c on the fluid in r>cr>c, where a<c<ba<c<b, is given by

G=8πμa3b3Ωb3a3\mathbf{G}=\frac{8 \pi \mu a^{3} b^{3} \mathbf{\Omega}}{b^{3}-a^{3}}

independent of the value of cc. [Hint: Do not substitute the form of AA and BB in A+Br3A+B r^{-3} until the end of the calculation.]

Comment on the form of this result for aba \ll b and for baab-a \ll a.

[You\left[Y o u\right. may use r=RninjdS=43πR2δij\int_{r=R} n_{i} n_{j} d S=\frac{4}{3} \pi R^{2} \delta_{i j}, where n\mathbf{n} is the normal to r=R.]\left.r=R .\right]

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