Paper 3, Section II, A

Dynamical Systems | Part II, 2021

Consider the system

x˙=μy+βxy+y2,y˙=xyx2\begin{aligned} &\dot{x}=\mu y+\beta x y+y^{2}, \\ &\dot{y}=x-y-x^{2} \end{aligned}

where μ\mu and β\beta are constants with β>0\beta>0.

(a) Find the fixed points, and classify those on y=0y=0. State how the number of fixed points depends on μ\mu and β\beta. Hence, or otherwise, deduce the values of μ\mu at which stationary bifurcations occur for fixed β>0\beta>0.

(b) Sketch bifurcation diagrams in the (μ,x)(\mu, x)-plane for the cases 0<β<1,β=10<\beta<1, \beta=1 and β>1\beta>1, indicating the stability of the fixed points and the type of the bifurcations in each case. [You are not required to prove that the stabilities or bifurcation types are as you indicate.]

(c) For the case β=1\beta=1, analyse the bifurcation at μ=1\mu=-1 using extended centre manifold theory and verify that the evolution equation on the centre manifold matches the behaviour you deduced from the bifurcation diagram in part (b).

(d) For 0<μ+110<\mu+1 \ll 1, sketch the phase plane in the immediate neighbourhood of where the bifurcation of part (c) occurs.

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