Paper 4, Section II, F

Differential Geometry | Part II, 2021

Let IRI \subset \mathbb{R} be an interval, and SR3S \subset \mathbb{R}^{3} be a surface. Assume that α:IS\alpha: I \rightarrow S is a regular curve parametrised by arc-length. Define the geodesic curvature of α\alpha. What does it mean for α\alpha to be a geodesic curve?

State the global Gauss-Bonnet theorem including boundary terms.

Suppose that SR3S \subset \mathbb{R}^{3} is a surface diffeomorphic to a cylinder. How large can the number of simple closed geodesics on SS be in each of the following cases?

(i) SS has Gaussian curvature everywhere zero;

(ii) SS has Gaussian curvature everywhere positive;

(iii) SS has Gaussian curvature everywhere negative.

In cases where there can be two or more simple closed geodesics, must they always be disjoint? Justify your answer.

[A formula for the Gaussian curvature of a surface of revolution may be used without proof if clearly stated. You may also use the fact that a piecewise smooth curve on a cylinder without self-intersections either bounds a domain homeomorphic to a disc or is homotopic to the waist-curve of the cylinder.]

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