Paper 3, Section II, F

Differential Geometry | Part II, 2021

Let XX and YY be smooth boundaryless manifolds. Suppose f:XYf: X \rightarrow Y is a smooth map. What does it mean for yYy \in Y to be a regular value of ff ? State Sard's theorem and the stack-of-records theorem.

Suppose g:XYg: X \rightarrow Y is another smooth map. What does it mean for ff and gg to be smoothly homotopic? Assume now that XX is compact, and has the same dimension as YY. Suppose that yYy \in Y is a regular value for both XX and YY. Prove that

#f1(y)=#g1(y)(mod2)\# f^{-1}(y)=\# g^{-1}(y)(\bmod 2)

Let USnU \subset S^{n} be a non-empty open subset of the sphere. Suppose that h:SnSnh: S^{n} \rightarrow S^{n} is a smooth map such that #h1(y)=1(mod2)\# h^{-1}(y)=1(\bmod 2) for all yUy \in U. Show that there must exist a pair of antipodal points on SnS^{n} which is mapped to another pair of antipodal points by hh.

[You may assume results about compact 1-manifolds provided they are accurately stated.]

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