Paper 1, Section II, 21F

Algebraic Topology | Part II, 2021

(a) What does it mean for two spaces XX and YY to be homotopy equivalent?

(b) What does it mean for a subspace YXY \subseteq X to be a retract of a space XX ? What does it mean for a space XX to be contractible? Show that a retract of a contractible space is contractible.

(c) Let XX be a space and AXA \subseteq X a subspace. We say the pair (X,A)(X, A) has the homotopy extension property if, for any pair of maps f:X×{0}Yf: X \times\{0\} \rightarrow Y and H:A×IYH^{\prime}: A \times I \rightarrow Y with

fA×{0}=HA×{0},\left.f\right|_{A \times\{0\}}=\left.H^{\prime}\right|_{A \times\{0\}},

there exists a map H:X×IYH: X \times I \rightarrow Y with

HX×{0}=f,HA×I=H\left.H\right|_{X \times\{0\}}=f,\left.\quad H\right|_{A \times I}=H^{\prime}

Now suppose that AXA \subseteq X is contractible. Denote by X/AX / A the quotient of XX by the equivalence relation xxx \sim x^{\prime} if and only if x=xx=x^{\prime} or x,xAx, x^{\prime} \in A. Show that, if (X,A)(X, A) satisfies the homotopy extension property, then XX and X/AX / A are homotopy equivalent.

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