Paper 4, Section II, 35C

Statistical Physics | Part II, 2021

(a) Explain what is meant by a first-order phase transition and a second-order phase transition.

(b) Explain why the (Helmholtz) free energy is the appropriate thermodynamic potential to consider at fixed T,VT, V and NN.

(c) Consider a ferromagnet with free energy

F(T,m)=F0(T)+a2(TTc)m2+b4m4F(T, m)=F_{0}(T)+\frac{a}{2}\left(T-T_{c}\right) m^{2}+\frac{b}{4} m^{4}

where TT is the temperature, mm is the magnetization, and a,b,Tc>0a, b, T_{c}>0 are constants.

Find the equilibrium value of mm at high and low temperatures. Hence, evaluate the equilibrium thermodynamic free energy as a function of TT and compute the entropy and heat capacity. Determine the jump in the heat capacity and identify the order of the phase transition.

(d) Now consider a ferromagnet with free energy

F(T,m)=F0(T)+a2(TTc)m2+b4m4+c6m6F(T, m)=F_{0}(T)+\frac{a}{2}\left(T-T_{c}\right) m^{2}+\frac{b}{4} m^{4}+\frac{c}{6} m^{6}

where a,b,c,Tca, b, c, T_{c} are constants with a,c,Tc>0a, c, T_{c}>0, but b0b \leqslant 0.

Find the equilibrium value of mm at high and low temperatures. What is the order of the phase transition?

For b=0b=0 determine the behaviour of the heat capacity at high and low temperatures.

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