Paper 3, Section I, J

Statistical Modelling | Part II, 2021

Consider the normal linear model YXN(Xβ,σ2I)Y \mid X \sim \mathrm{N}\left(X \beta, \sigma^{2} I\right), where XX is a n×pn \times p design matrix, YY is a vector of responses, II is the n×nn \times n identity matrix, and β,σ2\beta, \sigma^{2} are unknown parameters.

Derive the maximum likelihood estimator of the pair β\beta and σ2\sigma^{2}. What is the distribution of the estimator of σ2\sigma^{2} ? Use it to construct a (1α)(1-\alpha)-level confidence interval of σ2\sigma^{2}. [You may use without proof the fact that the "hat matrix" H=X(XTX)1XTH=X\left(X^{T} X\right)^{-1} X^{T} is a projection matrix.]

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