Paper 1, Section II, F

Riemann Surfaces | Part II, 2021

(a) Consider an open discDC\operatorname{disc} D \subseteq \mathbb{C}. Prove that a real-valued function u:DRu: D \rightarrow \mathbb{R} is harmonic if and only if


for some analytic function ff.

(b) Give an example of a domain DD and a harmonic function u:DRu: D \rightarrow \mathbb{R} that is not equal to the real part of an analytic function on DD. Justify your answer carefully.

(c) Let uu be a harmonic function on C\mathbb{C}_{*} such that u(2z)=u(z)u(2 z)=u(z) for every zCz \in \mathbb{C}_{*}. Prove that uu is constant, justifying your answer carefully. Exhibit a countable subset SCS \subseteq \mathbb{C}_{*} and a non-constant harmonic function uu on C\S\mathbb{C}_{*} \backslash S such that for all zC\Sz \in \mathbb{C}_{*} \backslash S we have 2zC\S2 z \in \mathbb{C}_{*} \backslash S and u(2z)=u(z)u(2 z)=u(z).

(d) Prove that every non-constant harmonic function u:CRu: \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} is surjective.

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