Paper 2, Section II, I

Representation Theory | Part II, 2021

Let GG be a finite group and work over C\mathbb{C}.

(a) Let χ\chi be a faithful character of GG, and suppose that χ(g)\chi(g) takes precisely rr different values as gg varies over all the elements of GG. Show that every irreducible character of GG is a constituent of one of the powers χ0,χ1,,χr1\chi^{0}, \chi^{1}, \ldots, \chi^{r-1}. [Standard properties of the Vandermonde matrix may be assumed if stated correctly.]

(b) Assuming that the number of irreducible characters of GG is equal to the number of conjugacy classes of GG, show that the irreducible characters of GG form a basis of the complex vector space of all class functions on GG. Deduce that g,hGg, h \in G are conjugate if and only if χ(g)=χ(h)\chi(g)=\chi(h) for all characters χ\chi of GG.

(c) Let χ\chi be a character of GG which is not faithful. Show that there is some irreducible character ψ\psi of GG such that χn,ψ=0\left\langle\chi^{n}, \psi\right\rangle=0 for all integers n0n \geqslant 0.

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