Paper 4, Section I, 10D10 D

Quantum Information and Computation | Part II, 2021

Let H\mathcal{H} be a state space of dimension NN with standard orthonormal basis {k}\{|k\rangle\} labelled by kZNk \in \mathbb{Z}_{N}. Let QFT denote the quantum Fourier transform modN\bmod N and let SS denote the operation defined by Sk=k+1modNS|k\rangle=|k+1 \bmod N\rangle.

(a) Introduce the basis {χk}\left\{\left|\chi_{k}\right\rangle\right\} defined by χk=QFT1k\left|\chi_{k}\right\rangle=\mathrm{QFT}^{-1}|k\rangle. Show that each χk\left|\chi_{k}\right\rangle is an eigenstate of SS and determine the corresponding eigenvalue.

(b) By expressing a generic state vH|v\rangle \in \mathcal{H} in the {χk}\left\{\left|\chi_{k}\right\rangle\right\} basis, show that QFT v|v\rangle and QFT (Sv)(S|v\rangle) have the same output distribution if measured in the standard basis.

(c) Let A,rA, r be positive integers with Ar=NA r=N, and let x0x_{0} be an integer with 0x0<r0 \leqslant x_{0}<r. Suppose that we are given the state

ξ=1Aj=0A1x0+jrmodN|\xi\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{A}} \sum_{j=0}^{A-1}\left|x_{0}+j r \bmod N\right\rangle

where x0x_{0} and rr are unknown to us. Using part (b) or otherwise, show that a standard basis measurement on QFT ξ|\xi\rangle has an output distribution that is independent of x0x_{0}.

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