Paper 4, Section II, I

Number Theory | Part II, 2021

(a) Let N3N \geqslant 3 be an odd integer and bb an integer with (b,N)=1(b, N)=1. What does it mean to say that NN is a (Fermat) pseudoprime to base b?

Let b,k2b, k \geqslant 2 be integers. Show that if N3N \geqslant 3 is an odd composite integer dividing bk1b^{k}-1 and satisfying N1modkN \equiv 1 \bmod k, then NN is a pseudoprime to base bb.

(b) Fix b2b \geqslant 2. Let pp be an odd prime not dividing b21b^{2}-1, and let

n=bp1b1 and m=bp+1b+1.n=\frac{b^{p}-1}{b-1} \quad \text { and } \quad m=\frac{b^{p}+1}{b+1} .

Use the conclusion of part (a) to show that N=nmN=n m is a pseudoprime to base bb. Deduce that there are infinitely many pseudoprimes to base bb.

(c) Let b,k2b, k \geqslant 2 be integers, and let n=p1pkn=p_{1} \cdots p_{k}, where p1,p2,,pkp_{1}, p_{2}, \ldots, p_{k} are distinct primes not dividing 2b2 b. For each j=1,2,,kj=1,2, \ldots, k, let rj=n/pjr_{j}=n / p_{j}. Show that nn is a pseudoprime to base bb if and only if for all j=1,2,,kj=1,2, \ldots, k, the order of bb modulo pjp_{j} divides rj1r_{j}-1.

(d) By considering products of prime factors of 2k12^{k}-1 and 2k+12^{k}+1 for primes k5k \geqslant 5, deduce that there are infinitely many pseudoprimes to base 2 with two prime factors.

[Hint: You may assume that gcd(j,k)=1\operatorname{gcd}(j, k)=1 for j,k1j, k \geqslant 1 implies gcd(2j1,2k1)=1\operatorname{gcd}\left(2^{j}-1,2^{k}-1\right)=1, and that for k>3,2k+1k>3,2^{k}+1 is not a power of 3.]

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