Paper 1, Section II, 6C\mathbf{6 C}

Mathematical Biology | Part II, 2019

An animal population has annual dynamics, breeding in the summer and hibernating through the winter. At year tt, the number of individuals alive who were born a years ago is given by na,tn_{a, t}. Each individual of age aa gives birth to bab_{a} offspring, and after the summer has a probability μa\mu_{a} of dying during the winter. [You may assume that individuals do not give birth during the year in which they are born.]

Explain carefully why the following equations, together with initial conditions, are appropriate to describe the system:

n0,t=a=1na,tbana+1,t+1=(1μa)na,t,\begin{aligned} n_{0, t} &=\sum_{a=1}^{\infty} n_{a, t} b_{a} \\ n_{a+1, t+1} &=\left(1-\mu_{a}\right) n_{a, t}, \end{aligned}

Seek a solution of the form na,t=raγtn_{a, t}=r_{a} \gamma^{t} where γ\gamma and rar_{a}, for a=1,2,3a=1,2,3 \ldots, are constants. Show γ\gamma must satisfy ϕ(γ)=1\phi(\gamma)=1 where

ϕ(γ)=a=1(i=0a1(1μi))γaba\phi(\gamma)=\sum_{a=1}^{\infty}\left(\prod_{i=0}^{a-1}\left(1-\mu_{i}\right)\right) \gamma^{-a} b_{a}

Explain why, for any reasonable set of parameters μi\mu_{i} and bib_{i}, the equation ϕ(γ)=1\phi(\gamma)=1 has a unique solution. Explain also how ϕ(1)\phi(1) can be used to determine if the population will grow or shrink.

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