Paper 3, Section I, 6C\mathbf{6 C}

Mathematical Biology | Part II, 2019

A model of wound healing in one spatial dimension is given by

St=rS(1S)+D2Sx2\frac{\partial S}{\partial t}=r S(1-S)+D \frac{\partial^{2} S}{\partial x^{2}}

where S(x,t)S(x, t) gives the density of healthy tissue at spatial position xx at time tt and rr and DD are positive constants.

By setting S(x,t)=f(ξ)S(x, t)=f(\xi) where ξ=xct\xi=x-c t, seek a steady travelling wave solution where f(ξ)f(\xi) tends to one for large negative ξ\xi and tends to zero for large positive ξ\xi. By linearising around the leading edge, where f1f \approx 1, find the possible wave speeds cc of the system. Assuming that the full nonlinear system will settle to the slowest possible speed, express the wave speed as a function of DD and rr.

Consider now a situation where the tissue is destroyed in some window of length WW, i.e. S(x,0)=0S(x, 0)=0 for 0<x<W0<x<W for some constant W>0W>0 and S(x,0)S(x, 0) is equal to one elsewhere. Explain what will happen for subsequent times, illustrating your answer with sketches of S(x,t)S(x, t). Determine approximately how long it will take for this wound to heal (in the sense that SS is close to one everywhere).

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