Paper 4, Section II, I

Logic and Set Theory | Part II, 2019

Define the cardinals α\aleph_{\alpha}, and explain briefly why every infinite set has cardinality anα.\operatorname{an} \aleph_{\alpha} .

Show that if κ\kappa is an infinite cardinal then κ2=κ\kappa^{2}=\kappa.

Let X1,X2,,XnX_{1}, X_{2}, \ldots, X_{n} be infinite sets. Show that X1X2XnX_{1} \cup X_{2} \cup \cdots \cup X_{n} must have the same cardinality as XiX_{i} for some ii.

Let X1,X2,X_{1}, X_{2}, \ldots be infinite sets, no two of the same cardinality. Is it possible that X1X2X_{1} \cup X_{2} \cup \ldots has the same cardinality as some XiX_{i} ? Justify your answer.

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