Paper 4, Section II, H

Linear Analysis | Part II, 2019

(a) State and prove the Riesz representation theorem for a real Hilbert space HH.

[You may use that if HH is a real Hilbert space and YHY \subset H is a closed subspace, then H=YY..]\left.H=Y \oplus Y_{.}^{\perp} .\right]

(b) Let HH be a real Hilbert space and T:HHT: H \rightarrow H a bounded linear operator. Show that TT is invertible if and only if both TT and TT^{*} are bounded below. [Recall that an operator S:HHS: H \rightarrow H is bounded below if there is c>0c>0 such that Sxcx\|S x\| \geqslant c\|x\| for all xHx \in H.]

(c) Consider the complex Hilbert space of two-sided sequences,

X={(xn)nZ:xnC,nZxn2<}X=\left\{\left(x_{n}\right)_{n \in \mathbb{Z}}: x_{n} \in \mathbb{C}, \sum_{n \in \mathbb{Z}}\left|x_{n}\right|^{2}<\infty\right\}

with norm x=(nxn2)1/2\|x\|=\left(\sum_{n}\left|x_{n}\right|^{2}\right)^{1 / 2}. Define T:XXT: X \rightarrow X by (Tx)n=xn+1(T x)_{n}=x_{n+1}. Show that TT is unitary and find the point spectrum and the approximate point spectrum of TT.

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