Paper 3, Section II, F

Galois Theory | Part II, 2019

Let kk be a field. For mm a positive integer, consider Xm1k[X]X^{m}-1 \in k[X], where either char k=0k=0, or char k=pk=p with pp not dividing mm; explain why the polynomial has distinct roots in a splitting field.

For mm a positive integer, define the mm th cyclotomic polynomial ΦmC[X]\Phi_{m} \in \mathbb{C}[X] and show that it is a monic polynomial in Z[X]\mathbb{Z}[X]. Prove that Φm\Phi_{m} is irreducible over Q\mathbb{Q} for all mm. [Hint: If Φm=fg\Phi_{m}=f g, with f,gZ[X]f, g \in \mathbb{Z}[X] and ff monic irreducible with 0<degf<degΦm0<\operatorname{deg} f<\operatorname{deg} \Phi_{m}, and ε\varepsilon is a root of ff, show first that εp\varepsilon^{p} is a root of ff for any prime pp not dividing mm.]

Let F=X8+X7X5X4X3+X+1Z[X]F=X^{8}+X^{7}-X^{5}-X^{4}-X^{3}+X+1 \in \mathbb{Z}[X]; by considering the product (X2X+1)F\left(X^{2}-X+1\right) F, or otherwise, show that FF is irreducible over Q\mathbb{Q}.

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