(a) Consider the Papperitz symbol (or P-symbol):
Explain in general terms what this P-symbol represents.
[You need not write down any differential equations explicitly, but should provide an explanation of the meaning of a,b,c,α,β,γ,α′,β′ and γ′.]
(b) Prove that the action of [(z−a)/(z−b)]δ on (†) results in the exponential shifting,
[Hint: It may prove useful to start by considering the relationship between two solutions, ω and ω1, which satisfy the P-equations described by the respective P-symbols (†) and ‡]
(c) Explain what is meant by a Möbius transformation of a second order differential equation. By using suitable transformations acting on (†), show how to obtain the P symbol
which corresponds to the hypergeometric equation.
(d) The hypergeometric function F(a,b,c;z) is defined to be the solution of the differential equation corresponding to (⋆) that is analytic at z=0 with F(a,b,c;0)=1, which corresponds to the exponent zero. Use exponential shifting to show that the second solution, which corresponds to the exponent 1−c, is