Paper 1, Section II, A

Fluid Dynamics II | Part II, 2019

A disc of radius RR and weight WW hovers at a height hh on a cushion of air above a horizontal air table - a fine porous plate through which air of density ρ\rho and dynamic viscosity μ\mu is pumped upward at constant speed VV. You may assume that the air flow is axisymmetric with no flow in the azimuthal direction, and that the effect of gravity on the air may be ignored.

(a) Write down the relevant components of the Navier-Stokes equations. By estimating the size of the individual terms, simplify these equations when ε:=h/R1\varepsilon:=h / R \ll 1 and Re:=ρVh/μ1R e:=\rho V h / \mu \ll 1.

(b) Explain briefly why it is reasonable to expect that the vertical velocity of the air below the disc is a function of distance above the air table alone, and thus find the steady pressure distribution below the disc. Hence show that

W=3πμVR2ε3W=\frac{3 \pi \mu V R}{2 \varepsilon^{3}}

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