Paper 2, Section II, F

Algebraic Topology | Part II, 2019

Let T=S1×S1,U=S1×D2T=S^{1} \times S^{1}, U=S^{1} \times D^{2} and V=D2×S1V=D^{2} \times S^{1}. Let i:TU,j:TVi: T \rightarrow U, j: T \rightarrow V be the natural inclusion maps. Consider the space S:=UTVS:=U \cup_{T} V; that is,

S:=(UV)/S:=(U \sqcup V) / \sim

where \sim is the smallest equivalence relation such that i(x)j(x)i(x) \sim j(x) for all xTx \in T.

(a) Prove that SS is homeomorphic to the 3 -sphere S3S^{3}.

[Hint: It may help to think of S3S^{3} as contained in C2\mathbb{C}^{2}.]

(b) Identify TT as a quotient of the square I×II \times I in the usual way. Let KK be the circle in TT given by the equation y=23xmod1.Ky=\frac{2}{3} x \bmod 1 . K is illustrated in the figure below.

Compute a presentation for π1(SK)\pi_{1}(S-K), where SKS-K is the complement of KK in SS, and deduce that π1(SK)\pi_{1}(S-K) is non-abelian.

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