Paper 3, Section II, E

Dynamical Systems | Part II, 2019

Consider a dynamical system of the form

x˙=x(1y+ax)y˙=ry(1+xby)\begin{aligned} &\dot{x}=x(1-y+a x) \\ &\dot{y}=r y(-1+x-b y) \end{aligned}

on Λ={(x,y):x>0\Lambda=\{(x, y): x>0 and y>0}y>0\}, where a,ba, b and rr are real constants and r>0r>0.

(a) For a=b=0a=b=0, by considering a function of the form V(x,y)=f(x)+g(y)V(x, y)=f(x)+g(y), show that all trajectories in Λ\Lambda are either periodic orbits or a fixed point.

(b) Using the same VV, show that no periodic orbits in Λ\Lambda persist for small aa and bb if ab<0a b<0.

[Hint: for a=b=0a=b=0 on the periodic orbits with period TT, show that 0T(1x)dt=0\int_{0}^{T}(1-x) d t=0 and hence that 0Tx(1x)dt=0T[(1x)2+(1x)]dt<0\int_{0}^{T} x(1-x) d t=\int_{0}^{T}\left[-(1-x)^{2}+(1-x)\right] d t<0.]

(c) By considering Dulac's criterion with ϕ=1/(xy)\phi=1 /(x y), show that there are no periodic orbits in Λ\Lambda if ab<0a b<0.

(d) Purely by consideration of the existence of fixed points in Λ\Lambda and their Poincaré indices, determine those (a,b)(a, b) for which the possibility of periodic orbits can be excluded.

(e) Combining the results above, sketch the aba-b plane showing where periodic orbits in Λ\Lambda might still be possible.

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