Paper 1, Section I, H

Automata and Formal Languages | Part II, 2019

(a) State the pumping lemma for context-free languages (CFLs).

(b) Which of the following are CFLs? Justify your answers.

(i) {wwRw{a,b}}\left\{w w^{R} \mid w \in\{a, b\}^{*}\right\}, where wRw^{R} is the reverse of the word ww.

(ii) {0p1pp\left\{0^{p} 1^{p} \mid p\right. is a prime }\}.

(iii) {ambnckdl3m=4l\left\{a^{m} b^{n} c^{k} d^{l} \mid 3 m=4 l\right. and 2n=5k}\left.2 n=5 k\right\}.

(c) Let LL and MM be CFLs. Show that the concatenation LML M is also a CFL.

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