Paper 3, Section II, K

Applied Probability | Part II, 2019

(a) What does it mean to say that a continuous-time Markov chain X=(Xt:0X=\left(X_{t}: 0 \leqslant\right. tTt \leqslant T ) with state space SS is reversible in equilibrium? State the detailed balance equations, and show that any probability distribution on SS satisfying them is invariant for the chain.

(b) Customers arrive in a shop in the manner of a Poisson process with rate λ>0\lambda>0. There are ss servers, and capacity for up to NN people waiting for service. Any customer arriving when the shop is full (in that the total number of customers present is N+sN+s ) is not admitted and never returns. Service times are exponentially distributed with parameter μ>0\mu>0, and they are independent of one another and of the arrivals process. Describe the number XtX_{t} of customers in the shop at time tt as a Markov chain.

Calculate the invariant distribution π\pi of X=(Xt:t0)X=\left(X_{t}: t \geqslant 0\right), and explain why π\pi is the unique invariant distribution. Show that XX is reversible in equilibrium.

[Any general result from the course may be used without proof, but must be stated clearly.]

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