Paper 1, Section II, A

Waves | Part II, 2019

The equation of state relating pressure pp to density ρ\rho for a perfect gas is given by


where p0p_{0} and ρ0\rho_{0} are constants, and γ>1\gamma>1 is the specific heat ratio.

(a) Starting from the equations for one-dimensional unsteady flow of a perfect gas of uniform entropy, show that the Riemann invariants,

R±=u±2γ1(cc0)R_{\pm}=u \pm \frac{2}{\gamma-1}\left(c-c_{0}\right)

are constant on characteristics C±C_{\pm}given by

dxdt=u±c\frac{d x}{d t}=u \pm c

where u(x,t)u(x, t) is the velocity of the gas, c(x,t)c(x, t) is the local speed of sound, and c0c_{0} is a constant.

(b) Such an ideal gas initially occupies the region x>0x>0 to the right of a piston in an infinitely long tube. The gas and the piston are initially at rest. At time t=0t=0 the piston starts moving to the left with path given by

x=Xp(t), with Xp(0)=0.x=X_{p}(t), \quad \text { with } X_{p}(0)=0 .

(i) Solve for u(x,t)u(x, t) and ρ(x,t)\rho(x, t) in the region x>Xp(t)x>X_{p}(t) under the assumptions that 2c0γ1<X˙p<0-\frac{2 c_{0}}{\gamma-1}<\dot{X}_{p}<0 and that X˙p\left|\dot{X}_{p}\right| is monotonically increasing, where dot indicates a time derivative.

[It is sufficient to leave the solution in implicit form, i.e. for given x,tx, t you should not attempt to solve the C+C_{+}characteristic equation explicitly.]

(ii) Briefly outline the behaviour of uu and ρ\rho for times t>tct>t_{c}, where tct_{c} is the solution to X˙p(tc)=2c0γ1\dot{X}_{p}\left(t_{c}\right)=-\frac{2 c_{0}}{\gamma-1}.

(iii) Now suppose,


where α0\alpha \geqslant 0. For 0<α10<\alpha \ll 1, find a leading-order approximation to the solution of the C+C_{+}characteristic equation when x=c0tat,0<a<12(γ+1)x=c_{0} t-a t, 0<a<\frac{1}{2}(\gamma+1) and t=O(1)t=O(1).

[Hint: You may find it useful to consider the structure of the characteristics in the limiting case when α=0\alpha=0.]

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