Paper 1, Section II, B

Principles of Quantum Mechanics | Part II, 2019

A d=3d=3 isotropic harmonic oscillator of mass μ\mu and frequency ω\omega has lowering operators

A=12μω(μωX+iP)\mathbf{A}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \mu \hbar \omega}}(\mu \omega \mathbf{X}+\mathrm{i} \mathbf{P})

where X\mathbf{X} and P\mathbf{P} are the position and momentum operators. Assuming the standard commutation relations for X\mathbf{X} and P\mathbf{P}, evaluate the commutators [Ai,Aj],[Ai,Aj]\left[A_{i}^{\dagger}, A_{j}^{\dagger}\right],\left[A_{i}, A_{j}\right] and [Ai,Aj]\left[A_{i}, A_{j}^{\dagger}\right], for i,j=1,2,3i, j=1,2,3, among the components of the raising and lowering operators.

How is the ground state 0|\mathbf{0}\rangle of the oscillator defined? How are normalised higher excited states obtained from 0|\mathbf{0}\rangle ? [You should determine the appropriate normalisation constant for each energy eigenstate.]

By expressing the orbital angular momentum operator L\mathbf{L} in terms of the raising and lowering operators, show that each first excited state of the isotropic oscillator has total orbital angular momentum quantum number =1\ell=1, and find a linear combination ψ|\psi\rangle of these first excited states obeying Lzψ=+ψL_{z}|\psi\rangle=+\hbar|\psi\rangle and ψ=1\||\psi\rangle \|=1.

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