Paper 3, Section II, 22F22 F

Analysis of Functions | Part II, 2018

(a) Let (X,A,μ)(X, \mathcal{A}, \mu) be a measure space. Define the spaces Lp(X)L^{p}(X) for p[1,]p \in[1, \infty]. Prove that if μ(X)<\mu(X)<\infty then Lq(X)Lp(X)L^{q}(X) \subset L^{p}(X) for all 1p<q1 \leqslant p<q \leqslant \infty.

(b) Now let X=RnX=\mathbb{R}^{n} endowed with Borel sets and Lebesgue measure. Describe the dual spaces of Lp(X)L^{p}(X) for p[1,)p \in[1, \infty). Define reflexivity and say which Lp(X)L^{p}(X) are reflexive. Prove that L1(X)L^{1}(X) is not the dual space of L(X)L^{\infty}(X)

(c) Now let XRnX \subset \mathbb{R}^{n} be a Borel subset and consider the measure space (X,A,μ)(X, \mathcal{A}, \mu) induced from Borel sets and Lebesgue measure on Rn\mathbb{R}^{n}.

(i) Given any p[1,]p \in[1, \infty], prove that any sequence (fn)\left(f_{n}\right) in Lp(X)L^{p}(X) converging in Lp(X)L^{p}(X) to some fLp(X)f \in L^{p}(X) admits a subsequence converging almost everywhere to ff.

(ii) Prove that if Lq(X)Lp(X)L^{q}(X) \subset L^{p}(X) for 1p<q1 \leqslant p<q \leqslant \infty then μ(X)<\mu(X)<\infty. [Hint: You might want to prove first that the inclusion is continuous with the help of one of the corollaries of Baire's category theorem.]

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